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Another miisic store on Main st., inukD tlie tliiril n tlieclty. The open house will open lip Aug. -¦lJtli. iiuicli earlier than usual. The conventlon was a live gatherir.g of Vl'libteuaW runners and republicana. Tlie annuaJ picnic oí the Zlon Lntbernn gunday School occurs next week Ttiursday. The whest that lms been threshed so far. lias turned out inucb better than anticlpated. Tliere is rejoicing In the house of Patriek l'iutell, et Northfleld, over the advent of a son. Fri'J Sclilanderer found a nice .-Ik parasol Sunil.-iy a. in., wliicli the owner can Imvf ly kpplylng to him. Counuaiuler W. J. Clurk, of the 3d wanl hrigade baa In hand tlie raisinof ¦ (and ffÉ flllf? fr llie 3d ward pole. Tlie galvanized iron fronts of the State st. stores are being put up. Some of tlitin will be vory line lookiuj;, indeed. Tlie (freat equine paradox comes over tlie T. & A. A. K. lt tu ihis city; everytbiDg oonaeá over Cbat route now-a-days. A nighl blooming cereus on esh'tbitlon at Tum's 3d ward green-houe attracted quite a numberof vUitorij Monduy niht . Rev. Thos. Parry, of Michigan City, Ind., will liriacli botb morningand eveiiing at the Presbyterian chureb nest Sunilay. The usual corap. for the State fair, whii'h bejfin at .Tackson Sopt. lOth, andí to the 14th, inclusive, has bet;u re odnd. Baperlntendent Perry will conduct the Sttte Teaclieni' Aisocliitlon for Ingbam cnunty, wblch meeta al WüllHiuston August 13. Wirt Xewkirk, ye local of Mie Register, lms a line oollectioQ of Indian relies, Mniiml Builder's pottery, tooi?, etc, at li is hume in liirkett. l'red W. Stevens lms been offered and accepted a position at Hyde Parke, III., :it $1, 400 salary ns a teaeher. We are very glad to note Fred's jood fortune MetbodUt Eptaoopal chiirch. W. W. Ramsay pastor. Sermón S&bbatb. mornlagon"Tbe Advantages of Hollness"; atil In the evening on "Faithfulness." Mrs. L iwrence, of Saline, who was engajred by our school board as a teacher for the 3'l waril school, hus cban;ed her Bind, and will remain in the Saline scliooli. The OouBIBR ofllce ia printinetbe premium list painplilet for the Western WuliteD iw and Katern Jacktoo county fair, to bs beid at Cla'lsca, September 25 The cijrlit hour regnlations in the carriir .-tTvicc wil] go into etl'eot at oncp, or as sixin M it is poacible for Mr. Duffy to linke th'' tu1 appointiuents und new arriDfceiuent. The I'. O. forcé on iluty lias been nliüüt'il ti woik (Jou ble time and then hiivc nol in-en tble tu keepup, cauted by the sickness of Messrs. Alien, Brown and Ben'ler, Hlid the Taoation of some otliers of the forcé. The matter of securin; the Michigan Bouthern ]{.. K for this place will be lirought íi p at the meeting of the liusimm Men 's AjsocUtlon rrtday evening, at tin; ftouncll room. Better be on hmid and hear wlr.U is s ¦iiil. One of tlie old boys wlio has been tr.n-elin r Hboot the county, and remeoiliers huw it v:s whcn lic is a kul, says, teil the liuys th;it thefta is going Co be a goud erop of h;icl mits, liickory mits, wnlnut nutf, etc., tliis ycar. E. N. Bilble the li-aler of the Cheqnamegonn l:st yeur will s:ill for Berlin Ang. t6tn. He will renauln two yeara studyi'ig inii-ic, :iiid will be in coinpiinv with .hilins V. Seyler. The latter is nwklog wondcrlul projjren in the profetnoa, Blmcr E. IInbhard, lit. of 'MS, ir,,l one of the ChroDlcle bourd last year, has been offered ;i Koverment poaition as lenchar in the schools at Japan, havintr lii-i expenaM pld, and a salary of $750 tiif lust ycar. He aerees to slay live Vi'Hr. E. Muir, leeretary áBníMincw the inothly meeting of WathtsiMtw Pomo:'ical Soricty nrxt Saturday, Aujr. 4, kt p. m. n eourt hntue. Topics: Pears, irntpep, irjutport&Uon. BxhIMt f fruit of the season, fruit pretervee and ackuges. Wlnn you viill the (üneinnati exposiioi), it mlghl lie wel) to reinember that the ItOTte't, eheapest, quiekest and bet route lover tlie T. A. A. A y. M. and the J. IA l). I!. li's. [f you doubt itjust ask i. J. Piiislev, hikI 3ee what lie says bout it. Amoiig tlie attractions advertised for he ('In liea tair is a novel oue. Tliere is i :i Kreat democratie mass meeting on lie ürounds on Thursday the 27tli of ept., to eom pete for f20 premium wlth repabliean niass meeting to be held on li'1 Hth 'n tlie sanie grounds. The tiourd of diroctors of the WashMMW Mutual Fire Insurance Compüiiy 1 laat Sitiuday forenoon at the oiHce ifSec'y Cuilds, Bod djaoted the loss of Ucliml Cowan by fire and the loss of a 'ow of Herman Vedder. ot Augusta, lied by lihtning, at 20 OG. Dr. Lupinskf, who was appointed ïealtli officer of Grand IUpids som e Mstfo since, and whose inarringe to 'lisa Olemeiitine Houghton was re'ntly announoed, has been removed rom that posltion, and Dr. Edniú Watson appointed in his place. Asa Allen, tlio mail carrier wlio supl'lies tlie 5th ward people wlth thelr mail, gave out rhlle on his route MonJjy, and luis been obliged tolny off since. Allen has been one of th'e sturdiest trrlenon the routes, and it s to te lioped that he will be around aifain in a % or two. Chris. Donnelly, whose familiar form on the old express wagon has becotue so ell known to all our people, has given UP the position, and been appointed as une of the new carriers, acting at present f iibstitute. We are glad to note yiris'. promotion. Mr. Latson, late of 'wkson, takes bis place in the expresn office. A eounle of sneak thieves broke into w liouse of Henry Braun, about two ?"1m out on the Dixboro road, while the "Hwwwett chuich öunday torenoon, "VciHwling tlnough a screen window. hey stole $10 in money, a gold pen and "'''T, some silk liamlkerchiefn and "luniers, and a pair of ncw pants. Tliey i np two plates of pies, plates and all, "lm' ke, etc. They were tracked up JtJ uistance, but they got away all T''; :i;rmnn Workingmen's Society of "" r"y is having a grand picnic to-day " Mllef Park. Kindred societiea froin Ti81'!!",1'1 Saline, Manchester, Chelsea O l.)lcdo imite with them, and at 2 '¦; ¦'' I rand parade was had of these 'íMiizutions, accompanied by the Ann oor city band, and the bands from öa! anii Yprihntl, marching to the Park. ne proceeds will go to the society treasy. n is needless to add that they are "avng a good time. At last tlie preüinlnary steps are being " en to forma Woinau's Iielief Corps I % request of the luenibers JM Ladi..s Decorating Society, their .''"leut Mrt. N. II. I'ierce has been in "Ppndence with Louise A. Robbins, of Vf ian' p'esidentof the Department 'Michigan, and has recelved all necesw,V"l0"ation as to the preliminary „ K "' be done. Slic has also received p' -iiiction of the Cuimanderof Weloh , l na nuiiiy of ts prominent members, "" meeting will probably be called I . Hall, for the purpose of iov i l"cl' 8" "rganl.ation, when all tC' w""'" of the city of Kood moral slit au(' u'"'ri'ot deportment, over 'iiem rS of &re' wi" be eligible to ¦ltp. Letall takehold


Ann Arbor Courier
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