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Vigor and Yitality Are quickly giyen to every part of tlie body by llood's Sarspai'illa. Tliat tired feelinfr is enrirely ovorcome. The blood is purifietl, etlriched and vitalized, and carries liealtli ñatead of diaeaae to every organ. The stoniach is toned and strpnjrtliened, tlie appetite restored. The kidneys re roused and invigorated. Tlie braln is refreshed, the mind mude clear nnd rendy for work. Try it. "You trlñing scoundrel ! " exclaimed a white miin, addressinjr a negro whom he met in the road. 'Why are yon throwing stones at that dog?" "Comeer making er motif nt me, he did." "Making a mouth at you?" "Yaa, sah, lie did. I come 'long yare an' wa'n't sayin' er word ter him an' he come er lif'ln' trp hls lip at me. I aint 'er man ter be treated In dat way, 'caze I doan bodder nobody. I ¦Ín' {wiiie be treated wid 'tempt, I tell yer dat now."- Arkansaa Traveler. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salte in the world for Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salí Klieiun, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliapped Hands, Chllblains, Corns. and all Skin Kruptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It ii Kuarmiteed to jív perfect atisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 centi per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. Occasionally one geU an idea of signilicance which may attach to a name. An Eastern customer's announcement reads: "Woman's Apparel, Notnian's," etc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News