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The U.iitsI of Combinatiüus. True delicacy of flavor witli true iflicacy of iiclion lias b .itmlned n tlie fiunnus Osiliforui liquid fruit remedy, Öyrup of liijs. lts plenaant taste and beneficia! effeets luv rondend t inimcnwW ..ulitr It 4lrun8rH Üiti Syötf 1)1, cures C'oíitiveiiesi'. etc. Sold ni M) cent and $1 Imttlea tiy Eberbach & Sou. . It is a Curtous Fuct TliHt llie body is now more lo liciiclil li "in medicine IIjiiii al miy otlier gfftwm. Henee tlif importiince ot t.iklng Hood's Sursspiirilla now, wlieii il will tlo you tilt Miii-I f{kxl. It Is really wonilerful lor Hfifyiiijf iii1 erirK-liitifi t blood, crealing mi uppetite, and givin a tii-ull liy tone til llie wliole stem. 15e suru lo zvl Fiood's SaiMiimrillH, wliicli iü eiilinr U itsell. _ "I hiive iiíed Ayer' Tilla for the p;ist :!( yi-.ii-, and ai tHtlrflfd I slimild nul be alive to-ilny if it Imd not been fi.r thiin. 'Pliey cuied mu f dyspepsia wlien all ftt)T remedies faile'l " - T. P. lionne', C i ter. IV Pilis ta a ld b ill ürugi. ts. TOURIST AND PLEASURE TKAVEL. Renewed Atsiirance of Speed, Comfort, Salflj and Limiry to all Uoiug West via Chicago. Parlics planning a glimmer Irlp, sh"tild reiiKMiihcr not to fnifrl (Imt Mie fiieal liixk I-1-iimI route is llio only line Ifaal runs fmd limitfl velitule expwa trains of palace pan (ilnlly eanh yl bftween Cliicasfo ainl C'nili'i-il Hlulls-Oui ilm - n tli' iliitcl IlljfhWMj ui tnincontli ental travel. Hound-trip tourlM llrkftx Bt greatly reduced rates, tnclade Hit parni i ui ii t :ilviiiit;itcs ot tliis train (Ihe linoi in tiie worlil) to and t ruin points in CoTnridO, Utah, Malio, Montuna umi Wyoining. Snlt-8 tvery tl . i y (Ittrln;; tlie reason f 18S8. Rmnl-trip tirkrts ali-o (at siinilnr low iali'.) to and trom Ooltrtx Spring!, Spirit Lke, Lake Minnetinika. and otlicr popular resurtí lesa remóte, H8 well a huudreds ot UtCnlIties of interest to sportsman, ton i - PU hik) invaliil. Tlie fireat Hock I-land assiues to all holding lis round trip umi m tickets tinsafest, piediest and pleiHiitest journey iin:ii;iimlU' In ita iiianifkient ve-tibule between Chicago and Koek Island, Davenport, Des Moine and CuUncil Klull's bltlier itoliiv west or coininjf cast. Avoid, tlierotore, the discomt'ortij ot lines Imvini: inferior accoinmodatioiis. Sce tliat your ticket (whicli costó no more) reads via the Cliicaj;o,Rock Island & Pacific ltailway, and enjoy tlie luxurles of Mi t daas travel. For turther intormation, sddresB C. H. Holdrldge, N. E Pass. Agent, corner Lamed aud ürlswuld btreet, J)etrolt, (rnnd Excursión to California. The Burlington Route is the oftlcial route for the teacher bound for the Nstiontil Educational Mi-etinjr at San Francisco. Join the splendid official ex cursion partirá from New York, Pennsylvii n ia, Brooklyn, New Knalaud, Oliio, Michigan and Iudiana, le.iving Oliicago, July 3d, 5th, 8th, üih und lUth. M.-iyniiIcent train, free chair cars, Pulliiiiiu and tourist sleepers, etc. The public enentltled to oue fiire for tliis occiislon. For fiirther iufornihtion write K. J. Swords, 317 Broadway, New York City: H. D. Hudgley, 3(M Waohington st., lioston, Mass.; or address P. S. Eustls.O 1'. &T. A., C, ü & Q. R. K. Chicago, Illinois. Bucklen'8 Árnica Salre. The Best Saire in the world for Cuts, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcera, Snit Rheuin, Fever Sore8,Tetter, Cliapped Hands, (Jlilltdiiins, Corns. and all Skin Eruptlonn, and positlvely cure Piles, or do ps,y riquired. It Is guaranteed to jflve perfect satistaclion, or money refunded. Price 26 centi per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. CÏDp MAutlIntti I C.tklovu. malled inEE Address C. Q. HAMPTON, Otttroit. Mlch.


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