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Short advcrtlsemenU not to exoeed three line, of Lost and Found, Housen tor Sale or vent, Wants, etc, lnserted three weeks for 25 cent. Sltuatlons wanteil, free. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From Holmes Uvery barn, Ann Arbor on the ulght of May :)0, light bay 8 yetirs old pony mare, black man and tall. Brands "¦O" "R"and otherH. Heavy leather halter on. N'otlfy, A. 11. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, Mloh. '8 FOR SALE-One horse, two bUIMMa 11(1 two wagons. Inqulre of Mrs. Antom Kimklk, No. 12Catherlne st. 9 STUDENTS! We want SOO of you to can vaas for Mark Twaln's new book, " Llbrary of Humor," just out. The canieat thtng to Bell evor before the public. Everybody gels to laughlne over it and buys at Rlght. Send for circular, or 1 for outrlt qulck, and secure terrltory. L. O. I'atterson ,t Co,, Marshall, Michigan. LOANIMQ-Money to loan on Orit-clas Ili'al Enlate Mortgage at Current ra te of Interest, Satlsfactory arrangement made with capitalista deslrlng snch lnvetmenta. rivery conveyance and transactlon In abslracts of tltleu carefully ezamlned a to legal effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.Houses and lots valued from $1,000 to $(,000 and contalntng from one-flfth of an hcre to twenty acres- all In the city llmlts. Housese reutcd on reasonable terms In oennul localltles. Farms exchanged for city jnoperty. Enqulreof J. Q. A. Sosslons, Attorney and Utal Enlate Agent, Olllce over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. 61t(


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News