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Seward Cramer ia very slck at Trinidad, Colorado. -Miss Ellza Ladd has jfone to Charlevolx for the suminer. W. A. Tolchard, s out again after several week's illncss. Miss Clara Wheeler lias retunied from lier extended stay in Europe. Miss C. E. Corselius who has been sick for some time is convalesclng. Miss Fannie Taylor, of the 2d ward school has resigned her positiou. Probate Keglster W. G. Doty expects to spend the Fourth in Manchester. Prof. Fred.W. Arbury, of Flint, Ut. class of '82, was in the city Thuraday lat. Fred T. Stimson and family are visiting relativrs in Plnlnfield for a week or two. Miss Agjjle McKone, of Chelsea, is visitin Sheriff Walsh's family for a short time. í. K. Pond, of Chicago, is visiting his home anu old frlends for two or three days. Moses Rogers, who h:is been under the wtather for some inonths, Is still unable to be out E. B. Abel s out once again, and expects to leave next week for the White Mouutains. Mrs. Geo. G. Nichols and daughter, of St. Louis, are vlsiting Dr. W. W. Nichols and family. Dr. T. C. Phillips has gone to Milwaukce with Dr. Schneider, the famous eye and ear doctor. Several oouples will enjoy the Fourth with Dr. A. C. Nichols, on the farm iust east of the city. Itev. W. M. Campbell and wife, of this city are off on a trip to Bay View, etc, for the slimmer. Orla B. Taylor expects to leave this week for Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, etc., prospecting. Prof. C. W. Voúpe, of the Detroit high school will spend the summer in this city pursulng studies. Ex Mayor Kapp went to Kiwh Ike, Saturday, and pent two or turee days hatcliing up fish stories. Mr?. Prof. Taylor, nee Mlnnie Brown, of Albion, and laiuiiy, are visitintf her tatlier Benj. Brown, on B. State st. H. U. Mc Allaster was in Detroit tlie greater part of last week attending the prohibition convention, ball games, etc. Mrs. S. S. Gillet, widow of Hev. D. D. Gillet, of La Fayette, Ind., is visitiiif her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. J. Robison, for a tew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Davison, of Adrián, are visiting Mr. Davisou's son. Chas. B. of this office, and will reniain a week or more. Win. Sweetnam and sister, late of Maniste?, but now of Aun Arbor, were present at the High School Alumni banquet.- Manistee üeinocrat. Mrs. James E. Turtle, of Wnrrington, Fla , and her brotlier Dan. O'Hara oi Toledo, Ohio, are vislting Mr. and Mrs. A. Kearney, on N. State st. Prof. Thos. F. Moran, of Elk Uiver, Mimi., dropped into the CouribK for a short chat lust Thursday. Htt will spend the summer in Manchester with his párenla. I'rof. J. B. Davis returned froin the nortli woodd in Lelanau Co. Sttturday looking hale aml hearty. He says the beat lUhing grouuda In Michigan are thora. Wil] S. Cheeverand Charles Arinstrong start next Monday on a bicvcle tour Ui Chicago. Armed with a Michigan División road book and inaps they are bound to have a fine trip. Among the calléis at the Couiukk office last week was Stanley E. Park i 11, of Owosso, who went to Detroit Thnrsday to attend a meeting of the state board of pharmacv, of which he is the secretary. W, K. Chilils, wife and sou, have heen visiting relatives and friends in Augusta diiringtlie week past, He says tliat the crops are looking well and fruit prospecta are excellent. A ninnber of lields of wheat were so heavy that it was lodged already. i . ¦ Ainong me pieasant event3 of Commeucement week for sovcral of oiir Ann Arbor people, was tlte preeence of J. Willis Parker, lit. '75, of Olathe, Kansas. Mr. I'arker tirst went to Kansas as superintendent of tlie State Institution for the educatlon of the Deaf and Dumb, but soon tirinp of that lie resignetl and entertd upon the practice of Uw. Now he is the public prosecutor for Johnson Co., and with hls partner has an extensire practice. He says the reputation of Michigan' Uniyerslty is second to none, and If the people of thU state allow any of their public serTants to cripple its usefulnes in the least, they are making a mistake for whlch they wilt repent in sack cloth and aulles. J. J. Goodyear wag elected treiisurer of the M. K. church last eveninjr. Would you heliere it? Just one-hulf of the year '88 has pased nto the eterna] past. Dr. Riimsay'8 snTiject Sahbatli inorninjr will be " Ohrist aa onr Prophet," and In the eTening " Other People's Sins as a Diet." The lentist firra of Nichols Bros. has been dissolved by mutual consent, and each brother Is now doing business for hlmself. There promises to be a lar?edelejation of Ann Arbor people at the Detroit-New York series of base ball games at Kecreatlon park to-day. The demócrata will hold a county convention at the court house, on Jtily 12th, to elect delegates to tlie state and congrefsional conrentions. The quietness of a Suuday in a rural town wliere base ball is not allowed, lias stolen gently over our fair city. It is a delightful surnmer resort. The "illustrated panorama" of Barnum's circus dow on our bill boards for the show at Ypsilanti, July lStli, takes the eyei of all the boys, many of whom wil] doubtless economize on their Fourth of July luyout, so aa to attend the circuí. Saturday evening the Chequamegon orchestra held a farewell meeting at the home of W. W. Tidd, on Detroit Rt., there belng four of the members who will not return again, having graduated. The occasion was one that the participants will alwaya hold in pleaslng remembrance. The postofBce will be closed tc-day to give the employés an opportunlty to celébrate the 4th. Tliere will bé no service by carriers, but mail will be delivered at the windows from 9 to 10 o'clock a. in., and from C to 7 p. ra., at whfch hours the office will be open. The mail will be colleeted from boxes the same as oti Sundays. W. K. Chllds is not pleased in regard to the way he was quotert in our last weeks' Issue. What he wished to refer to in regard to what Gen. Sherinan had saiil about the norninntion of Harrison and Morton was that it was a ticket that all hdlilicrs could support. Hut not to what he (Sherman) had said in regard to any act of the administration of President Cleveland. On Saturday morning last, at about 1 o'clock, as Lester Sutton was returnlng home from liis work at the Electric Light works, he kiw a light in the rear of the Pranklln House. The fire proved to be in a barrel near the building, caused by emptying axhes into it, and was quite a promising conflagration wnen discovered. Nightwatchman Jas. Clark and Patroll111:111 Murr.-iy ansisted In putting it out without giying an alarm. If you want a little fun and at the same time lind out what people think of you just try the following: Put down In figures the year in which you wero born, to thlsadd4; then add your age at y our m-xt birthday ; provided it comes before Jan. 1, otherwise your age at last birthday; multiply results by 1000; from tuis deduct 677,423; substituto for the figures corresponding letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B for 2, C for 3, D for 4, etc. The result will glve the name by wlilch you are popularly knowu.