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How The Choice Was Made

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Tlure whs once a tnilor wlio liad h ent ifu t daogbtar A'l tlie young men rom fr and neur cmne to vislt ht-r beause of bar beauty. Two rlvals smlit icr onc ilay, and Siiid : It laoii tornt account that webave MM hither." "What d you want of me?' sho replied, smilitifr. Wb loye you," relnrned the young lien, "and oaoh t' u- wishes to inarry on" The malden, belng fll bnnighl lip, ciillid bot father, wlio listeued tü the two over, iind Ihen mMI "It is late; o home nou, bilt come arain to-inoirow, and you tbaU then iñow wliich of you muy ''ve my laugbter.V At dajbre&k tibe n.xt morninji the two rouS ïutii reluined. "Here w re,1' hey ei led to the t.iilor; " remember wlmt you prouüscd yctirdiiy." "Walt i litile," lie replied. "I am poin to towB to buv a iiiece of cloth. Wlicn I return home wllh It you s-hall enrn wlmt I el peet fiom you.'' Wheii the tallor returned from town ie callecl his diiuijhter, and on her apleanuice he said to the youn' men: "My childieii, therc aré twoot' ynu, and I have hut imc daujrhter To wliom (¦huil I fiive her? Whom mut [ refuse ? [JehoKl this ptrOB of clotli. 1 will cut from it two mJtt of clotlies exactly alikc; ¦iic-li of you must few one of tliem; he wlio tinishes hi tak Ürst sliall have my dmigütat." Eich of the rivals took his laak find prepnied to pet about it. The tather all"d bil d iiighler and suid to her: "Here is the thread, niiike it ready for the two wolkers." Toe lawMttl obeyed lier fatlier, and takinf: the liundle of threud, scateil herself nearthe younit men. Hut fhe was clever 88 she whs beautiful; tiiough her father did not know wliich of the two she lnved best, nor the youiif{ men thi mselvep. aha knew Mil enough. The tailor went nway. the iiiaidi u piHmied the linead, the yoiuiff nicn took tlieir needlis and berrán lo ew. Ti Ilif mie she lovrd the lieauly fpnt ihort Bi e lleluls. Tlicv ewed and lewnd u eajjer baste; ai i li ve:i oVlm k 1 1 1 ycuni; man wlio had short i,e''lhliiU hul (ompleted hls task, whi.e I ol In r liail inni'h to do. When tlie tailoi returned tbc co; ([ i r r lirmiüht hun the com]leted suil, w'.ile hi- rival íitill 8at Mwlng. ".My ciiililrcii mihI the fatlii r, "I dld not wi.-h to tavoroue more Ihan unotüer; thüt was why I dividcd tlie clith Into twoiqual parts aud told you, 'He wlm Hnisbed lita txk tirsl shall have my daUKhter.' Did yen underi-titnd me? 'Father, " replied the young men, "'we nndentand you, and accept the test; wliat muit he, must." The'.or bad ie:iaoned thu-: " He WHO UnM e lirst will he the most skill ful wuikmaii, and couscqiiently bitter able to .-iipport a witi-." but lie nevor imairiiieil that hls daul ter won' I give lontr ïn'i diefnl9 to a man she did not wUh to ui'iiv. ClevelneSfl tulfled tl. e dfny, and inalilnn reallv chose her umi


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News