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'J'liey are so English, y' know - thusc St. Loúis Cleveland badges. The Oregon people belleve that & d should be Milist iiutcil for the b in spelling Cleveland's "boom." Alien O. Thurrnaii ni boro in Lynchburg, Virginia, Nov. 13Cb, 1818. yuite a iiiiinber of years ago. Wm. L. Scott, of Pennsylvania, chairiiiuii ol thenatlonal demucratlc comrulttee, pays bis cook $10,000 per year, and pays bis coal miners f 1 per day. (íreat friend of the laboring man, yon see - the cook for instance. A friend iu Detroit inforuis us that J. B. Moore, of that city. the present ellicient chairman of the Wayne county republican committee, is beliig boomed for state treasurer to succeed tbe Hon. Geo. L. Multz. Probubly no noniinations ever niade by a party have fallen upon the country M mucb like a fro.en blanket as those of Cleveland & Thurman. The real spirited get-there jingle doesn't trill off the tongue Ín shouting their nnmes. Harper'8 Weekly, a paper that lina abused the Irith people and the Catholic chnrch more than nny otlier paper In the world, is the civil service champion of Grover Cleveland. The two appear to understand cach otlier tboroughly. The oldest man ever elected viee-president of the United States was Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts, in 1812, who was 68 yeai'9 8 months, and he died before serving his time. Thurman is now 75 years old, six years older than Gcrry. The people of the world gympnthize wit ii the Germán nat on in the losa by death of go excellent in empcror asFrcderick UI. bid fair to be In his short rein. The millitary air of the new William does not insnre the same hope of continued peace and prosperity. The Free Press man reportlng the Chicago convention tried to show off his biblical lore Monday. Hear hlm: "The delegations wear exteriora as diversitied as Jacob's famous raiment." Next thing we expect to hear him telling of "Josepb's wonderful ladder." It is the money of the English Cobden Clubs that is to-day pusiiing the free trade doctrine in America that Mr. Cleveland chainpions. üo you supposc for an instant that tliey woulU nvest tlieir money in such an enterprise if they did not feel assured that it would return to them an liundred fold Lot t be remembered that American workmen were not skillful enough to manufacture the Cleveland badges used at St. Tjonis, but they had to be made in England bv Tbos. Steven?, of Coventry. The Xew York Sun Is our authonty for this statement. Perhaps the Cobden Clubs of England furnished them free of charge, they could well afford to. Some of our free tiade journals point to the duty on dianionds and procious stones, anl ask why said duty Is not raised? IIow inany dixmonds and precious stones are manufactured in this country, and how niiiny laboring men would be elt'ected by tlie duty on these things one way or the other? It is our American Industries and the men who labor thereiti that this country desirea to rrotect. Probably the largest cditiou ever published In the United states by a daily paper, was that ot the Detroit Tribune last Sunday celebrating tlie advent of-a new press tbat rushes the papers through at the rate of 2."),000 or more an hour, folded and cut. The paper conslsted of 48 pages, and contained il good history of tbe university, and of other oducational institutions of the state. It Is a monster issue, a wbole library iu faet, for only five cents. The Tribune is pu-liinf to the front in great shape now. There comes op a plaintive cry for tho plnciuf: or manufactured woolen goods on the free list so that the poor man may have cheaper woolen blankets. But gtrange to say tbis cry doesn't come from tbe poor men at all, hut from n rol ïsr well dressed individuáis who see chenper broadclotlm and fine manufactured suitings for tbemselves It they can only get the tariff off. It is the selfijh rich man who is raising tlis woolen blanket cry, and he does It hoping to benetit his own pocket-book,no matter what disaster may overtake our industries or those wbo labor therein if he can save a cent for bis own jrreedy self. The democratie party is a great patronizer of the laboring man, and persistently calis itaelf the poor man's party. Such an assertion appears sublimely ri(licn]ins to the poor laboring man at Washington wbo is most graciously permitted to gaze- at a suitable dlftance, mind you- jpon the EnglUn coach of Secie'.ary Whitney with driver and footman in livery, and a coat of arma emblazoned over the carriage doors. The idea of a coat of arms in free America to distingui8h the quality of one's nobüity .' Of course if we had free trade all of these emblems oí royalty and aristocracy could be obtained at less cost than at present. People who ape such cutoms should go where royalty reside?, and not try to exist among free American citlzens.' The republican nationul convention, now in session at Chicago, commenced business yesterday. It is probably one of the most notable gatherings ever held in the United States, aa there are more presideutial aspirants tliau ever before presented to a convention. What the outcome will be no man can teil. Everytlilnjj is still chaotio according to the latest dispatche, and it seems Impossiblc to crystalize sentiment upon any one man. Eacli candidate avows thitt lie is in the race to stay, but afcer balloting once commences, which will doubtless be to-day, it is probable that the procesa of sifting will soon commencc. The friends of Gen. Alger are present in full force and are hopeful of a favorable result for Michigan's cholee, but the drift seems a llttle too much eastward for real comfort. You will lo;k in vain in the democratie platform for an opinión upon the greatfUheries question now so prominent between this country and Canada; for a word about the pension legislation now pending In Congress; about the national bank currency question; about the silver question; about the Monnon question; about the anarchist question; about the Chinese question; about the continuation of civil service reform question; about the great qnestion of its only takinjt 1,700 votes in Georgia to elect a congressman while over 30,000 are requlred in Michigan; or about the important question of temperance; but it atterapta to urge free lamber, salt and wool, and protectinn for sugar in one place; while in another itstraddles the whole business as in 1884. The people will repudíate such nonsense. The lndlanapolls Journal is of the oplulon that the Republicana can succeed without New York, for, It ank8, "Dld lliiyt-s recelve the eloctoral vole of New York 1 " TIiImkh are very different uow, esteemei contempor:uy There will be no oteallng ahout Uil electlon. Put n plu rlght here and reraeinber It for future refereuce.- Atlanta Oonalltulion . As tl e Atlanta ConstUution is published in a state where 1,704 votes serve to elect a congressman, and where only 27,509 votes are required in the entirestate to elect ten congressmen, while In Michigan 376,019 votes are required to elect eleven congressmen, such a statement reads like rathergrim humor. "There will be no stealing about tliis electlon," en? It is to be hoped not. Could the people of Georgia come out in a manly way and allow a free ballot and a fair count what a grand thing it would be Tor them and nation. But until they do the Ie ist they can siiy about "atealing" the better. A letter from Mr. J. T. Jacobs, dated Chicago, June 18, says that in hi opiulon il the ballot could have been taken that day, there would have been no doubt but that Alger would have been the nominee for president of the United States. Mr. Jacobs also s.iys " this is the greatest convention ever held in America."


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