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BIG RE DU CT ION SALE AT D. F. SCHAIRER'S In order to reduce our Summer stock rapidly and to make room for Fall GMda, we wlll oftVr our entire Stock at a GREAT REDUCTION ! Low priecs are winners and we are always TIEÏ-E CHEAPEST! Salo Wash Dress (Joods at unheard of low priecs. 15 picces White India Lincns at lOc per yard. 25 pieces White Inilia I.inens at 12 l-2c and 15c a yd. _O picccs Victoria Lawns at IOc, 12 I-2c and 15c per yard. 10 pieces Dotted and Figured Swiss at 25c per yard, worth 40c. 30 pieces Figured Lawns at 5c per yard. 10 pieces Black Organdy ïftusllns at 12 l-2c per yard. 8 pieces French stripcd Chambrays were 25c, now 14c a yard. One case choice 12 l-2c Uinghams now He per yard. 25 pieces l'laiil aud Check dilnghams werc IOc, now 6c a yard. 1 pieces 15c Crinklcs now 10c per yard. One case ark Prints at 3 l-2c per yard. 10 pieces White Plaid 10c. Nalnsooks now c.c a yd. Big drires in fine White Plaid Dress (Joods at 10c and 12 l-2c per yard. 100 pieces Embrolderles at 5c and 10c per yard. Closing out Swiss Flouncings nt 50c and 75c a yard. Big mark down in Black Cuantilly and Spanish Guipure Floiinclngs and Skirtings at 1, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Over 200 pieces French Lace Edges at 5c per yard. 38 pairs flne Lace taius at $1.50 and 2.00 a pair. 15 pirres Lace Stripe Curtain Scrini at 6c himI Mc per yard. 5 pleces 25c Fancy and Lace Scrini at 15c per yard. 8 pirco; Nottingham Cnrtaln Lace at 10c, i-i l-2c, 16c, !¦ and 25c per yard. 10 pozen 25c Bustles at lóc eacu. Lovely White Aprons 25c and 50c eacu. Silk Umbrellas and Parasols to be closed out tliis mout li at cost. 150 Ibs. Geese Featliers at 50c a Ib. 00 Ibs. best selected Prime Liye Geese Feathers at 65c a Ib. We can save you inoney on Feathers. Decided Bargains in Silks & Drcss Goods During this Sale. One lot $1.OO ('lored lrcis Silks at 75c por yard. One lot Black and Colorcd Kliadanies at 85c per yard. One lot $1.00 Surah Silks at 75c per yard. One lot $1.25 Faille Francaises at $1.00 per yard. 4 pteces 46 inch heavy 75c Black Cashnieres at 50c per yard. pieces Black 42 inch all Wool Dress Goods were 75c, now 50c per yard. 1 1 pircos Silk Warp Henriettas at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. 7 pieces 50e ((iiallty Pink and Ltght Bine Albatross at 25c per yard. 35 single Wool Shawls vrorth $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, all at $1.00each. This is a sale every economical lady in the City should atttend. Aro you Economical ? D. F. SCHAIRER O EPOUT OF THE CONÜITION - OF THE- FARMERS' & WW&' Wl at ANN AUIiOR, MICHIGAN, On mondar JWjTi 2, V. I. 1888. ,?íaiíejtl a=""laiice with Bectlons 18, 19. and f' '! ! ie (JeneralTlanHiug Law as aniended in lot 1. RE8OUKCKS. Tjoans and Discount $ ltJ7 705 8 Overdrafts '2x7 35 Furnlture and Fixlureg 3 497 (1 Expenses 4 9 Dae from BiinkH ana Bunkers. .....1 48 963 a l'.iiluls, Local 231)0 00 Cash 13,930 00 S 236.U8S 3 LIABII.ITIES. Capital pald in f 50.OOO 00 Surplus Fund tiO24 1 [Tnalvldend Proflts „. '130 7 ])ue Deposito 179,03:! ."9 Divldeuds unpaid 1,500 0 f 2W.688 30 I dosolemnly swear that the above state meut Is true, to the best of mv knowledee and belief. _ . Fi H. Bki.skr, Cashler Subserlbed and sworn to befare me. thts eveutli day of July, 1881. Jas, u Bach, Notary Public ToRent For aTermof Years. A large two-story Brlck House corner o División and Jetl'erson streeu, Ann rbor Midi. Klghleen rooms besldes pantry, closets, front and back halls. Five suits rooms on second Hoor, four of wbose leeplng rooms are accesslble from back hall. Both city and soft water indoors and ont. It Is belng painted outside and thoroughly renovated inslde, havlng removed paper, paint and calsomine, preparatory to repapering decorating, palntingand calsoralntng. Has an outside door to the dinlng room whlch is eleven feet six luches by twentytwofeetslx luches. It is well arrangel for boanlersand roomers. Location unsurpassed Wlll beready fnr lnspection about July 25th' A. D., 188S. ('all on oraddress A. M. CLARK, K Thompson Street. SCHOOL B0NDS FOR SALE. s.aled tenders are lnvited by the underslgned untll slx o'clock on the aftemoon of July the2)lh. 1888, for the purchase of 21 000 (twenty-!our tbousand) dollars of ionr ber cent. bonds of School District No. One of the City of Ann Artior, Mlch., as authorlzed by Annual School Meeting held Sept 8 ÏSSI In deno nlnatlon of 100 and S00 dollars ieln dated Feb. 1, 188, and payable as follow Feb. 1, 1889, $1 .500. Feb. 1, 1890, 1 S00 " mi. 2,000 18W, 3,0 o " 1H9, 4,000 " 18W, 4,0(0 " 1H95, 4 000 1896, 4,900 Interest payable nnnually. Both' principal and Interest payable at the office of the lreRsurerof sald district school. The rlïht orrejectlngany orU blds is reserved I!y order of the Board of Educatiou.' L. Orunkh, TreHsarer No. 8 South Main St. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1888. LX7MBERI LT7MBER! LÏÏMBEE! II yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Linler Y jrl ! C'onmr Fourlb and Depot 8ts., and gg our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES a-G!ve n a cali and we wlll make t 'J your ntercst, as our Urge and weU gradcd Koek fully usuins our istcrtion. Telephone Connectioni with Ornee, r. I. KKHCH Supt. IAMKS TOI.BKRT, Prop


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