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The Children's Day

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The followitií? lo reference to the exercises of Saturday will be of interest to everybody: The marching will be UDder the manage ment of Major Soule, assisted by teachers and one or two boys froin each school. The deconitions of tho hall will be superintended by Mr. Morgan, aesisted by Mr. Uandall and a large committee from the schools and churches. Judge Harriman will net as president of the day, Prof. Henwick as musical director. President Angelí and Dr. Earp will each make very short addresses. The exercises in the hall wil) begin at abont 2 o'clock nnd consume probably not over one hour. Music in parade by bands of the city; in the hall by ChequHmegons. l'ROQRAME FOR PROCESSIOX. The Court House bell will ring at 1 o'clock p.m.,at wblch time all the chlldren of the clltrerent wards should be assumbled at tüelr respective schools. The slxtb. ward school, with the Marshal and Cltjr Baud at the head, will leave tbelr Kiounds at 1:15 p. ra., and pass through the Unlversity campus by the diagonal walk to Slieehau h corners, Joln the flrst ward school whlch wlllform behlnd tbem; golng nortli on State street, they will pass the High School where the proceselon will be Joined by the Klghth grade puplls, who will lorin lu the rear of the tlrst ward. Thence the procession will go north to Howery St , then went to División where It will be Jol ned bythefourth ward, St. Thomas aud fiftli ward schools In the order In whirti they are named. The proceoslon will then move isouth on Dlvislou St. to Ann, west on Ann St. to Flfth wbere the second and tnlrd wrd scboolB wlll form In the rear of the secona división. In the order named. From thls polnt on the procesaion wlll be complete. The line wlll now move soutli on FlfthSt. to Huron, then west on Hurón lo Kourth, uortli on Fourth to Ann, west on Ann SI, to Main, soulh on Main to Liberty east on Liberty to División, south on División to Jefferson, east on Jefterson to State, nortb on dlule to nialii en trance to the Unlversiiy Hall. Each ward and school are expected to be [irompt in Joinlng the processlou, so that there may be no delay. The flrst ward and elghth grade hould Unie the starting In reference to the Hlxth ward. The flflh ward, heudid by the Huron liand.should start at 1 ::iü, go np Broadway and Detroltöt. to División, up División and form behlnd the St. Thomas school, which should start at 1 : 45. " The second ward shonld leave thelrgronnda at 1:40, go north to Liberty St., on I.lberty to Second St , here the thlrd ward, whlch bas slarted at 1:45, wlll form behlnd. The two wardswill then move east on Catharlne to 1-ifth. then soutli on Flftb to Ann here thpy illjoin the mai n processlon. The Huron Band wlll bavea posltlon In the rear of the fourth ward Eaoh school wlll have a banner whlch will be cairled at the bead of the school. The line ofmarch has been planncd wlth a due consideraron to the comfort of the chlldren Everytliiug possible wlll be done to nake thls day ono of the most pleasant of tholrlives. It Is suggested that cltl.ens along the route f the procpssion, decórate thelr residences ind places of business, and In that way conirlbute to the pleasures of the day . Those who have teams and vehlcle In the city, Salurday alteruoon, are respectfully re'ia,e,sei} "?. keeP tnem off e streeu, over whlch the line of march exteuds, at the time he processlou Is passing. üy order of ('omnilttee. Tlm Aun Arbor base ball club went o Manchester last Wednesdny anü layed a gaine with the clubof that place. Our boya did not expect to wiu the ame, is the Mancbester team has a profesional baftery, but tliey were bappilydisippoiuteil as tbe foUowing score will Iíow : ANN AKBOIl. m W j M ti m Jampion. s.a 5 1 1 1 Armstroug, 2nd b... 5 2 8 6 12 Spokes.c 8 1 1 10 3 1 Mitliitney, p 5 1 2 0 11 2 temper, ist b 4 0 0 9 0 1 Ceunedy.-Sd l 1 4 1 1 o 1 langslerfer, 1. 1 .... 4 0 (I 0 0 0 Hohumacher, c. f .. '410000 Miller- Clark, r. f. .. 4 0 1 lino TolaU 40 i) 27 I 17 9 MANCHKSTKK. M' ' J ______ o; Vandine, K., r. f. ..18 0 0 0 0 0 llrardin, p 5 0 0 0 11 O StoSTSTb" 5 'e ? ? í i: Marshall, c. t. 4 0 10 0 0 Kiause, s. 4 0 18 '¦! 0 Hall, o 4 0 0 12 3 0 Koch. 1. f.. .... 4 () 0 1 0 1 Vandlne, Fred lut.b. 4 119 0 0 Teláis ;li 3 4 27 17 j 7 Karned runs, Aon Arbor 8; 2 base lilis, Spokes; Homerun, ArniNtritnij; struck out, Malmney 9; Ulrardln (i; Tlme2:35; Umpire, H. D. Meritiiew. SI 'OKI BY INNINOS. 1234567SH Aun Arbor -3 0 0 0 0 0 :i 0 0-8 Manchester- 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-3


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