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"I teil yon what's a fact. tlie boys now a-days sin't mitcli what they used to b when I was young," said a Ñebraska set tier wlio lived among the "Sand Hllls, wliile we were calling on him one evening. "No, I suppose not," sald Briar. "They don't come anywhere near 'em,' went on tlie mnn, as lie sat dowu on thc soap box wliich dki duty as a doorittep "Thcy'ie wcak slr, wesk as water." "What do you tlilnk is tlie cause of lt?" "I ilu tino. I 'lowed they mlght metiby brace up a little an' have a little inore f-'H to Vtn, when tliere was a elimine in tht a'mmistration an' we got a democrat president, but they don't pear to. Now, I got ti ve boy myself, an' ev'ry teacher we ever liad has bossed 'em 'round jes' as he's wanted to, au' sonletimcs we've had a woniun teacher, an' I'll be chawed if they ain't let her run 'em too." "It was different when you were a boy, "That's what it was. I licked the teacher reblar; yes, sir, jes' like clockwork. They' kick, an' bite, an' pull hair, an' anort, an' beller, but they always had to h:ml in thelr horns and take medicine it last. When I fit I got around everywhere - you couldu't folio w my motlous with the naked eye - phalii-lijjhtnin' sir, 'Inted ctlatn-llgfytntn' 'iled up fresh and n the livelv jump is the only thln)f I can hink of now ihnt comes anywhere near my style o' fighting.' I pat it onto more'n )ne teacher Lili his head was meller as 11 oxin' glov" "I 6uppose you used to ratht-r tlght han eat?" "Oh, gosh, yen!- It waa meat 'u' drink ome - I had fijfhl in me blgger'n a woodchuck! I niiuil one feller that carne to our school to teach that 'lowed he was ld períimuions. I didu't sny a word - I a'n' uever no haiul to go 'round talkin' with my niouth. So I let the feller go on t h i 11 kin ' he was goiiijr' to run the ichool, till one day he told me to quit leavin' paper wads at the girls an' uo to studyln' iny gogerfy lesaou. Well, naturally Lltla wtis h iittle bit too niuch for me to stand- when lie tried to boss ine he was a piliu' on jes' a Hule too thick. I was 15, Roln' on 16, an' not overly liefty at ray age 'cept when I was mud, wlieu I weiglied a ton an' fit like a wildcat in a tln oven. Saya be: "Will'um, quit ajeikin' paper wads at the gals an' tackle your guKe.r, fe„„fc. n made me bile. toys I, aiaisin' up, 8ays I- air ho kt,,i,., started toward me - he was built a good (lel like John L. Sullivan, onlyhcavier 'n' quicker- s:iys I- lie was scionced, too, w' I wan't- but Hiere didn't nothinr iiiake no diílereiice, for I VI basa iiultoJ, an' X k no wed it, sayal; and he kinder stoppel wlicn he seen me a-risin. 'Saya I: "Oíd Blighter,' says I, I'U give you jes' a minute by the clock togit! P'int ! saya I. He dldü't o, an' tliat's where he made the ti;gest mistake of his life. I waik'd till the minute was up, an' then I spit on niy hands an' give one " "Bill L:unb," said i tall, blaek-eyed womau in a shrtll, metallic voice, as alie appeareil ut tbe door, "have you split that wood I told you I wanted to bake with ? Saw, I see you nin't - settin' here blowiu' and lyln' wliile your wlfe's bread ia arisin' up over the tins an1 no lire to bake t! You inosey ulong and m;,ul up gome wood or I won't give you no peace fr a week." 'Td forgotten all about the wood," said the man, us he got up and starled with alacrlty; "don't say anything, au' I'll have soine for you In a minute. You tellers jes' hold on a Iittle an' l'U teil you the rest of how I whaled the teacher." We had heard enou;h. Our confideBCe In uim 'as jtmie. And we went back to the wauon.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News