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USOYAL ÍSK,Í Ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thip powder never vario?. A mirvcl of purity, itrength and wtioltitunicaest. More economical than the ordiuury ktndt, and fannot bc -old In competitl -n with the multitud? of low test. short weiLrlit alom or ph' sphaie pmviler?. Sol tl oiüy in Cdu. HOYAL B KINtl PUWIIKK CO , 106 Wllü SL, N. Y. AFRIGHTFULSKINDISEASE. Huftertnga Intenwe. Head nearly ruw . Body eovereil with More. Curoit by I I hr iiliruru lt'iiulirs. Measrs. Stevens & Bkunkr, Monroe, N. C. Denr afir, - Abt two montlis ego, on yoiir reconiniendHilon, 1 Itouíit a botMe of CutiOUSa Kksolvent, ooe box CH'ticdra Salve, und one cake oi CittioUka Soap, for my son, agud thlrteen vt-tir-, w do ha been amicti'd wtlh eczem i Tor a ion: time, and ï urn i1eaed to oay th-it I heöeve tlif iiinedies have ciirt-d bini. Hi niffaringa lrer intt-nae. tiie lu-rtd belng nearly nw, I ean belns goae except the gristlf, and tiiu body was covr n d with sores lïis rondnion wrts frightful t bekold. Tüe aorec have in-w all filsappeared, hii fklo i henlthy, ee blig t, elieerful in d!?positlon, and Ia workuiK every day. My neitibnrt are wUnflesen tü this rt mHrkHblf cure, aud 9m doubtii í; ones are requested to cali or wrlte na ', or anj ol my nefghbors. WM. S. ÖTKPHKNSON. WlMCUIteTK P, O., t'NlON CO-, N.C. Monrob, N. C, üct. S, 18S7. The Pdttkr Dbco an Chkmical Co.; Utnttemen,- Mr. Win. s. Stupuenon oí thi couaty brouüht hl on to town to-day to let uk see Mm. mi il lo ihow ui wlmt Cutk'uka Kemkdies had done for him. Thiu ie the case rcterred to in our letter to you ome Ümn . To look at the boy now, one would Mippose thal toeft liail never been amthiui; the matter with him,- seems to be in perfect health. We have written ond herewlth inclose what htw fntlier hae to say ahuut matter. - wrote ItjuetfiH hcdlctated. Wb are rHliiiL' uinte a ,]iinlity of CuricuRA Rkmkdikh and bi-ar nothin bnt pAtset 1tir tbein . We rejjttHl UieCuxrcuKA KitMïDiKstlie hint in the m irkH, and i-lmll do all we can to proimote their aalu. Ymire trulv, SIKVUNS Hlil'SKK. UrU'-'Sistu and l'hiiruiaci.Htn. Ciitici'ka. the t'ront kin curn,and Cotioük Boirprepared frum it, ezterually, and CnioüR 1ÍKMOI.VKNT. the lu-w hlood purillrr internally. are a punid ve cu e for every forni oí pkln and blood dUeaCH froni plmslw to sciofuhi. Sold everywherc. Trice: CUTIOUBA.Wc, ;', 35c.) I4hsoi.vk.nt, l. Preparid by tbe I'OTTBB 0KUU A CHKKIUAI. Un., liost'in, Ma". {"Send for "tlow tu Cnre Skin DUoaees," 01 pages, M Uluatraliuna, ud UM ttwtiíaoutaJa. ni hK l'I.KS, black -hnadii, red, rongh, rhappcd and I IVI 'Jily okin prevakted by CutioUH öor, Sneezing Catarrh. The dlstresslns; nee..-, aiieeze, moa, the acri.l atery dlíchar({es froni thc' fe and noce, the ainTul Inflanimatlon sxtandljtg to the thioat, the welling of the BHMMMU liniug, caualnt' cliokint; enaatlons, enngh, rinüinu noinea in the head nnd Mlttin); headacheu -how familiar líese qrmpèonia e to thoasand who suITit perlodiinl Irom luad old or influeo., nd who live In Icnnrance "f ie fact that a (Ingle appllcatlon of Sankokd" auical Cuiu POK Catarkii w!1I atljrd Imtaninrou.i relief. Hut tUis treatmeut in casei of simple Catarrh ive but a laint ide.i of what this remi-dy wlll do 'n the chroulc forro, where the breathiiiK 1 obructed by choblny putrid mucous accnmnlatin, he beariuK etfecled, 8inell and tale t;one, throiil lc.en.led and hackliiK COOgh radii.illy fa-tenint: tBelf npou the debilitated nyatem. T hen lt 18 mt the marvelloiiB curative powir of BastoRd adic'ai. CUKK maulfenls iuself in inBlantaneous nd L-ratelul relief. Core benine Irom the llrut apilication. lt is rapid. radical, permanent, econmical. eafe. Sanukokd' Radical consute ol one bote of the Kadicai. Cure, one box of ('atarrhi. OMrsT,andonelMPKovii Inhalku; price, 51. Pottïb Druu and Cbkhiuai. Co., Boston. PÁINS ani IIAKKISSÏS OF i i:n i.i Instantjy relteved by the Ontleura Antl-I'ain l'later, a in-w. nu9i a"reable. iDBtantaniouB and infllible palnkllliní ulastur, especiully adapted ti) relieve Female I'aln mid WeakBMMS. Warranted vaatly superior to all other ulMtera. aud tba mut perfect Antidote to in Iiiflammationand Weüknes yetcompounded. At rÍI flroegtots, i cent; Uve for 11.00; or po-tHge ree o( Power Dkuu UaMMKUL C'o., lionton. Maní. THE ANH ARBOR SAVIMS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$bo,ooo. OrKanlzcd ander the tieneral Bankliw Uw ol the Btockholdore are iudividuallv 1 able for an additiotial aSount cqual to the tock Iield by theui.therebycreatinK a Guarautee Fond for tho benefit of Ueponitor oí $100,000.00. Threc Dor cent. Interest Ib ullowed on all Savlnga Deuoíitu oí oue dollar aud upwardB, acojrdlnn to the mie of tho ank and interest compmmded ¦"ml-aimuaUy. Maneyto Loan on nnincumbered real eatate and othnr Rood ecarity. DIlïÊCTÜKS: C1IRIHTIAN MACK, WM. 1). IlAltKIMAN, W W WINKH, UANIKLHISOOCK, WILI.1AM DKÜUKL, WII.LAKI) B. SMIT. DAVID UINSEY. OFFICKRS: n MACK Pre W. W. WINSM. Vlce-Pres C. MACK, Pre. HISCofcK OalMeI, lllIIIIMI luis levoluMoDlzed tlie worlü IHUÜWTinM '''"'"K lllHl ''"" '¦¦"i'"v a i UU 11 M NotleaKt amoiig tlie wonder ¦ II l ¦!!¦¦Y¦' oj inventve progres la a method and system of work timt cao b perfortned all over the country without fP""'inii the workers froia tlielr homo. Pay llbrilany one cando the work; altharaez, you.'.K or old no 8Peclal ablllly re.,.,l,v.l Cupltil not needed; you are sUirt.-.l rree. Ont tlif out and return to Dl and wowIIImihI Orand outU ree. Addrea 'lrue Co., Auguta, Malne.


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