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W Troyal isa'jit ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbli powder never varlrs, A mirvel of purlty, ifenglh :ind wbolcuomenew. Mor" económica) Ituui Ihe ordinary kim!, mul rn al be sold in Comptili 'II wlth the mtiltilmli ni fow t' st. Mhort alamor ph pinto p waer Snld ntily 'm eant. l.ov vi. I'. k se Po ii i: ('¦ . idii Wull St.. M. V. EVERY NIGHTI SCRATCHED I til tli Mkin WHM ruw. Koily rov tril v il li scalf h Ükr Mpots of mortal'. 4'tirfil Hm" uflriira Hrinril 1n. I hui ir 'iin: t teil vmj of tlu1 ixtraordinaiy rli:ii "e venr ( l ii i K R9XIDIH iMTlomi' il Op nv Ah.uitttie Irat of April lat I notlcd me r.d pimptoa liki' c ming out n'l over iny body. lnt rhought not hing ufliunUlftOiu ¦ i rao later on, w.un H ltegun to look lik' ppots of murttr ppottert on, and wiiirh cume off in Uyei. accompiiuied with Itehtig I wouiil Her-H ch t-vt-ry ntgbt until I wa rdv. Hm ii the Mixt uil; it Ihfl Hl s, K'h L' fnrmcd ni.-a vrblle, were pcratched off agtün iu min did i r 'ii-uit ftll the dooton in tb6 cuautry, bat iihont iid. Aft er givlpg np all bopee i recovery,! hMppi'iH'i to síMrtii nüvirti iu ¦ni i ii tl 'f newdpapet ab'tnl ymr t'tiTirr ka KbmbDIEs. and pmclm-i'il Hu m f om my drnggtstt und obt ilned a m - ini medlAte reltet, Iikltui io uo'ice thst the sfjily triü'tmi t Lr .'idiiHliy droppel off and dlaopeftrefl "in b) ofte, and bave bei n fn! y cnred. 1 tinrt the di-if i-e thif ti'cii mon ba beforc l begaa tftktng the CUTiCUBA Rkuedi K-iand in tuur iti Ure w n m entirt'ly cnrci. My diMM6 w 't rezem i and ptforiasli. l reci nam -nd. d the ir i'icL'ua Ukhkhibr to all fn my vicinity, and 1 kn-w of a i_'rt-at m inv who have taken them, and tlmnk m tor the knr.u of thein, cspecially moiher- who hftTfl babea wiili caly eraplions on thcir ;uni bodles. 1 caB not expresa Ín wnrds rtie thaiika to vim forwha Ihe dticUra [KVKDtvs bave bet n turne. My tody was covorcd with cnlao, and I vmê bb nwrol spectacle to behold. Nuw my ikln ifl !it" nice and clear as n bab V. QBO. COTBT, Mt-rrill, Wis. Sept. 21, 1887. Fcb 7, isss.- Not a trace wbalsoever of tbrdiüe66 froin whirh I tulV„Ted hun Bbown itnelf slncé nyoom, gko.cotey. We canuot do justin' to the asteen) In which CUTIOOBA. the -vtil Skin Oara, and ('rnn i; Soap, bh pxqnlilta -kin Beaotifler, prepared froni it. nd Cüthtiu Rbolvbmt. the m-w Blood Pu rifler, are beid by the thonaanoa apon tbonaanril wboM live! have been m ule happy by the care f tg m i f, bmailiatiDg, ilchii g, pc ily and pimpiy - of the f kin, (raid aud blood, wlth U-of ha ir. SoM eTcry whore. Prtoe: CtmcuitA.ÖOc ;9oap, 2"c; ïïksih.vkni", il. Preparad by tbe rorrBB Diiua A Chbmioal Co., BoHod, M aa. tSSend for "llow to Onre Skin DUera,w 'l pages, 60 illuétratiouri, und IW teutimuaitiU. Dl i 1 ï -KSf blck-hoad(i,r''d,niiLrli. rhapped ftnd rllVI 'oily skin preveoted b) COticüsu Soap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed Trom the infn 81 raflbeatlol wbile lylnïdown; to breathe frcely, sleep soandly and undislurlH'd; to risc refreshed, lieud cicar, brain active and free from pain or aclic ; to know ,hat no puiouüu, pulrid nmlter deillcB the hrealh and rot away the delicate macliini'ry ol smell, ate and hearinj; ; to foei that Ihe sfutsa il"es not nrougli it." vIn nul arteries, suck up the poison that In snre to undermlne and destroy, fs Indeed a leifiiu; lieyind all other human enjoyments. To turchase linmanity from kucIí a fite yliould lc the ohject of al arlllcu-d. Iiut those who have trled nvii.y rmedtet nnd phyalclana despair of reliri or cure. Sanfokds Radical Cure meets evcry ptiase of Catarrh, from a inplu head cold to the niost oatliBome and destruclive tages. It Is local nd constltutional. Inxtant in raHertaCi pirin:ment n cuririir, cafe, económica! and nevcr failinjiSandkokd'h Radical Club conslsis of one botIe of the Kadicai. Ourk. one box of ('atakbhal Solvknt. and one Impbovkd Inh ai.kk, ill wrapped n one packi;p, with treatlse and dlrectioni", and ïold by all dru(tgit9 for 81. NoRheumatizAboutMe IV OXE ¦niITTE . V lhl' ' "t Ie urn !iii-i':iin Ê(S I'lantert relieves Hbeuiiiatli', s ia. f tic, Snddep.Sharpand NervoonPaliis, B# --trnii and Weakncsee. The lirat 7 ir i"d )"ly pain-killliii! piaster. New, { jr original, intaci'aiieniH, inWlihle, sale A Antidote to I'ain, Inflammation and Weuknesa. l'tterly unllke and vaiilly Fiipi-rior to all other piasters. At all druin-ti, 'beent?; ftve for : or, poHtiwe fr.'e, ol I'orTKR Ukl-u 4 OiiK.mCii. Co., Boston, IUM. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK. MICniGAN. Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$6O,ooo. Organized nnder the Oencral Banking Uw of this State the stockholdor are indivldually Hable for an additlonal amount equal to tbestock held by them, therebycreatiog Oaarantee Fund for the benefit of Deposltors of $100,000.00. Threc per cent. Interest in allowed on all Savings Deposlt of one dollar aud upwardu, accordlng to the rule of the Dank and ÍDterct compounded ieml-annually. Maneyto Loan on unincumbered ral estáte and other (jood securlty. DIRECTOKS : (UI1U8TIAN MAOK, WM. D. HARRIMAN, W W. WINEH, DANIKLIIISCOCK, W'ÍllÍaM DKUBEL, WIL1.AKU B. SMITU. DAVID HIN8KY. ÜFFÍCERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINB8, Vlce-Pre 0. A. HISCOCK.fí.iHhler. iiinilllllU lm" revolutionlzed the world IHlTrilTinM 'InrliiB the lasl half century. i il Villl 1 i Uil Not Imat iiinoiiK Um wondMi 111 ' ¦"' ""(,! inventivo progresa la a methixl and systcm of wrk tlmt can be perforinfd all over the country without eparatIiik the wurkcre from tlioir h.mi-.s. ray liberal : any one cando tlie wort ; elthersex young or oíd; no special ahlllty requlred CHpltal not needed ; you are itarted rree. Cui thls out aud return to us and we will send yon free, ornetlilng of great value and Ini portance to yon, llmW wlll start you In busl nM whlchwlll brlng you In more mom-v rlghtaway tlmn anythiiiK etoe-in tlnworld Urand outfit free. Addres True & Co,, Augusta, Malue.


Ann Arbor Courier
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