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DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning wben he has Rheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is Himply awful. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than these twin diseases. But - oughtu't a man to be blamed if, having Khoumatism or Neuralgia, he wout use Ath-Io-j)ho-ros, when it has cared thousands who have suffered in the same wny ? It has cnred handreds alter physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The kill of flT phrsicUiu onuld not enre me of Rheumatiflro wbich had settled in the hip, neck and shoaldera. SomteuM wi thepaln that nleep was olm-wt tmpoeaible. The firnt done of Athluphorne n?n mm relief, and the ttrird enfthled me to leep for fonr and a half houra without wakinc I oontinned iUt ntw. and uu duw weü " Rzv. 8. H. TROYKR. Ne Albai.y. Ind JESend 6 oonts for the tvantlfiil polored picture, " Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si. N.Y. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE 4m B contains no Opium or dac 9% Kerous drug. Can bc Ukeu mKUM y any out at any time jaBSËWm e '"' au1 bett D'w feH sebYoi-'sxiïsb, hpa-sms! old by Druggists. Sample Boitlos Freí BfñBTV,ewaídd nre those wh0 rea1 n LH ilihl" an? then aet; they w flnd iki.UU I uonamble empioyment that wlll m , n.not "ÜÍ6 thera from thelr homes and families. The profits nre large and uure for every Industrióos, many Imve made and are now making sevgral hundred dollars month. It Is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, wbo Is wllllnir towork. Klther ex, young or oíd; capital notneeded; we tart y ou. Every tlitng new No special ablllty requlred, you, reader can do It aa well as any oue. Wrlte to ns at once for full particular, whleh we mail free Addres Silnson & Co.. Portland, Malne. A Coneentrated Llquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. MANUFACTURED BY SPECIALTY DtT PHIL. BEST BREWINQ CO. Aids Digestión. Cures Dyspepuia. Streiigthens the System. Restores Sound, Refreslihig Sleep. Prieeless to Xiirsing Mothers. Becomniended In Eminent Piiysiclans. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS.


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