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Bill PO WO ER 'Absoluteiy Pure. Thbi powder navar varlra. A ra rvd ofpnrlty, i-t t-i-ut h aml ni'-rir-e. .vtor'1 ecoimmlcal i ti:in ine oniiimry kiid', hihí Mnml l ¦ sold in compotlll n witii the in'itt ii iulf oj iw t si. nhort wi iüi iiiiin or ph Kplmtep wier. ¦¦' m,ly in ¦nis l.ov u. I! KiNii I'on Dl H CO . 100 Wall Si., lililí ID 'm skin entlrvly ii-m1. Flrati a ma a r illBMd I'iff ïillllnisli( oiu' tlird !¦ #, roiMiiiion hepeleM. ('umi b.v the Cnilrara Remedies. Porihree vera l wn nm nt rrippinl uiih nn iiwiiil leg front mv knee down io ra] :itiklc; the pkin wil onttreiy gone, and tiic ili-fh wu one :n iss oí dltease. ö me phyuli Una prononncrd ït Incnrablo. Ii had dinnniphed about onc thnl tlie t v. ¦ of iin' other, and 1 wam In ¦ hopeli hcoi dfilon. AHcrtrviig ]l kindf of n-modlea and Bpcnrting boodrena o do)lara,flr m vrfitcb I ltot no relïttf uhtiuver, I w i9 peraDadtfd tn w x .r 'v ikuua Iíkm-:1 ik in d tiie re-uit au aa Wlowa: Afier ihroti da e I Dotlred ;i daclded chai k ¦ for the botter, and :it the end m two m nth t wiucompleteiy cored. Mj fleata wai puniud, and toe ' ij(whlco had ben ezpoed ror ot er i veAi fl b and Ph rt'-li ! g in io lti.i and tn-day, aftd ftr ncarly lwo it-'uri p.i.-r, mv e g in w 11 ver it was, hciihuI in tv. rv rca eet, and nn " i ! the ii; to te Ben. ' S. (;. Allí RN, Dabuto, O !-¦ Co., (ia. 'iVrrlMt'Hiill.ilMu Trom SU in l T ¦¦¦ I bwn a terrible? ennVierer lor yar fn m diHí'Utícn of ihe skin and blood, and have been 'Hijj 1 to hnn pi bllc pi c -s by rrn--u]i if mv rtisAganng hnrtMis. Bave lm! ihe 1h'!i r physieinn and ai ent liundredn t ilM'inr-, lm' gl no relict anti) i nued 'be Cotïcura Ukmki -k-, wblch hav curfil in , and lefl mj -kn cl -ir und my blood aa pure aa a clitld a. [UA M Y IMS-, Oliv Braucfa P. o., MUt. From 14.' I'omulmto 17 i rouiids. I havt! taken severa] hoHlM of Coticora Rk#ol rut m (rh all the i on n lts I conld w oh lor. Ahout tbti time liwl year, whea & mm meing ít ase. I wfi" t d 1 15 poandcand to dot i we'g i 17:: ponttde. GKu. (' vMPBKLLTwaabiugton, n. O. Note - Th" CuTiciTftA Rboltbnt ï beyond hII doubt tfae greatent blood partQer bei rom p mndcd. C'i'TirntA. tbs ffrmt akin core, and OürtcURA Soap, an uqolfllQ skin Hcamirt r. eitarnally, and CuticURi Rbboltbnt. the new blond pnrtficr, Mit.-rimlly, ar' a on e lor cviïry UiTm ot aklu iiud blood dtteaMt from pimpta u ecrofola Soldt'vcrywhcrp. Prtc; Cdticua,60c ; Soap, 2ü c; li ebolv i.n r, $¦. Prepnn d by the roms Hurí; A Cu bv io al Co., Boaton, Mi-e. . ¦ 3enfl fnr "li. v to Onre sktn DWeuaee," '¦! ¦i Illaatrations, and 100 teatlnoniHla. n A DV'C n and Scali propurvcd and bcantiDAD I O ftcd ity Cutii i'iu Urdí ai edHoat Constitutional Catarrh No ilogle dlveaae aai enlaJIed more Mtffrtos r bastened the b e klng ti; of the conatltattoo than Catarrh. The Miiae oi am 11, of taate, of sigbt, "i htiiiriPL', the hum tn voice, ih; mlnd - oneor more, and Hoiiiei Inea all, jrleld to it deetrucUve influence. Ttw polaoo it dlstrlbntei thronghoat the , :i":i la i-vrry Jiai force, snd br aks un Ihe moei r"l'tiht of Htitiitiuis. Evoored, becaaee i i littk; nnHenitood, by moet phvaldanp, Imp'H N'iiMy u paf led b) qaarkt and charlatan rhose ¦affurfnic from it twre Hul hope to be rol le ved of ii thb side of the erave II ín tim then. thit t e popular treatmenl ol terrible dteeaae hy resiedk! within the reHch of uil paaved ínto hnnda ut ono1 competei t i nd irntw .ntiv i a aiid hltbeito ü itri-d metbd adopted ' y lr. diord iu the prvpartttion oi hla Kadical Cure has won ihe herty aoproval of thomunde. It h In-Ununeons In alf wding rallei i" 11 head ci] is. m ezfoff. pnnfflinu and i-batructed brratiiint',ai;il rapldlj remore the maal opp1 -- ' ¦ pymptnme, c e iriug the head, aweoteninR the bre tii, restoring the aenaei o imell, tai li'-t-iiiL', and nentrültzlnjt the conetltutional ti-ndencyol Die dkwaae towurds the langa, llvr and kiiin', (. BANDPORD'a Radical Cüai consista or one bottic of the Radical Cu kb. one box of Cataubhal kt, and [mpBOVSD In halki: ; pr'ci' 1. PorraB Daoa and Chemical 0o., Poeroi. gtra'iu and WeaXneaat, _ Bellcvert In "' e m'no a bv tht mrTel10403 HIK Aülliliilf !c l'iill llilllllMIHtl '¦ ¦r U'eikiK. rhe ('uiiruu Aatlf ¦ I'.iin I'liiHlcr. The fint and only lL palH-klIUnK Lreoitthenli g ptaier, Kk Jk pena It dapl ''1 lo Ina nüj relieve ti ú toeetliiy ent Kidi ojr nd i (erin PIuë and vv.uknett w r uit.-.l v.i-ilv nperlor t" al' nthar r,. ,t hII drngiri'. SB mt : 5 tor II 00; r, DOlta 11" -,nf I'UTIBK URüa AVI. (. HMIC.M. Co., botton, Uiu. THE ANN ÁRBOK SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKDOIÍ. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$3O,ooo. Oriranlzcd undcr the General nanking Law of thtB Slat-, the Btc.ckholrtors re indivi.lniilly I nhle foran ddltlonal amonnt eqiial to the stock held hy ,i„ Ihereby creatlng a Ouarantee Fund for the IMIIMU of Deposito" of $100,000.00. Threo uer cent. Interest 1b allowed on all BTlDg DeiMwIt of one dollar and iipwardr-, iicrordlnK te the rules of the Bank and interest cpmp i ¦ini-aiiniiNlIy. Kuney to Loa" on onlneamMrefl rual tétate and other good Becurlty. DIRECT0RS: (IIHISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). IIAltlilMAN ¦ W WINKS, DAN1KL IIISCOCK. WII.I.IAM DBDBKL, WI1.LAKI) I!. SM1TII DAVID RINSKY. UFFICKR8: C. MACK, Pm. W. W. WINKS, Vicc-Pres e r.. HlscoCK.c.iBhler. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦iliias revolDtlonlzed tin'world iWïïPMTinM ''"'""í ""' ';'-' haffoentury Hl VLil inUll Nol loa( ftmong wonden I 1 ¦' ¦',,, avcDtlv progren I a metlKHl and ol wnrk that eaa be per formed uil over the oountry wlthonl H.-purat Ingtbeworkpn from thelr i ie. Py ih erl:any one oftu do iho workj eltherex yoang or oíd; no ipeeial abiltty req""d Ciipltni not needed ; jron are itarted rij-e, ( u thli out and return to ai aod wawlllieni youfree, ¦ ethlng of great aloe and lm portanoè to yon, Ihatwill start yon in biiHl neas. whloh wlll brlng yoa in more monej rlirhtHWiiy tlmn un yMi I n (i elM In tln-worlil effand "¦''ut frte. iddreM True Co,, Aul, MlÜIH.


Ann Arbor Courier
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