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" What is tlie matter witli Oer.. R. A. Alger?" " He's all right." In Georgia at the election of 188G tliere w ere but 27,549 votes polled in tbe whole state, to elect ten congressmen. Tliere are two tliings certain for the Bt Louis convention. One 19 that Cleveland will be renominated, another is that Gov. Cray, of Indiana, will nol be nominatie tor ' President. Cleveland will be rery gray before he is re elected, howeier. The State Central Commktee met in Detroit yesterday and selected Col. Ilenry M. Doffietd as temporary cliairman to suc ceed Mr. James McMillan. The choice is a good one, as the Col. is a strong. able worker, and we hope to see htm leail tlie republican hosts to Tlctory in the fali 'J'he Hon. Cari Schurz appears to be coming to hls senses since having an audieuoe with Blamarek. Oarl uow aays ii, ki ttaouxb lie voted for Cleveland four years since, he has come to the conclusión that the country luis bad all it wants of liini. He belleves a change of administnition nece6.-.iry. The active Republican club, of IJaltimore, Md., which is composed of about 400 of the most prosperous business men of that city, is going to make ts journey ti tlie C'liicngo convention In a novel way. It will start about thiee weeks in ad vanee on a snuill steamcr, and go l)y the way ol the Atlantic ocean. tlie St. LawreBCe and the great lakes. "A public office in a public trust" is a quotntioii l'rom G. Cleveland's public document.. When subjected to the author'8 deflnttloo means"you can t rust a public officer to run the caucuses and conventlons." Oh, civil service reform ! Tliou ire i glittering bauble; beautiful to look upon and talk about bat never to be realizeil under a democratie adininistration. The man to lead the republicm hosts to victory is one who never quails before a foe; who never wavers in the line of liíittle; who has an invulnerable record; and who always looks forward, never backsvard. buch a man Michigan preMiits to the republican convention that meets in Chicago on tbe lOtbofnext moiith. The very name of Gen. Alger possesses a magie, for he is a man who lias liever yet been beaten. Give us Alger and he will give us victory. Let tbe Detroit Journul take notice of the following in the ínter Ocean: "The mock conventions held by college students are expressions of feeling over the Presidential Monilnations. At tliis season of the year they may act as ratlier disorganizing cxcilements to the student approaching an examination, hut in the inain the boy will be the gainer. An American citizen can't be auy too quick Ifariii 11 r the governing principies oí our prosperily, and acquainting himselr with the men wlio are candidutes to execnte them." The wages of laboring men, beyond all dUpute, are far grenter in ttie United States thtin in any otlier coiiDtry in tlie wurld, and the cost of subsistence here is only increased by ita higher grade and more generous amount. Undoubtedly it ia more difflcult for our sixty-lwo milllons of people to find protitable employment in 1888 tlian it was for thirty-five orthirty-six millions in 1861, and the difticulty would be greatly augmented should free trade or the policy of nonprotection ever beconie dominant in tariff legislation. Gen Cabel], U. S. Marshal for the northern district of Texas, throws aside the hypocritieal iiia?k of civil service reform and goes for President Cleveland in this way: "I nm satiafied lliat we are going to have a grent deul of oppotlilon Iliis full, and that it will come f rom a source we little expect. I have made op iny niind that I will go into thls organization whether I vinlate civil service or not. I am a free man, and tliank God I h :i vi1 not lieen made to 'eat tlie leek.' The tact of me holding an ollicinl potltlon iloes not deprive me of the right to assist the democratie party in carrying the banner wherever I please. To deprive me of sueh a liberty is not the inlention of the civil gervice order. A number of gentlemen think It is about tinii; Mr. Cleveland put his gulliotine to work. Senator Morrill wisely says: " No other people seek our markets to confer lavors iipon Americans, but kltogether for their ow n pecuniary benefit. These marki'ts, in their wide extent and In the superior ubility of the consumers, dwarf and surpasj all other markets on the globe, and eliould !e fiuarded by the utmost vigilante of the nation. In tlie world'8 history our diplomatic arrangemenl.s Iimvo not always contributed to the inaintcjiance of markets, and t would be an hilinitcly greater niistake, a more (fcr-reaching mischief, if Congress should voluntarily, and as a free-gift, surrender those golden home markets to thoee wlio do not care for us, or to that empire which after their unconditional gurrender, might well aflord no longer to regret the loss of any American colonies." (neen Victoria ia Ü!i years oíd, and lias eeii ueen of England for 50 years. If lives to be ag uld tl her grandfather iCInjr Georjte III., and reigns until ttien, he Prince of Wales will be 60 years old efore he can asoend tlie tlirone. I lic Detroit riaindcaler eelebrated N iili inniversary witli a mammotli eilition, Ulied to overflowlng with good things. l'lie Plaindealer is au excellent paper, in fact there is no better paper publisbed la tlic exclusive interest of colored peoplc in the world. Long nwy she wave. Cliauncey I)eiew, of New York, lias an incestry as well as Gen. Harrison, of I Ddiann. He is the grandson of the sister ol Kogor Kherman. His mother's father was Clrmncey Mitcliell. Depcw is related to Senators lloar, Kvarts, and Sheriii.-in. Tbece is ;i ptreak of bruin In tlin faiully. The Detroit Kvening News is on the boom contitmally and all the time. For the third time within a year it has been enlarged, tlie last time by' adding a couple of' inches to its length tbus making a better looking page of it, beside giving its readers more matter. Tlie Xews lias n correct cognomen . At the M. E. General Conference, In session at N'ew York City, Dr. J. H. Vincent of Ouautauqua fame and of Rock River conference was elected Bishop yestcrüay, together with Dr. J. V. Fitzgerald of the New York conference. Three more are to be chosen. The time of pastorate has been extended froiu th ree to tive years. Tlie later Oceau of Sunday has a coinmunication boominc Pres. Angelí for President to be voted for by the Michigan de lcjration at Chicago if tliey cannot ?et Alger. Tlie correspoudent says : "AVe liropose the plan rather becaui-e it is curioua thau practicable. Il would certainly seem curious were grave and influential puliticans to look outside their own ranks and penétrate the wholastic circle for presidential material." President Cleveland has vetoed 0 pension bilis within the past week, all for small ainounts to poor people who would have been greatly benetlted by the pittance granted. But let some great getieraPs wife be granted a large pension and Mr. Cleveland sigm the bill with alacrity. He believes, evidently, in kicking the poor and assisting the rich. Had he been sincere In his professions he would have vetoed Mrs. üen. Logau's pension. He didn't have the tnorxl courage to do it. But he can tram]de over poor widi.w's and orphans of whose cases the country in general know nothinp, and pose as a reformer and economist in so doing. A wave of just indignation 11 vet rise up and sweep sueli injustice f rom power.


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