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THE Commerce Oommlttee repoited back the River and Harbor bill to the Senate on the 28th. A resolutlon that the Injunclion 01 secrecy bc removed from all the proceedlngs of tho Sonate tn reference to the Bshery treaty was adopted In the House btlls were Introduced to retire ex-soldlers and sallorswtao have been wounded In baltle after twcnty-one years of service In the civil service; provlding for an Assistant Secrotary of War, anJ provldlng for issuing bond to refund the National debt. The [ftolatlve, Executlví nd Judicial Appropriatton blll wiis f urther consldered. In the Senate on tho ü!Uh the nshery quetion was discusscd In open executive sessfon. Ut being the IlrM lime In the history of the Señalo' that siich a sesiion has boon held. The bill reTlvlng the grade of Ciencml of the Army, and to '.iMicnil Shrridan appolnted to that positton, wis jKised by a vote of 84 to T. Adlourneil to the .list . ... In the House the Legilative Appropriationbillwas dtscussed, without flnally disposinc of IV There was no sossion of the Senate on the 30th uit The Demócrata of the House met In caucus and adopted a resolutlon binding the Democratie memoer to support in the Houas only such amendments to the Mills Tarlff bill in were indorsod by the Democratie meraber oí the Whvs ;md Means Coinnuttee. Tin: bill to quiet the title of settlers on th Des Moiues nverlands in lowa was pas.sed ia the Senate on tho 31st uit. The conference report on the bill to esUblish a epartnient oí labor was accept cd In the House the blll to créate a depai -tinent of labor was passed as it came trom tho Señale. The debate on the Mills Tanff bill was resumed under the flveminute rule. '1'hk Sonate on the Ist passcd the House bill to amend tho Agricultural College act of 18SX. The lndian Approprlation bill wa reconsidered. In executive session the nomination of Lleutenant-Ueneral Sheridan to be General of the Army was conflrmed. Adjourned to the th In the House the Senate bill revivingfor the benefit of Lieutenant Ueneral Sheiidaatbe rank of General of the Army was passcd. Reports were presented favoring public buildings at Burlington, Ia., and Winona, Minn. The Leeislative Approprlation bill and the blll for the protection of lndian Terrltory ofilclals wero passcd. The Tarlff bill was further considered. Twelve private pension bilis were passed at the evenmg sesston. DOMESTIC. James Mi Laushjj & Sox, woolen manufacturera at ttkaneateles Falls, N. Y., iailed on the 2Sth for over 1350,000. Three children were swept away by the swollen flood of 8olomon creek in Kansas on the 28th and were drowned. Thomas Waogoner, of Jackson, 111., charged with aceepting eleotion bribes last fall, was on the '-!Sth found guü, ordered to be disfranehised for five years, contined in the eounty jail lor ninety days, and to pay the costs of prosecution. This was the first case under the new law. GOYIBSOR Martin, of Kansas, on the 30th pardoned A. M. Campbell, who had ser ved fouiteen years of a twenty years' sentence for criminal assault on hls own dauffhter, recent investigations proviug that he was innocent, and thathis daughter had been incited by her niother to prefer the charge. Orders wers issued on the 39th for the discharge of all men whose service could be dispenicd with on the Pennsylvani railway east of Pittsburga and Erle. About flve thousand persons would be laid off. Tnrc six Methodist Bishops elect, Drs Vincent, Fitzgerald, Coodsell. Joyce, Newman and Missionar.v Bishop Thoburn, were consecrated in New York on the atth. Nf.w-í was reoelred on the 29th of the murder, a few miles from üsceola, Ark., ol Mrs. Htok-s Allen, a rldow, and hor two children. n boy and girL It was discovered on the 2iHh that th band of Apache Indians uhiih has been committinff depredatiuns and murder ia Bonora during the last two years is led by two Amerieans, named Ked Murphy and West. The First National Bank, the Curtin Opera-House and several business buildings were burned on the -ü'th at Bellefonte, Pa. Loss, -:;iM).ütn). The hearins in New York in the A. T Stewart will case dcvelopcd the fact on the ¦Oth tliat after the testator'8 death his widow spent nearly $1,800,000 for legacies gratuities, annuities, charities and gifts to relativa. araeouag-ta iiew ï oric on the ÍJOth of the National Civil-Service Reform League Ueorpre William Curtis read an address on " The Reason and the Ji.'sult of Civil-Service Rcforni." Three deputy sheriffs were fatally shot on the 30th uit. during an attemptto arrest a gang of rivermen at Muslck's Ferry, Mo. Georoe William Cubtii was re-electec president of the Civil-Service League at the meeting in New York on the 80th uit ftmoluttona ware adopted censuring President Cleveland for disregarding civilservloe rules. A fatal shooting affray occurred on the 30th uit. at Holdodge, Neb., rosulting in the death of Will Kurfes, a bar-tender, and A. J. Wenquest, a farmer. Tn United States Brewers' Association llegan its twenty-eifilith auuual coeveutiou in St. l'aul on the 30th uit. Three men were crushed, two of them fatally, by a lumber "crib" weighing frty thousaud pounds, at La Crosse, Wis., on the 30th uit. The residence of Mrs. Lee Jerome, at Wichita, Kan., was entered by burglars on the :iüth uit. and f10,000 worth of diamond and other jewelry were carried off. Tuk Walliugford (Conn.) Wheel Company's shop was struck bv lightning on the ÜOth uit. Loss, tlOO.000. Dispatchkb of the 30th uit. say that Colorado had been blessed by an extraordinary rain-fall, the greatest ever known in the State, and its effect had been to stimulate vegetation to a remarkable degree. Decoration Dat was generally observed in all parts of the country on the 30th uit. In New York City President Cleveland reviewed the parade. Ureat excitement prevailed on the SOtb. uit. at Georgetown, Brown County, Ind., over the finding of gold in large quantitie, and of the flnest quality, on the farm of William H. Arwine, A Row-BOAT containing six men was eapsized in the river at Fall River, Mass., on the 30th uit and three of them were drowned. Durin'o the four days ended on the 30th uit. John Winters, a Chicago carpenter, lost four of his children from diphtheria. A BfcOCK of buildings at Selma. Cal., was burned cm the Sist uit. Loss. $100,000. Henry Wkavku, who last December killed Miles West, ivas executed on theSlst uit. in Kaii.v Cminty, Georgia. The General Synod of the Reformed Presbyteriuti churdl adopted a resolution at Pittsburgh o the Ist uit. that the constition of the United States is a virtual agreeraent or oampad to administer the Government without reference to Christ or Christian religión. Bprino wheat prospects tliroughout the West and Northwest were on the Sist uit. generall.v regarded as cneouraging. Afiheoh theiilst uitat St. Paul Park, Minn., destroyed the St. Paul knitting works, causing a loss of $117.000. AU) and Nïi.lis Mozley, aged one and n i neloeu yeai, were 1 ro w uod on l li dist uit. in the Missouri river at Kangas City by the capsiting of a bout. W. H. Moors, caihier and general manager of the Bank of Socorro, N. M. fled to Mexico on the Sist uit., and the bank had cloaed its doors. Advkks of the Ut uit. s;iy tliat the recent tornado which swept ovor the, Pennsylvania oil regióos caused a loss of W.000,UOU. Hundreds of house were unroofed or l)lown down. The tomado traveled. at Uie rate of seventy miles an hour, and was acoompanied by waterspouts and terriflo whirlwinds. Whii.e making soft soap on the 31st uit. narKprinrtielii, Ho., Jessie Wajdron feil into tlie fWand wa burned to dewth. Mbs. Anna Mi (i AtrERTr was accidentally shot and killed on the Mist uit. by her sou Hugli, aï'd ignttu years, at Yorktown, Pa. The boy was 'fooling" with m pistol. Ax explosión on the raft-boat Invernosa onthe3lst uit. MM Quinoy, 111., caused thr death of tive men. Uatid A., b yonng man. aecidentally shot and killed lus bride of two wooks at their linme in Chicago on the 31st uit. They were fooling with a pistol. ïhs MethodistGeneral conference closed its session at Npw York on the 81t uit. A setere wind-storm passed over several counties in Virginia on the 31st uit., dcmoJishing barn and femcs and uprooting trees. There was rejoiciiiR alune the line of the Louisville Southern railroad onthe31stult. over its opening for general traffle. THB hospital of the University of Pennylvania, at Philadelphia, wa9 burned on the, Sist uit. Many speeiiiens and models were lost. Thb steamor Fultoa was blown up on the 31st uit. by the explosión of her boller at Pass a Loutre, Ijl., and Edward Perkins, the pilot, and Captain Biddle were killed. At noon on the lat the charter making Ithac the twenty-ninth city in the State of Nevr York went into operation. AT the session in Pittsburgh on the lst of the Reformed Presbyterian Hynod of the United States a resolution was adopted deprecating the publication of Sunday newspapers, and instiucting the presbyteries to prosecute by proper discipline alL members who advertise in the same. Tiiirr were 186 business fallures in tha United States during the seven days ended on the lst, against rJ18 the previous seven days. The total of failures in the United States from January 1 to date is 4,551, against 4,:14 in 1U87. Two BOH.ER3 in the Eureka iron works at Wyandotte, Mich., exploded on the lst, wreeking the building and killing three men. Hiaïï frosts were reported on the IbI from Bant Ta was and Tustin, Mioh., as bavlng damaged vines, clover and fruit, and a severe hall storm from Springfleld, Mo., that injured all crops and ruined some wheat and corn lields. A riRE on the lst in the lumber-yards a1 Gull rlver, near Brainerd, Minn., consumed. over fourteen million feet of lumbét. Fivs men were probably fatally scaldec on the lst by the explosión of the boiler oa the raft-boat Evansville, near Winona Minn. ThL publii'-debt statement on the Is1 ghowed the total debt to be $1,700,460,418; cash in treasury, $94.706, '17; debt Ies9 cash in treasury, $1,180,014,130. Decrease1 during May, fi.tílH.NW). Decrease since June 30, 1887, 99,414.577. Asiimw üraxostafk, a youn despera do, was arrested on the lst for the reeen murder of Reuben Drake and his wife an two grandchildreu near Viroqua, Wis. and confessed the crime, and soon after ward was taken froin jail by a mob and hanged toa tree. R. R. Wii.i.son, eashierof the Pittsburgh Cincinnati & St. Louis fre ght departmen at Columbus, O. , absconded on the lst witU about t".000 belonging to the company. Hï a collisiou of t rain-, on the lst near Waverly, N. Y., two men were killed bik three others were fatally injured. A HKAvr lunnel-shaped cloud passed southeast of Sprinrteld, Mo., on the lst and (treat clamare was reported to erop and buildings. Mus. Ameiik a Rawson, oí Chicago, the wife of the banker, S W. Rawson, and complainant in the notoriousifgjfi-- nUred J'u'Wfn' five shots at H. C. Whit n'ey, hér husband's attorney. Two of the bullets hit the lawyer, but he was no seriously injured. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. William Kmert was nominated for Con (rress on the 'iíHh by the Democrats of the First district of Maine. Thb Twenty-third Assembly District As soelation of the New York Central Labor party passed a resolution on the 29th expelling Henry George. Impbovement in the case of General Sheridan continued on the 21Hh. The Democrats of the Fourth district o: North Carolina on the 29th nominated B H. Bunn for Congress. Pen.nsti.vaxia Republicans on the 29th renominated JohD Dalzell for Congress in the Twenty-second district and Thomas M Bayne in the Twenty-third. The National Woman Suffrage Associa tion in secsion at Boston oa the 29th adoptsc a resolution urging a woman suffrage amendmeut to the United States constitution. Publicitt was given on the 29th to a letter written by James O. Bteine to Whitelaw Reid, of New York, under dat of Paris, May 17, in which Mr. Bluine positively declines the nomination for President. He says he could not accept it without being deemed guilty ef duplicity anc paltering with his words in tlie past. The ninety first birthday of Mrs. Hepsibah Everett and Mrs. 8ally Cole, of West Dedliam, Mass., twin daughters of the late Isaac and Elizabeth Colborn, was celebrated on the 9Ul (iEXKRAi. SiiDiu ia suffered a relapse on the SOtli ulL, and his condition was again considered very criHcal. Mn. and Mrs. J. L. Phillips, of Greenwich, Kan., celebrated the seventieth anniversary of their niarriagn the 30th uit. They have twelve childre, ten sons and two daughters, all living, and all were present at the anuiversary. G. A. Mebais was nominated for CongresB on the 30th uit. by the Republicans of the Second district of Ñorth Carolina. The Democrats of the Second Maryland district on the 30th uit. nominated Herman Stump for Congress, in the Seventeenth Illinois district they renominated Edward Lane, and n the Fourteenth Ohlo district D. L. Wadswortb was their choice. The Louisiana Legislatuae on the 30th uit. elected Judge E. D. White United States Senator for the term beginning March4, 18ÍI1. The Prohibition National convention began in Indianapolis on the 30th uit., nearly every State and Territory being fepresented. After several addresses the committee on permanent organization recommended John P. St. John, of Kansas, for chairman, and Rev. Sam Small, of Georgia, for secretary, and the report was adopted. lt was decided u make the nomination for President and Vice-President at Ihree o'clock on the followinir dav I Chahi.k EL Wac keh. nf Chi.aKo, Democratie nominee for State Tveasurer of Illinois, deolined on the aoth to niake tho ruco. i. _¦' e Ret. S. P. Hai.udat, for twenty-two years pastoral helper of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, restgned on the U1 !'¦ Genkkai. Siikiuih WM alive ut a lata hour on the nilffet of t lie :tlst ult., but tho outlook wu-i fur f rom emouraging. Thr North Carolina Democratie Stat conrentlon ut Ralegh on the Sist uit. nominatod D. G. Fowle for Governor, and named these delegates to St. Louis: Richard Battle, J. 8. Carr, John B. Mean and L. W. Strange. On the fortieth ballot at Ht. Augustine on the 31st uit. Frank B. Kleming was nominated by the Democratie State oonveiition for Governor of Florida. The (ollowing wore named as delégales t o St. Louis: T. W. Shuekel torcí, W. A. Whitledgp, Johu F. Dunn, Thonias A. Jcnnings, V. J. Vaon, Jc ft Brown, S. R. Malloiy and Andrewr Johnson. The National Prohibition convention at Indlanapolis on the 31st uit. nomlnated General Clinton B. Fisko, of New Jersey, for President, and Dr. Joseph A. Brook, oí Missouri, for President, both by acclamation. The platform calis for the absolute suppression of the liquor trafflo in every form as a State and National polloy, nd advocates womun suffrajre. At eleven o'clock on the evcning of tho lst there were no new unfavorable symptoms in General Sheridan's case, and yet there was no cnrouraginic improvement visible. During tho day hc receivod hl commission as General of the Army. Harvkt Newcomb, botter known as "Bobby" Newcomb, aged forty-two years, and for twenty-two years a leading varlety and minst rel performer, died on the lst at Taroma, W. T. GKNKRAr, Hexrt W. Birob, one of the famous comnianders of the army of the Shenandoah, died at his home in New York City on the lst, aged fifty-eight years. Jame B. Haïes, Chief Justice of the Supremo C'ourt of Idaho, died at Bisa City on the lst, aged forty-eight years. Rp.v. Dr. A. L. Chapix, the ex-president of Beloit (Wis.) College, was strioken with paral.ysis on the lst. FOREIGN. The great Russian railway into Central Asia was oompleted on the 29th. It opens the great val ley of the Oxus to commerce. Frederipk N. Tove, township clerk, his wife aud three children were burned to death in their houe at Ufflngton, Ont, on the 29th. Dispatciies of the 29th say leprosy was spreading at a dreadful rate ín Russla. Thirty cases had been ofncially reported ia Darvat alone. The Government of Finland decided on tho 39th to adopt capital puhlshment lor the crime of murder. It was announced on the 29th that a good rain in Southern Russla had eaved tha crops and insured a, good yleld. Advioes of the 3Oth uit. say that the Turkish Government had refused to allpw certain Armenians to emigrate t Ameftbtt, claiming that their doing so under a contract would be a violation of the laws of tho Uuited States. Tuk French benate on the.TOthult. passed a bilí imposing a surtax of flve hundred francs on aloohols import4 f rom abroad. A iie occurred n the 30th uit. in the establishment of Rdward & Robert Garrould, Unen and silk mercers in London, ind six shop-women wore burned to death and many others were injured. Dr. Windthorst, the leader of the clerical party ia the Germán Reiehstag, celobrated his golden wedding on the 30th uit. ín Berlin. Hosore Cotte, accountant of the rich DeLisle estáte at Montreal, disapieared on the Sist uit., taking with him over $30,000 of the funds of the ueirs. Lokd Stanley, of Preston, Eng., the newly appointed Governor-General of Canada, with tils vrifo and staff, sailed from Liverpool for Montreal on the 31st uit. The Queen Regent of Spain unvailed tho statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona on the Ut. The ceremony was mad the occasion of preat rejeteiag. LATER NEWS. r-OT. tne Tree ma „„ .1,,. id ' cerord of the baso-tall cluos In Ene National League was as follows: Chicago frames won), 2Ï; Boston. rí3; New York, 19; Detroit, 19; Phijadelphla, 15; Pittalulrgh, 13; Indianaxilis, KI; Washington, 8. The American Association club stood: Brooklyn (gaine won), W; Ht. IjuuIs, 20; Cincinnati, kLi; Philadelphia, 15; Baltimore, 15; Cleveland, 11; Kansas City, 9; Louisvilie, 10. In the Western Association the following was the order: Des Moinos (games won), 14; Omaha, 15; Kansas City, 15; Mihvaukee, 11; St. Paul, 11; St. Louis, 12; Chicago, 7; Mitmeapolis, 9. A chaxoe for the worse in the condition of General Shcridan was reported from Washington on the 12th. Advices of the 3d from Japan say that over 230 houses had been destroyed by flre in Tsurangaeka, and a lire at Kameda destroyed 710 houses, oue temple and thirtysix huts. Thrkk men were drowned on the 2d while trving to run the rapids on tho Petowawa river at the head of Lako Traverse, Ont. Thb cxrhanges at twenty-six leadlng clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the Ud aggregated 827,140,(W, againsti8!).til4.(sthe previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1887 the decrease amounted to 10.2 per cent. A fire on the Sd at Panama destroyed ten business houses. Loss, $300.000. A CTCXONB swept over Washington County, Ark., on the .'M, and partially destroyed the town of Evansville, severely injuriiiif many people and making a majority of the inhabitants homeless. Thb eightieth birthday of Jefferson Davis was celebrated in a quiet manner on the3d at hi home in Beauvoir, Miss. Pbok. Amubsos, principal of the Spencer high school at Vincennes, Ind., and Clara aud Lillie Hornady were drowned in White river on the 2d by the sinklng of a small boat in whieh they were rowing. A raii.hoai) accident occurred on the 3d on the Annapolis & Baltimore Short line, in which half a dozen passengers wera seriously injured. Chop reports of the 2d from Illinois, Indiana and Missouri showed a general improvement in the condition of winter wheat. Thb steamship Etruria arrived in New York on the Sd from Queenstown, having made the trip in flve days and twenty-two hours, the f astest ti me on record across tha ocean. Peter F. QuiNS.a Pittsburgh (Pa.) bookkeeper, was arrested in St. Louis on the2d on a charge of forging the name of his employer to Í13.000 worth of checks. A tire on the 2d at Helena, M. T., destroyed Zeigler's livery stable, and one man and twenty seven horses were incinerated. Tns üntted stutcs Senate was not in session on tticiL In the House the time was occupied in i-onsidering the Mills Tari ff bi 11


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