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Be Your own Doctor. It won't cost yon one-half so much. Do not delay. Senil three 2-cent stamps for iostare,"and we will send you Dr. Kauf manu's great work, fine colored platos froin lite, on dlsease, its causes, and lióme cure. Address A. P. ürdway & Co., Boston, Mass. Little Elsie- Ob, Mr. Bull! Wlien dld you get well? Mr. Buil. of Wall street (wlio comes out to see ENe's big sister)- Get well, little girl? Why do you nsk that queation ? Little Elsie- Becausb I heard my papa say tli8 mornlng that you weren't able to take lip your paper !- Time. "As familiar as a household word." Sucli Is indeed the name ot ESTEY, and the organ wliich bears that name has attained a popularity second to ttiat o f no other manufacture. It is conceded on all sides that it stands unrlvalled for purity of tone and clegance of design and finish, while the prices are so reasonable as to place it within the reach of all who dcsire a lirst-class instrument. The attention of our readers has undoubtedly been attracted by the quaiut series of advertisenients now being inserted in our columns. AVe can add our personal endorsemeiit as to the truthfulness of the claims made tlierein, and believe that the presence of an ESTEY ORGAN In the home will be' a perpetual source of joy and Udnen. rNTALÜABlK FfR Bl'BSS, SlNlilUNS. 1I UtltlUEA, CHAFINGS, STl.NtiS OF IHSKCTS, IMI.KS. KOKK ETW, SOBK FKKT. THE WONDER OFHEALING! For Pile, (Use wlth rond'n Kxtracf Olntmont,) it la tho greatcet known remedy. Por Bnnu, Scnltln, WWnli, lliiiln niil Snrnln, it is stopping pain and hcaling in a marvcloue manner. For Inflameil mul Sorc E.- IU effect upon theso delicate organa is Bimply marvclouB. All Inflamnwtloni and lleniorrhages yield to ita wondrous power. For l'lceri, Ohl Sorc, or Open WouikIh, Tootltaclte, Faccaclir, Blies of Inaects, sorc Feet, ita action upon these Is moBt retnarkablc. Caution POXD'3 EXTRA CT has been Imftaled. The genulne hoi Ou worde " POS ff S EXT HA CT" btoion In the glaM, and mirpicfun tracktnark on turroutuUng bujf v rapper. Xau oiher U genuine. Alway tnêitt on haring POXD'S EXTRA CT. "fake no other prtparation. Il l necer êotd in bulk or by tneature. Prices, 50c. , 1, $1.75. Sold everywhero. (CTOrR Niw l'iMrnLrr wiTn Histort or oc rBBfAlLiTIOSS SkKT FKKE ON AlTLlCATIOK TO POND'S EZTBACT CO-, 7S 5th Ave., N.Y. POND'S EXTRACT ¦OIHTMEHT. Vi This Ointmenl ia specially Mr. h 'ommended for Files. If used in connection with 1 Vond's Extract it will be N" fouiul iuvaluable. laHd Also for llurns, Scalds, Ervptions,dc,&c TestimoniC4 als f rom all classes. Price 50c. Sold !y all Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of pnce. Tt np ouly lnr rOND'S ESTEACT CO., 76 Bth Ave.,N.Y.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News