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Chauncey H. Millen ha gone to Marquette. Miss Kittle Hatch hus goae to Petoskey. Supervisor Ollbert was in the city yesterday. Cari Warden has arone to Ocean Grove, N. J. Mrs. E. A. Spence bas gone to Sairlnaw for a visit. Miss Clark of Gibsou's gallery, has gone to Macklnac. Mrs. A. J. Paisley leaves lor nortbern Michigan Thuriday. Auit. Uoehm expecU to takc a week off at Whitmore Lake next week. D. Cramer and wife have one to Menominee to visit tlieir daugbter. Miss Birdle Bllss goes to Detroit today to remaln a time witli frlends. Jas. Hudler and P. D. Curaings of Chelsea were in the city yesterday. Allen B. Pond, of Chicago, is home for a two week's stny with iii.s parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gott are vUitlnMrs. Jas. B. Gott on S. Diviiion st. Mrs. Wilson, daughter of Mrs. K. Chapin is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. Dr. Kockwell is out of town for a time, visting friends In various places. Miss Carrie Bennett, of Marshall, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Moses Seabolt. David Henninji has returned f rom Etirope, and was iu the city yeserday. Miss Luther, of Jackson, has been visiting at Moses Seabolt's duf ing the weekFred. Stevens and xvife are occupying the Beu Theta society house this summer. Miss Louise HuacMiiaiin, of Clncinnati, 18 visiting lier frieiid Miss Kiullv Guudert. Prof. H. W. Kogers is enjoyinjr a vlsit from liis motlier, wlio resides in Buffalo, Misa Mary Sullivan has gone to Chicago to visit lier brotber Dr. T. J. Sullivan. Mis. Q. Burd goes to Terre Haute to spend some time witli uer daughter, Mrs. Koyce. Pliil. Stim-üii has rented Mrs. Taylor's house, ou William st., and lias moved therein. Mrs. Wheaf, of Kansas, is vlsltlng her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cleiuenls, on S State st. P. S. Dodge of the Stanton Clipper, nul little daughter were !¦ the city last Saturday. Mrs. Mozart is home for a few week's stay and rest from her duties at Washington, D. C. Olías. Orr and taiuily have jtist retunied from a visit to their oíd lióme at Xeuia, Ohio. Dr. Glbbes has purubased the Dr. C.N. Jones house on Orleans street, aud has moved tbereto. Miss Julia lí. Roya expects to go to Bay Yiew to-inorrow or next day for a few week's stay. Mr. aud Mrs. Eugeoe Mutschel are spending a week incamp un iiurtti side ot Whitiuore Lake. The families of MocesSeabolt and Win. Saunders Ieft for ltush Lake or Oak Grove last Mondav. Mrs. Haddock and son, motber and brotlier to Mrs. K. W. Harmon, are visiting the lutter lady. Dr. C. E. Klotz with wife mul sou, of St. Catharlne's, Ont., are visitlng Mrs. K's tather C. Eberbach. Mr. and Mrj. Rev. W. H. Ryder, and family left the city to-üay for ihelr new home in Aodover, Ma. J. 'f. Jacobs, John A. Gates, and a nuniber of others contémplate h trip to Cinclnnati next Mouday. Geo. A Lo id and duu liters, of Oscoda, have been visitin the torwer's slstt r Mrs. Gay, of E. Hu ron st. Prof. L. D. Wines has rented the boute fornerly occupied by Eugene MuUchel, on Washington at., east of S. Thayer. Mrs. John J. Robison Is with her d.-uiiilitiT, Mis. Gertrude Knnun, at Anderson, Livingston Uo., who is very siek. .Mis. Anus E. Warden has gone to Jell'ersonville, [lid., and Mr. John M. Wheeler aecompanlas her, to visit relatives. Mrs. Dr. C. G. Dading and mnther, Mrs. l'ay in-, left this iiiorning for L;ikeslde, Ohio, for a tay of two or turee weeks. Miss Nota I.ynn, of the P. 0. force, Is visiting relutives and triencls at Ter re Haiile, Intl., and elsewhere for a couple ot' weeks. I. I!. Bent h-aves the latter part of the week for au extended trip to Boston, Hartford, Nevr Haven, Norwlch, Nantucket, etc. Miss Abble A. Pond, accompanled by her little niece Bessla Pond, eoea to-day to Fllnt for a two or tliree week's stay with friends. Dr. Huber, F red Sterens and H. Rundall went fishing at Silver Lake yeterday. All tïsb. caught were enaged weeks aliead. Carroll Reinick has ben oblixed to gve up his sitnatlou in Dean's store, acd is now talkinü sirongly of going to Waíl.ington Terrltory. E. S. Crawford, of Eust Satfinaw, hiig been in the city this week. He expecls to quit the newspaper business sooa and go into the luw, at Detroit. Mrg. VV. W. Bliss, spent lust Sunday In Jackson, Ttsiting her son George and ï.mnly. Miss Ida Bliss is passing u portiou of her vacatiou there. The leaant face of Fred Wallace was In tlie city laet Friday, he having concluded to let at Chatanooga, Term., rest for a time, while he takes a vacation. Porter Latbrop and wife are in the city thls week visiihiii Mr. Lathrop's parents, JoUn W. Thomson and wife. Tliey expect to start shortly for California overland, stopping at all intermedíate poinU. Truman FUh, who clerked In tui city for F. J. B. Craue in 1844, was in the city last week, vlsiting hls old frietid Philip Uacli. Mr. Fiali has been a resident of California many years, and although not having been liere before tor 30 year, pronouncea this tlie boss city atter all. Dr. T. C. Philips, wrltlog from Milwaukee, where he bas located, sayn the pliyslcian, Dr. Sneider, in whose office he is, hs an immense practice, and tbat he is eujoying the work hugely. Furtherinore hc says tliat Milwaukee ia tbe finest city in the east, far aliead of Detroit. Tbis last statement muy be all right, but having been thrc once and dwlocated our jaw tiiree times in going half a biock in a viiln endeavor to pronounce the names of tbe business men on the street signs, we made up our mind that tbcre werc sume things in Milwaukec that were not beautiful. Tliere are quite a nutnbor of republicana sanguine of cirryiiig tbiscounty tliis fall. Corrected time tables of tlie IL C. RJ R and tho T., A. A. & N. M. K. U's. will be fouud in tbeir respective columns. Lcvi D. Wines lias sold hls residence, corner of S. Tbayer nnd E. Washington sts., to W. W. Tozer, wbo will take immeüiate posAession. The rate of $3.40 to Cincinnati and return over the T., A. A. ite N. M aud the C. H. & D. K. R'i. is cheaper than staying at home. Tlie Ann Arbor Co-operative Stvings Association is ou tli up grade, having now over 120 members. Tlie prolits for last quarter were 11.4 per cent. per annum. A wagon load of birds of beautiful plumage, and sorne that were notso leautlful, have been attracting small boyf, and vmptyint: pater familias pockets for a day or two on the streeti. M. Noli liad the good fortune to liolil tlie lucky ticket In a Gennitn lottery recently, and bas secured enough ihereby to build bim a house. He has walted üome 16 years forluck to utrlke hlm. We understand that John Haarer drew a prize, also.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News