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Prof. Demmon lias no faith in Ignatiii iJoiiiielly's Baconiun theories. The Argoniiut is to have a column de voted to the high school hereai'ier. Cornell itndenta must not yell o Ithaca'a streets. Tlie pólice allow then 10 whisper, however. The seniors who gradúate thls yearar now requested to deposit $10 witli Secre tary Wade for their diploma. There wil) bc nothing in the minstre eiiteruinineut that ladles will object to Everybody eau go to the show. The class of "81 has elected the followïng board of editors tor the next Oracle Metsro. Stillman, Walker, Holland Miiiiii, Thayei, Lowenhaufi, Seelve aiu Butler. 'l'inrc uas au exclting and excellent Boe f ba.-e ball Saturday, between the (Jassclubof Detroit, and the Uutversitle? tlie Utlter being leíeated by a score of S to :}, costly errors in two innings resulting disastrously to the the Universitj bojt. About $2,000 have already been expended tor apparalus to fit out the new hyglne hall, and $2,000 more is to be speut for the same purpose, making it one of the most complete now In the country, and the "physical course," bids fair to be Immensely popular. 'Amaryllig or the Tale (?) of two Donkeys- a Pastoral of the late Koman Empire," is the title of a roariug farce to be given at the gym. minsirel sliow on or about June lst. Tlie entire College Glee Club will compose the circle, and eight end men will créate uo end of amusement- so they say. The l'oiversity Prohibition Club is making arrangenients for a ratification meeting to be held immediately after the Xational Prohibitiou Convention. The meeting will nrobably be held Saturday nlgbt. Dr. I. K. Funk, of New York, editor of the Voice, has been secured to deüver tlie aildress. Mrs. ,)ane Ever Smoot, of Chicago, gradúate of the Üniveraty, class of '81, ii visiting her brother C. 15 Eyer, law '88. Mrs. 8. is the wife of one of the leadiiifi young lawyers of Chicago, and wïien in college. hereassisted in founding the Michigan Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, the lirst iadies' society of the U. of M. The recular nnuuel Field l)ay occura on the 2Gtb inst., and this year is under the auspecief of ttie base ball association. l'rizes are nffered for 100 yards dash, 120 yards imidle race, 230 yards dash, 440 yards dash, throwing the hammer, putting shot, standing broad jump, running high jump, running long jump, pole vault, light weiglit sparring, heavy weiglit sparring, heaTy weight wrestling and drop kick, and to any other game where there are two or more couipetitors. The fitli wan] boys worked well at the Jewott hou-e fire. The re was i brilünnt display of aurora borelig Sunlay evenln;. Soinethlng unnraally grand. The contract lor tbe irpentry on the new S. C. A. balldlng lias been awmded to Wil. ('opeland. The Hljrh öcbool baseball club are to play the Manchester club on the grounds of the latter, next Saturday. J. B. Davison has placed a sample of potatoes prown in his garden thls spring, on oor table. They are not very large, hut are potatoes just the Mine. A line reildesee II belng built on Orlen-ns st. by Mrs. Luklnt, Win. C'. Jacobna belng the builder. Among the piet u res exhiblted at the recent exUlbitlon of the Nailon 1 Academy of Design, N" V. city, wns one of nincli me rit J) y Min Alta Wilmot, fonnerly of th is city, enlilled a '-Studio Interior. ' The pt-ople wbohare so kindly reinemberedthe G. A. R. Pot-t with flowers in the past will not need to be reminded that a üke ivmembiaiioe s atain desired. Thoe baring flowera to spare wlll please send tlietn to tlie agricultura] room in thecourt liouac basement on Wednesday next before 8 o'olock a. m. There is no danger of gettlng too inany. Tliere ís to be nnotlier meeting ol the society for the preventloii of cruelty to animáis on Tuesday cvcniiiir, May 29tli, at Firemau's Hall, wlien the organizaron will be perfectPíl. Thta society is to work under a state law which prescribes ts dutiea and powers, and the city is to be coiifiiutulated apos the fact that such a society is to be iormed here. Frank F. Taylor and famlly, of Dexter, hive removed to Bast Tawas. Mr. Taylor luis pnrehased a one-third Interest in the mercbaiitlle establishment owned by Maj. Wni. C. Stevens, of this city, and a partner. The people of East Tawas are to be coiifjratulated upon the acquisiiinn of so worthy a young ííentlein a n and ihoronh business man. .Toseph Polhemus, uho has been actiriif as s-ubstitute mail carrier since free deliveiy went into effect, has been appoint-d a recular carrier by Postmastt-r Duffy. Aftt-r much work una nmny letters settlng forth the absolute liècaity ot exira help, the government lias ut last ]i-tened to our potniaster anil ordered nnotlier carrier. This will enable our authorities here to (rive a more extended service, and renen fartlier on the out¦klrta, wliere free delivery is such an accominodatiou. Owing to the Uw passcd by the last legislature dlviding tlie liqtior tax inoney with the coiinty, hikI for otber causes, the city of Aun Ai'bor finds its treasury depleted by teme $0,000. This fact rendéis t neceasary tor the present conncil to come before the people and ask for the i:iiinu of $5,000 by tax to meet the city's obligation, and a ppeciul election lias been called for Monday, June 4tb, at Firfinan's Hall, to vote upon a propos:rlon to spread upon the tax rolls this fall the gum of $5,000 for general purpose?. The ruislnsc of this amouot is absolutely necessary to un honorable and prompt meeting of expenditures on the part of the city. The general fund and the general street fund are both largelyoverdrawn, and the people who work upon the streets or who work for the city in other capacities, must either wait for their pay until the 1-t of February next or Mibmit to having thpir wiirrants shaved by money lendcrs. The city is in too excellent a tinancial condition to allow snrli a state of afluirá to exist, and the tax should be votcd without hesitation. LastThursday night atabout 11 o'clock, flamea rtere discoveral IsMiirig trom the residence of the late Samuel P Jewctt, Bfq., on ". llnron st., and tliey IihcI iiaiued racb lieadway that the structurc vr;ts burned to the ffiound, the tírcmeu being unable to stay their progress. The house was a fine oue and estimated to be wortli $4,000. and the contents, also burned, including the libran, wasvalued at $2,000, on all of whlch there was but $2,000 inguranoe. The property of the late Mr. Jewett was in proceRS of settlement In the probate court, and the loss falls equally upon the clilldren. The premlsea were bc-in;; cred for by a geni lcin.-iii attondiug the l'niversity, and smoke had been detected in the aftenioon of that dny, we understand, but a thoiougli'ch failed to tind anything burnin. The fire rcsulted trom a defective chiraney we are told. It was by the roerest streak of good fortune tliat tliere happened to be any inguranco nt all upon the place, Jndge Kinne finding that flbere was none upon the property, had upon liisown responslbllity placed $2,000 upon the house only one week previous to the fire.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News