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Washtenaw Pomology

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Mr. Baldwlo praeided at t lie June meeting. Kec'y (janboni raad n letter from See'y of State askinir lor fruit statiptics. Mr. Oaii.horn experta an average crop of peaches, pluma very lavorahle, (minees fall, gnipeí vrry '.vt-ll Mt. Dr. C. Ilowell MWUK pi 'arnés, applv, qaincea and pean more promfeiiifr. G rape are very good looking, itrawberries suft'ered soine from tlie cold, lilackberrleí niid raapberrleí look very goed. E. Haur says líartletts and theearller varietit-3 of pean, like Uigords and Kostizer, look more promisiog Iban last montli. Flcmish Heauties overbore la-t year, and the crop will be lijíht. FKI'IT BXOKAKeB. Piof. 15. K Ntcbote, obalrman oí the coiiiniittee whicli has done Mich good work last vear, saving for the fruit growers froin five to six hundred dolí 119 on tfaasportatiop, gave a full report of lila work so íar, so that thlppttn will have also clieap transportatioii for berrlei. íome fruit growers wlio never bear any burden of llic pociety, eithcr in mouey or lime, who, however, are always leady to tiike tdvaotage of the hard work of their fellows, have even nei;lected to pay tlicir last year'á tax of one cent per bushel, whicli tlie active meinbers paid lonj; ajro to Prof. Nichols. Mr. Cianzliorn reported that the fruit exchange of South Haven is incorporated. The directora have appointed a fruit inspector who attendl to the llilpping and distribiition of fruit and rejects inferior fruit and measurc. Tilia exchange Uas saved to the fruit men during lust Macón f 1.50 per barrel on applea alone. ) D. lialdwin said we shottld in time make arrangements for shipping peaches in refriiferator cars, especially ut the ripening of C ra w ford peaches and Bartlett pean. E. Baur said the berry business should not be overlooked. Last year strawberriesdid not pay. Lurge frowers llooded the inarkel, and full quart baskets liad to compete with smaller baskets at the saine price. A inongother business the topic "Creainery" had to be laid over for want of tllDe. The faimers and our business men should take tliis topic iu hand. The topic "Fruit Exchansc '' should cali out every fruit grower. Lack of sj'stem in the sale and distribution of fruit resulted annually in losses which we have suffered too long. The committee on fruit exchange will have an extra ses8Í011 next Saturday at 7 p. m., at tlie resldenct- uf President Baldwin. Emil Batjb, Cor. öec'y. Tlie Aljjer club of Detroit is golan to the Chicago conventioo in lnrge number, Hiid Battery ü Arinory )ihh been ecured for headquarters, eacli inember belns Hssiffned a separate cot and bluuket. A special rate is mude for these lodgingsat five dollars per man, or ten dollars will pay transportaron to Chicago and return to Detroit wlth lodgings wliile there. A special train leaves Detroit Monday niorniiif; (ti a fine bnlid. Those folDg are requested to purchase a gray duster and a tall lighr tin teil bat, whicli eau be purchased of Mablev for $1 T"). Any Olie for Aljer can get these rutes liv writing lo the treasurer, John F. Melvinlay, ü Griswold st., Detroit. Our 4th of Jniy mei),.... u u m' as üeath. llrs. Elijah Benton, 011e of tbe earl, seltlers of the township of Lima, dl( lliis ïnoruing. There is to be tm KMial Thandw JoliD Ferdon has boujcht one of tht Deke's houses wliicli he nteiuls to move un Iris farm and inike a retldOQOa ot. The dead-lock on city marshal in Ypgi lrtiiti'a comnion councll luis been brokei by the election of .lake Martin, rt-jn 1 1 1 i eau. A brakeniiin was badly mnngluil on Uu T. & A. A. K. R. Monday aflernoon, :i Hamburg. Dr. Henlmaii went out an ninpututed un arm, luit il, is doubtftt] II the injured man eau survive. Abraham Davis, of Delhi Mills wmê buried Mouday, ged 52 yeftM, the funeral services heing conducted by líev. B. H. Adams. He was one ot' the bighly respected residents of tliis county. The Ampliion Club will give a series of concerts at Bay View this luinmer. They hope to inake cnough mouey -tt tlie cuinmencement concert to pay tiieir expenses to Bay View and retuin. Samson B. Oiilton, of the city of Brooklyn, N. who reccntly DU rehaced the Cook Hotel property in this city, hassold the same to Asa W. Parker, of Hempstead, X. Y., for $:i5,000, the same as he paid tor it. The animal eouvcntion of the diocese of Michigan, nieets at St. Paul's church, Jackson, to-day and to-morrow. Delegates froni tliis parish are: Chas. H Richtnoml, J. M. Wheeler, H. J. Brown, with Maj. Soule, C. W. Penny and O. S. Denison as altérnales. A larjre barn and cnrn crib, on the nina of Dr. W. B. Smith, m the river road about l'o miles enst of the city, burned Honday afternoon wlth nll their cnntents. In tlie Iwrn was all the farra implements, a family carriage, WHgous, sleiglia i ele, all of wbicli were burned. The Dr. estimates liis loss ut 3,500 with $1,500 nsurance. The lire wiis of incendiury origin, and the undoubted work ot tramps. Had nooneseen thepliotngraphof Mrs. Ormiston Cliaut, of London, Bngland, wliicli is displayed iu the winüovv of .Mr. Ktiidnll on Hurón st., but simply listened to wliat 8lie had to say to the public at the Unitarlan cliurch last Sundny morniii}; and evening, they would have formed a most excellent opinión of the lady. Her addresses are sucli as touch the public hoart, but her pictures, posod and draped as the Madonna a'we ;m nnfuvorable impresslou of one who is really a noble woman.


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