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Pinckney will hive a pickle factory. W. F. Hatch, of Chelsea has an orange tri-t in blossom. Yon can spear fiali now without fear of breakinj; the law. The county Mr OCCBff on Sept. 25th, 26t!i, 27th and 28th. The Ith Mico. Cavalry irlll bold ¦ reunión at Plint Bept. I2tii. The Advenís have broken np their camp iiKH-tinj; at Stockbrldge. The Saline roller stille are tnannÍMCtnrng a car load of llonr per werk. A. H. Oreen and fnniily of Manchester, will start for California In Ang. De Vinoy Alport, formerly of Dexter, now runs a livery stable at l'inekney. Chelsea haf h Hf hook and Uddei truckj and the Herald saja it is a dandy. Whortlebenles have been badly ell'ected by dry weatlier in the yicinily ol Chelaea. The Manchester counoil have determiwii that the poor walks of that burg shull be fizad np. Harvey Blaakman died it Bittle Creek July 17, aged GSycars. J I e was a former resident of Sliarun. Saline lads have been very naughtily "coonlng"' fruits lately. They botter keep their weatlier eye wide open. We had rather onr county contemp's wouH! fteal oor Items direct than to clip tliem out and credit to " Kx."' The übservev would like to hear open air OOUOertS by the band cvery Siturday evcning at Saline. Wliy not lake the drum corps '! The school board have engRffed Miss Taylor, ofAnu Arbor, as preceptress of our union school for the coming yesr. - Saline Observer. Uev. Mr. Allen, a former pastor of the Webster Congregational churcli, bas accepted a cali to St. John's, and will retnove thereto in Sept. Note it down as something unusual- an extra train ran over the Ypsilanti branch, Tuesday. - Observer. Mlstake probably, got on the wrong truck. Newman Granger, one of the old pioneers and business men of Manchester, lied on the lOtb inst. He was a liberal minded citizen, but never married. There is to be an ice cream social given jy the Ladie's Aid Society of the Dexter Baptist church, at B. V. Waitejr's., residence on Saturday evening, July 28. The young ladies of Webster have organizad a missiou band which will construct fancy work to be disposed of to the 'oung men at a fair to be held in the all. The ninth Anntial Reunión of the 'Jth Michigan Infantry will be held at Orand edge, August 8, 1888. All soldlers with their families are cordially iuvited to attend. A large pontlon of the farmers kl this ( vicinily have secured their hay and wheat crops, all in good shape, there having been no rain to iuterfere wlth their work. - Dexter Leader. Mis. A. Skinner relict of George X. Skinner died at Wichita, Kansas, recently and her body was brought to Ypsilanti :or interinent. She had lived 84 yeurs, more than half thereof iu Ypsilauti. Only three of our town boys went to Chelsea Hst Hunday. How many will jo next Sunday? - Dexter Leader. Isn't liree enough 'i Can't the Dexter girls teep the balance ot' tliem at home sonie way ? A man wlio peddles merehandise thi-oiij;hout this st;ite must have a tícense obtained from the treasurer. Failure to thus iirotect themselves has got many peripiitetic dealers mto trouble. - Detroit Journal. The best time ever made i a trot of 100 miles was a little over eifrlit hours, but the blcyclist lias come along since and wiped tbis all away, traversing the distance in six hours. - Manchester Enterprise. The coming county fair will be a good one or all sijjns fail. It is evidently goiug to be au excellent year for a oocl growth of veiretation, and un effort will be made to bring out i largor display than usual. Will Moran who linished the brick work on ,1 no. McGuiness' line brick store, last Saturday night, started Monday for Aan Arbor, where he will work at his Iradei He is a lirst class mason. - Pinckney Dipatch. Our local K. T. are scouting up their swords aud getting their regalia ready for the encampment at Devil's Lnke. We onderstand that several "outsiders1' have been invited to accompany them. - Manchester Enterprise. Mrs. Abby M. Cheever, of Ypsilanti, died July 17th, aged 00 years, baring been bom in 1798. lier late husbaiuC liev. E. Cheever had been pastor of the Presbyterian churcli in Ypsilanti from 1850 to '54, and was we.ll known. The Dexter base ball nine went to Pinckney last week and inopped the earth with tlie club of that place, coming home happy as larks. The l'inckney Dispatcu, however, eays it was a scrub nine, anil not their regular pluyers. "Will the coming man OM both arms?" asked a scientist. He will if bit 'irl knows how to drive. - Saline Observer. And yon can put it down for fact that it she don't know how to drive she will mlrhty soon learn, or elte lel the ld horse " go as you piawb." We vih to introduce to our readen Dr. J. G. Lynds, i graduate of the University of Michigan, who comes here wcll recommended as an expert in hii profession, and solicits a share of public patronage. Hls office is iu the rooms latei V OC cupied by Dr. Htiaw.- Chelsea Herald. The nuraber of sheep in the state in May, 1888, was 1,!I7....V,:. The wool clip is estimated at 11,898,047 pounds. Averafriiig ilie loss by the democratie Mills bill tarifl' tinkering at 10 cents per lb., and we have the enortuous sum of $1,189,804.70 taken directly out of the pockets of Michigan farmers. How do you like it ? The pioneers of this county will hold their picnic in Howell on Thursday, Aug. i)th. If the weather permits dinner will be enten in the court yard grove. Spaaking and other exereises will be hold in the Opera House. Ex-Gov. Alpheus Felch of Aim Arbor is expectpd to be present. Full particular! mwt weck. - llowcll Kepublican. "Bizenewh bizeuess, " says Isaac, the tailor. And so say all of us wheu four team whistles in our littlc midst teil us at 7 o'clock every inornlng that two sawDilllt, a brlck-yird and a grist-mill are setting their machinery in motion for anotlier day's tai!. I gneSB the villagers are not far wrong when tliey say Stockbride is booinin. - Sun. The lielrs of the late Cyrel Adams of Waterloo, found among his effects an envelope containing about eiguteen dollars in fiMClional United States currency, con.Mistinir of all the "shln piaster'1 denominations. The bank bought the lot at par, and has been selling them at the same rate to our cltizens as souvenira of the "Great Hebellion." - Stockbridge Sun. The Stockbridge Sun, edited by VVm. Gildart, a former attorney at law in tuis village, has cuanged from an independent sheet and come out as a full fledged repubUoaa oi(tan. Saline Observer. Iladn't observed that fact oursclves, but "by jinks" we should be rlght glad to welcome the brigbt little Suu in our folil, even if we don't al ways agree upon soine qaestlons.