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Peculiar In the combiiiatioii, proportiou, and preparation of ita ingrediƫnt, Hood'a SarsaDarilla Hccomplidies cures wbere ollier preparaliona entircly fail. Peculiar in lts jjood name at home, whicli is a "tower of Btrengtb abroad," peculiar In the phenomenal sales it has attained, Hood'g Sarsaparllla is the most successful medicine for puritying tlie bluod, glving strenglli, and creating in appetite. Perliaps John Kilpatrick, of Clifton, is the campion Maine bear-killer. He hua killed tlfly-four during the last twentyfive yeare. Henry C. Spaulding, the inventor of tlie Spaulding glue, at one time worth $80,000, recently died a drimkard's death in au luis-house. A Woman's Discoyery. "Another wonderful dlscovery has been made and that too by a lady in tlils county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for sven years she withstood its severest testf, but her vital organs were undermined and dealh seemed Imminent. For three raonths shecoughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and wus so mach relieved upon taking the lirst dose Wint slie slept all nljtht and with one bottle bas been mlraculously cured. Her name is Miss Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick Co., of Shelby, N. C- Get a freo trial bottle at Eberbuch & Sou'i.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News