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The University And Clinic

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Fiom the action taken by tlie medical society of thls county, it wnulJ nppear ¦tliat f tlie Unlversity is to be continued as a great instltuüon of learninf; the bonrd of regen ts must at once determine whether they will t:ike hokl of its preservation witli vlgdr it not. Kor some time the medical tfcpaftment bas been run by n junto of doetor whobave been insidiously workinjf for the removal of tlie meüiciil clinics and tlie medical department to Detroit. It never oceurred to the re;ents that a loyal faeulty was more lo be desired than a SQCalled ;reit man or two. The regeñts can rierer mitke sueeessful professors at Ann Arbor out of a set of men w h OP e entire interests are In a Uiir practice In Detroit. The one Invariable nik' should bc th il all medical professors should live at Ann Arbor. Tliis wonld put an e "il tl tu all trouble at bnce and forever. If the imiveisitv not to be abolished. it ought pot to be divided; if it is not to be divided, it ousht not to be puCin a. pbsition -.where suite is constantl}' eli(rendered by a Bet of doetors wlio can 't afford to live at the seat of tlie l'niveisity. Hut if the Unlvertlty is to be divided np, wi' blippOSü tlie Sainaws will want the pharruaceutlcal school, Grand ]Miids'tlie:scliool Jif dentistry, Jaekson tlie law school, OHvet the lltcrary departmont, and we inake uppltcatlOD tlow and here for the school of mecliunlcal en(jlneering to be located at [thaca, in the very center of;tliC lwwer peplngulur. We have uo great number of machine shops, faUrideries, faetorii's.'tc. trom vliich to secure a mccbsnical ellnic for onr school; bnt because Detroit has, that s no reason why ne would Save the earth. O:i the ! sume ground tliat ehe claims the nicdicil clinic, Detroit can cl dm the whole University. Bclovr is the revolution ot the Gratiot co'tintx' inedical society, and olhcr . nu soeieties 'should ve expresslou to thelr vicc. Hesolvcd, Tlmt up, society enters lts most earnes.t protest ngiiinsl vo rRmoval of th cliuiüs of tile medical iopartmêni jVoni the Unlvernlty umler any pretext u-hatever ainl that the constan tly increasinii DUmtarof'non¦ rosident professors Is a menaeo to the -....t 'beinp of that inxtltutlon as a wbole, and I tlit' cure foreruiinei' of lts dtomémbérmoat i and decuy. Because the ('01 muil gave place to the Utteranceof several republicans, that they believpU that their party would carry this county this ful I, lite Arus goes into a profound(?) arjíuiüeut to prove fluit . the CouuiEK is not icliable in its political predictions. The Coukiku milde no predirtion", hut siniply stated wliat others had said. But )t is just about as neir straight as the Aigus ever gets anythliig. ,We hope our esteemed cotemporaiy will forgive us it we reniaik that tt bas st hnbitually twisted thinge around to lult its own purposes that it is not now able to be fair and Uonest in anythiny. We gather frora brief items, twocilumns or more In lensth, In the Ann Arbor papers, that they are unalterably opposed to theestabllshment of a cllnlcal department of the unlversity In Detroit. This attitude of the Ann Arbor papers probably ought tosettle the matter, and yet we donbl tliat It will. Tfce Ann Arbor papera religlously believe that MicliiKan unlvi-relty is the property of the pleasant llttli' plnce in whleh they are publtRhed, aod was establlshed for lts benefit exolunlvely, bnt the're Is a irnnge heresy taking rootamung Uie people .ofMlcljigaii to the uirect that the imlversity belongs to thein.- Adrián Times. '. A man of Mr. A pp lesrat e 's ability and strentli of character ought to be ashamed of hiinself for.wrltlng such silJy, childish twaddle as the above, or allowin; it to appear iu the columns of his-paper if hls hlred man wrote it.


Ann Arbor Courier
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