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Sheriff Walah bas secured a pension. Xo one will begrudge liiin liis ood fortune. Nearly all of the deleg:ites to the democratie convention from tliia 8ection imite in the opinión that it will be " Burt and Boodle," for governor. Well, Burt lias always been a pretty good Rpablicao. He voted for Blaine four years ago, and is opposed to free trade or low tarlffi even. The Lidies Decoration Society held a meeting July 14tli at the residence of Mrs. J. B. Saunders, and the following offleers were elected for the ensuing }'ear : Mr. N. H. Plerce? Vlce-I'resldeiit- Mr. Pi her Secretary- Mrs. Bark ham. Treasurer- Mr. Balley. Considerable talk was induljred In lavorinjf the merging of this society into a Woman's Kelief Corps, and t was thought by so doing niany new ladies would join and their work be conslderably enlarged. The meeting Uien adjourned to meet again at Mrs. Barkham's, July 27. VVe have heard of people losing tlieir souls before now, and always believed it 8omethlng awful. Now we know ir to be such. We saw an editor Monday who didn't exactly lose his sole, but near enough thereto to land hlm just on the edge of perdition. He had neglected hav Ing an extra peit put In for sometime. evidently, and as he was wending bis way homewards at noon the pUffucy ttiing loosened up all along the Iliw "clean to" the heels, with hia home several blocks away. Then he quietly and without profanily bent hta long, letn back and grasping the shoe and the sole attempted to gqueeze the two togetber. The one lone ron peg went back into its oíd placo and ht-lj on for about ten steps another íqueeze, and a few steps more; the next squeeze however failed to cement the now tlioroughly divorced solto the upper, and the poor lone peg was ¦iMiuu ueiii au out ot süape. I he editor begnu to grow red in the face, and to ndd to the dilemma a lady of' his acqiiaintance overtook him aml remarked pleasantly tlmt the "day was quite warm." He agrñed with lier, perfectly, tor xreat beads of perspiratiou were standing all over liim. She was going the same way he was "and would be deli;hted to have his conipany.'' Poor fellow, ha walked lame, shoved his foot along on the walk, and went through innumerable antics to keep that sole from flopping under and stlcking out back of liia heel, while she, the possessed lady that she was, never added to his euibarrsssuieut by notlclng the real cause, but sympathized with the poor scrlbe for the acute attack of rheuniatisin whlch he seemed to suffer trom. Kinally a bril liaut idea struck him. He had heard aomewhere that people troubled with rheumatism or lameness could walk bttler backwards, and tnriiing around he stepped liirhtly along and backed up all the rest of the way home, whe re to his utter horror another lady was uwailing hls arrival; but he backed irracefullv Infn ¦ f - - - - - - - - - - - - - -¦- v - - ¦ - J ¦ __ f a chair, and liad time to allow tbe frenzy of his temper to cool off before reinoviiij; the offending shoe. He says there are times in people's lives steps backwards are tbe proper tliin, bul every time he thinkg of that miserable solé a decp crlmson comes to his cbeek and won! of empbasia well up to bis tongue hut die tbere without escaping. Andrews & Company's special cleaiance sale of wall paper remnants bogine Monday, July 23J.


Ann Arbor Courier
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