POND-On Thursday, May Sist. 188S, I.ir,IAN JBSSIE, oldest dniiKhter of fieo H. Pond. Boru ut Flint, June llth, 187H. Funeral services were held at the faniily residenee on K. Ann st , on Friday eveniDg June lat, nt 8 o'clock, ]{ev. Dr. Katnsay condncting them. On Saturday morning the retnaiiiB were taken to Fllnt for iiiterment by the sule of her niother, who had iirccedeil her nbout one year. In tbe ilfiiih nf thi8 üttle. loved one, as pationt and sweet. a spirit as ercr aninmteil a liumah body or blessl a lióme, hag been called away. There U a vacant place in the family circle, but her dear memory wil i reina in with us, as gwcet incensé to our hearts, as long as life lasts. MEYER-Iu DUboro' at the rosldence of hls non, ou Monday evenlug,' June Hli, Jacob Meyer, Sr., aged 70 yeurs. The disease that terrninated his life ¦as an affection of the heart.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Lillian Jessie Pond
Jacob Meyer
George H. Pond