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[5Y:JVICHICAN Time Uble takiiiR effect May 13tb, 1888. Oatral ttandard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. lÜ!!t ..{. m. v.M. r.a. Ua r.. r Chicago.. Lv. 5 00; 00 8 10 4 .. 1Ü50 Ulo Kalamazoo...10S2 1 :13 6.58 50 406 2Ï7 Battle Creekjll l.r 2 15 7 33 7 56 4 BJ lá Jackson 1 20 4 15 8 4 i3S 6 36 4sn OrassLake.... 143 55 T 02 5 ii Chelsea 201 101Ï 728 535 Dexter 2 171 10 24j7 45 IS, DelhtMIIlB... ï! ¦ . 755 Aun Arbor.... 2 4 5 30 9 41 1040 8 08 'ëüé Ypallantl SOU 5 45 53 10 & 8 26 24 Wayne Jnnc 3 6, 6 05 11 11 8 48 647 Detroit.. „Ar. 4 10 645 1045 1110 93j 71 ttt.Thomas 1105 2 0i 12 10 12 45 Sjs FallsView 459 S44 s N. FallB 221 503 847 S Buflalo 4 35 7 15 7 25 5 56 Ht DETROIT TO CHICAGO. í i i h si i jTg : is "c ï 5 è ' „TATtON.. & fl& Si f! lUJ s i 1 í SS o _ _O_ a L a A.M. A.M ft " P.M. p. M P.M. ... Buffalo 1280 685 7 06 10 00 SOU N. FalU ia 15 20 145 ..!' Sl.Thomas 4 2u 959 1110 106 540... A.M i. JC. r.M. P.M. P.M. P.M .. Detroit. ..Lv.i 7 80 9 10 1 4 00 800 10 15. Wayne Jnnc.. ! 8 11 53 151 4 45 88fl Ypallantl .... B W 10 11 2 12 5 12 900 1118..". AnnArbor... 850 1040 224 580 915 1185.. Delhi MWIb.. 900 542 "' Dexti-r 08 550 944.... Chelee í 6 05 1000 ' Graos Lake... 9 43 627 1026 ... . Jaekson 10 13 1145 827 7 10 10 55 12 54."' BattleCreek.. 12091 138 4 1 N521227 243a.M Kalauiaixi. . 12 50 2O4I 5 15 'M'. 1 sol 3011 4 45 OtICago...Ar. ti 10J 0 9 3CI.... 7 Qo 7 45lüai O. W. RUUULBS, H. W. HAYÏS, a. P. 4 T. Agent Agt.. Aun Ajbor. Chicago. Toedo, Anii Arbor & NorUi Michigan Kuilway. time 8OHBDULK. Totolee ellcrt :it 12 o'clock, 110011, on Sunilay, October 9t!i, 1887. Tralus rnn by Standard Time. GO1NG NORTH. I ï i, :ss sg fa stations, ï ïo -s e l fan Y TtoMO I.v 5 15 3 "5 6255 50 ManhatUn .luni'tion .' 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 A.lxu 5 27 3 28 6 55 BK Samaría 5 45 3 4!i 7 23 7 30 Monrue Juurtin 6 02 4 05 7 51 8 10 Dmidi-e tí 10 4 12! 8 05 8 30 Aulia 25 4 l((l 8 20 9 00 Milán ti r i Xv s :tó 9 Ho UriuilH 6 50 4 4 3 i 8 55 10 U0 l'iitxneld 7 011 4 M 9 (fi III 20 Ann Arbnr 7 16 IN -is :i 1.1'lan -1 7 881 5 80 9 DO la WhitDiore I.nke 7 40 5 45 Ho.12 213 Ilnwell 8 SU 6 28 30 5 10 Durand I 7 )! 9 30 r. H. Curnuna 9 t5 7 46; 10 35.... Owiw-o 111 Dl 7 5811100 Owoaso Jnnctlmi loon 8 1011 ur llha.a 11 lli 9 15 2 46 . SU Lonle 11 35 9 : 3 85 A.W 11 42 9 41 3 55 . Mt. Pleanant Ar l 30 10 30 1; 00 pm.Ip. m. v. m ÜOING SOUTH. I-1 rf -1 -- STATIONS. g gi d : S. q.i . M. P. H. P ?, Ml. Pleaaant Lv 8 40 li 30 1 30 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 Bt. louis u : 727 22,1 'tilica 12 35 7 4 2 46 .. OwosBO Junciion 4 00 8 55 4 02 o""u 4 OS 't IU 4 08 '."!. ('orunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Iurand 6 16 9 30 4 ;tti a. m "well 7 411 lo -o 5 88 510 Whltmore I-ake Km. 11 00 ü lt 51) '-eland tt 30 11 14 (80 7 : AniiArhor 7 15 11 30! 0 5(1 10 55 1'lrtxnVld 7 26 11 4h 7 00 11 :l Dranl 7 35 11 50 7 10 11 50 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 ïi Azaliu 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 "nndoe 8 03 lá 24 7 4u 110 Monroi; Jnnctlon 8 10 12 31 7 51 130 Sainaría 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexia 8 45 1 (X) H 30 2 45 Mnnh:ittan Jiinction 8 50 1 05' 8 37 3 0 Tuledii Ar 9 00 1 10 8 4vr 3 15 A. V. P. M.[P. M. p. u. Koutli L.xiii Brauch. NOKTII BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND. Train 6 Train 1 1 P. M 9 50 I.v. l-landK Ar. B 30 10 00 Ar Wdfdm Ar. 6 0 10 20 Ar Siintb I.yon Lv. 8 00 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroada divertí int; at Manhattan Juuctlun, wlih Wheelliie A Krlc K. R.; at Aleïls Junction, wiih M (' h. R., L. S. 4 M. 8. Ry. and V. P. M R. K.; at' Monroe Junciion, with L. S. M. S. Ry.; at Duudec, witb L. 8.4 M. S. Ry., M. 4 O. Ry.; at Milan Juuctloii. with Wabasta, St. LouIb Paciflc Ky ¦ at PltUfleld.wlth L.M. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, LansinR & Northern R. R„ „ml Mlch. A. L Div. of Orand 'lYunk Ry. At Humluri.' lth M. A. Lint Divixiou Grand Trnnk R'y. At Howell with D.-lroit, Linslng 4 Nurlhern K'y. t Durand wlth Th cngo 4 Grand Tronk R'y an.l IVtroit, Grand Haven Milwuukw R'y. At dwoaau Junction with Detroit, (.rand Haven 4 Milwaukec R'y and Mictilt'Hn Central R. R. Ai st Lopli with Detroit. Lnein(;4 Northern R. K. and Ll na Vallvv 4 Si. Louis K'y. At Alma witli Detroit, Unsini; i Northern Ry. At Mt. 1'liaBent wlth Fuut 4 I'cre Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLBY, Genera' Muna'er. W. 11. BENNETT, A. J. VAISI KV. Oen'l. PaK. 4 Ticktt Airent. Ijcal Auim t. fatata of Jeunie N. Vaiitleventfr. OTATfi Of MICHIGAN. Counly ui aabten: w C5 m. At a eseion of the Probate Court for the Comrty ol Wahtcuaw. holden at the Probute (ittlri-. In tbc city of Ann Arbor, on Mondaj, the 18th day of June, in the year one ihousand eijfhi hundred and elghty-eiy it. Prosenl Williaml'. llarrinian, Judfre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol Jennle N. Vandevi-nter deceaaed. On readiiiL' and flling the petltion, duly veriflfd, of Anule Oarnejr, praylng thut admlnUtralion al sald enlate my be sranted to Geuite II . l'oi.d or Kuim; oibureuitablc person; Thüreapon it is ordered, that Monda;, Ihe lüili day uf Jllly next, at len o'clock Id the lor.' uion,bi'ai'!i;nt'd for the hearing of ttaid petltluu and that the helt at law 01 siiid ileci-aBud. and all other persoiiB intereBted Ín aald estáte, aro requirud to apjti'ar at a Mpajtoa ol said court, then to be hoUlen at I he Probate Olllce, Ín thu Clly of Aun Arlr. and olio canse, II any there be, why the prwyer of the petitloner shtuild nut be graiiled. And it lh Turthi-r ordered. that xaid iictltioner irive notlce to Uw persous iuteruïied in aald estáte, uf the pendeacr ofsaid petltion, and the hearluK thereoi. ht caoslni; a copy of tfcis ordi'r to be publUhi-d in "the Ann Arbor Courxer. a newspaper printed and circuí ted In paid connty. three Buccessive vvetks prrions to 98id day of hearing. (A trae copy.) Wil. MAM D. HAKK1MAN, Judee of Probate. (i. DOTY, Prob ate Beglsier U0S-14II Estáte oí Otarles Alliiieudiugr. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of WaBhlenaw, ai. At a tiesslon of the Probate Coart for the Count; ol Wanhtenaw, holden at ttie Probate office, i 10 city of Aun Arbor, on Wednfsday, the tweiityseventh day of June, in the year one iiou8ud elebl hundred and elghty-elght. Present, Wllllain P llarrinian, Judft' of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Allmendiryer, deceased. Ribeccu AllinenainKer nd Clinton AllniMidlniri-r e.iccators ol the last WtB and testament of s'aid deceased, ciiie into court and rrprvKtiiit thut thy re duw pre)red to tender their tinal account as ach cxecatura. Thereupon It Is ordered, that Tuesday, the thlrtjflrit day of July uext, at ten o'clpclc in the noon be assiued for examlnine and allowlog xuch account, and that the deviieee, ii.'"iw- and heirt-at-law ot Baid deceaaad, and all othM persons lnterested In saidestate.are requlred toappear at a eeaeion of sald conrt, then to he holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ann Arbor, in i1 cuiiiity and show cause, Ifany there be, why toe Aald account should not be atlowed : And It ie further ordered, that eald nrcnicn glve notice to the persons interested in said esulcoi the pendency ofsaid account,and the hearing fiereof, by rauHiiii.' a copy of thie order to be puDllíOM In the Ann Arbor Vourier, a newnpaper printed and clrcnlatin in said county, three successive wee8 previous to sald day ol hearinir. A trae copy. W1LL1AM D. HAUHIMAN, Judue of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. H10-HHTHISPAPERSS Kewspopor Advertiaini Biireaa (10 Spruc U made for It ju llfcWf I UW M nu CDTIC CDC ' othf.who u to i"1 nUICn I IdCIId tn,P.p.., obtpm tilMH on idvertising tpice whtn In ChioftfOi Wli' m '' on '''1 4J 10 49 Rtndolph St., MK 0 TUAII1C,ol LUKU tt I HUBWl SUBSCRIBE for tbe COüEli


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