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From The People

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Dextkk. Micli., May lGtb, 1888. Editor ov Cocbier:- Your editorial of May !)th lias just come to my notice. I am sorry our f rienda of the "Courikk have been so misinformed in regard to the actiou taken by the W. C. T. IJ. of the ¦id district In convenlion as-sembleil in Ann Arbor. May 25-27. 1 reail au honest, manly let'er writtcn by Capt. Allen, in response to a request to liim to vote for the Blair Educational bill. The convention was so gratified by the frank avowal of Capt. Allen's position in favor of the bilí, Ihat a resolution of thaoksiro ptiascrf In a ritintj rote- the wliole convenlion rising. Allow me to correct another mistakc- some of our mort important departments, as is always the case- were lcft In the lianda of the executivc committee of the district to appoint superintendent. The department oi " Work of Railroail Men " is an essential oneand will be continucJ- wc dkl not know "that tliis branch of work has been so crippled "-we tlionght it very successful. The W. C. T. U. was long ago, fully coramitted to prohibition, because we believe it the riglit way to remove tiie evil of tntemperance. Ifweare In politics our temperance work lias hrought us here, and as we have enlisted for lite, we have plenty of time, and shall help our brothers clean house, sweep down the cobwebs, scrub the floois, and purify the place generally „t the saloon infliieiice, or perhaps remove to better quarters, and by aud by, shall help them by volingfor jrood meii to make better laws, and honest oflicers to enforce these laws. Tlic time is rapidly advancing when the saloon will be a crime of the past, and the two hundred thoimnd woinen of the W. C. T. U. will do their part to basten that glad day. Please do us the justice to print in your next issue my comniunicntion and obllge, Jii.ia Dextek Stansahu. The articlein a recent paper concerning the W. C. T. U. and its harmful (to itself ) meddling in politics was ritten after reading the report of the Secretury of the Union, as published in the Ypsilantian, and after a personal interview witli her. Mrs.Sliier lnformed us tbat the action of tlie committee concerninjj the resolution was to smolher it in the committee without reportinp it bnek to the meeting. An aclive worker in the l'nion writes us conccrninr it as follows: "The little W. C. T. U. artic'.e txpressed my sentiments exactly, and 1 wonder why some of the leading workers In the organization will persist in dabbllng in politics ii m til the ([iiiet workeis are thoroughly disgusted." And it ií a notable fact t'hat In Ann Arbor some of the best Chrislian ladies have become eo disgusted at seeing tliis noble Union Med by tbe ' politicians to further their sellisli ends that they have almost entiiely witlidrawn from the work, uutil thote schemers shall be relegated to back teat, If indeed they happily can be be f o re they kill it as the Bed Ribbon cluli wero killed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News