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Tlie coiinty fuir will last four days commcnclng Sept. 25th. HarrUon liall speared a B lb. cel in Portage Lake one day last week. living HcColl, of Webster, s speuding bis yacation in uorthern Michigan. Among the recent pensions granted is one tor Edward L. Negus, of Chelsea. Mr?. E. M. Swift, of Dexter villnge, is building a large addition to lier bouse. Tbe Fiee Metliodisle commence a camp meeting ut Hack's grove near Milan, Au?. 22d. You sliould begin to prepare tbings now for tlie coiinty fair to be beid in September. Cliurlie BrlKgts t' Dexter, jrol budly poisoned witli iyy wbile iu camp at Bate Lake recently. Tlie Webster Congregntional Banda; Kbool will hold a picnic at Wliitmore Lake, nextáaturday. Mr. and Mis. Hob. DeVinney, of Lía ing wbo have been rUitiog friedsin Daxter, have returned home. liurglais made a large nmnber of raids in Ypsilanti Sunday nijiht. ïtealing watches, jewelry, money, etc. Tlie Stockbride Sim tijrures up nine ncw leíidences in pracess of construction in tliat ])lace, busides a $4,000 schol house. Farmers report all kinds of crops in good conditiou, willi llutteriiiíí prospeets for moro tima uu uverage yield. - Milan Leader. Remember the State Teaclier's Institute, to be lield at Ypsilanti, comraencing Muiulay, Au. 13, and closiiiK Fritlay, A ug. 17. N. G. Allen, wbo was born in Ann Arbor town, Aug. 4, 1880, dted at Pittsbdrgh, Pa., on the -lst uit The remains were taken to Detroit for interinent. Títere will le a large alteiidancc of (i. A. R. iiiul S. V. boya t'rom posls 11 this cüiinty upun tlie national eacampmeut at Coluiubus, Ohio, i September. Usually all lamba should be weaned about Aug. lst, btit ir Cleveland is reelocted aud free wool comes in with him it won't make much tlifterence wuether they are weaned at all or not. Our village marahal has liad his drny put 111 asound coiidition. - Dexter Leader. Vhen a feüow won't (or can't) walk lie dumps liim ou a dray und takes liim triuuipliantly to prison, does he? Tlie Itefcmer, "L; Payne" plying between the hotels and Widenmaun'H grove, is doing an extensive business this seaaon, carrying passengers to and fro.- Whilmore Luke cor. So. Lyon Picket. The will of the late Mrs. Ellen A. Gtaeat, who died Ín California some inonths since, but who was for many years :i realdent of Dexter, is on tile in the probate court. All of the property is rjvii to her daughter Ella. Mi=s F. L. Stewart, for four years postmaster of Ypsilanti, aud for 20 years previous to tliat a clerk in that olHce, ha9 accepted a position aa a member of tlie fiiculty of tlie State Normal School, and will enter upon the dutles thereof soon. Sidney Litclifleld, a son of Koster Litclilie'ld, was very badly hurt by being kioked Ín tlie face by a horse, thi9 week. He was stooping over behind the horee, when, it is supposed, the horse became frigluened aud kicked htm. - Dexter Leader. Harrison aud Morton are to be renieinbered at Azaüa. Tlie enthusiastic republiciins of thut wldewake town will Ikivc : pole raiíine; :nú speaking on tlie lOth iiift. Ilon. 15. Parker and other noted ipeakew will doliver orations, and tlie üuiulee band will toot campanil musió. A bií time is antielpated. - Milán Leader. Last Thursday a3 Miss Fredericke Joscnhans, aecompanied by Misses Augusta IliKlner and Joliaiina Hildner, were returnlng to Miss Josenhans' home in York, from Saline, the horse became frlphteaed and thiew tlie occupanu out of Mie buggy down uu embankment, injuriiif; them consideiablj". Johanna Hildiier, who is about 12 years old, not iva'ming consciousness for some time. The news of the accident was a great shock to thcir nuny relatives liere la Ann Arbor. A. Soulier liad a line horse killed by lightning Tuesday afternoon during that raging storm. The horse was in the stable. The lightning entered the gable end of the barn, ppliuteriur the boiirds and knocking off other?. Then it passed down into the workshop, where it scut(ered tools, etc, around ])romiscuou8ly, and then went Into the stablc and killed the horse. It then passed into the basement and out, doing no further damiige. The horse was insured for asmall amouut, 1 1 1 1 t i lí 1 1 the agency of A. I. Crone. - Dexter Leader. At Dexter 'l'ho?. Biikctt now owns both the mili proporties. One of them, the old Kvarts & Costello mili located on the oreek, he s püttins in excellent couililimi for business. New water wheels ainl h oompléte set of rollers will be uddcd wlth everything in keeping therewith. The old piaster mili, which has been converted into a feed mili, will alm be supplicd wlth i new water wheel, anc its capacity will be doubled. Thee iniprovements will mpply Dcxtcr witl (iinc:tliinir loiifi iicodcil, :i 11 rstclass lltiuerlnj; mili with a first-clasa business man back of it The other mili will bc dis nmnteled. Mr. Hirkett desires to Bell tin power for some other ïndustry, and as i is one of the best on the Hurou rlver, ht will probably suecced in so dolng. The program for the tenth aninial plo nic of the farmers of Washtenaw, Waync OaUland and Livingston counties. nounced for Saturday, Aug. IS, nt Wliitmore Lake, is as follows: Muslc. I'rayer by Rev. J. 11. Sunderland, Au Arbor. AiUlrnw of Welcome by the President, Hon. C. M. W'ood, Andersou. Addreps by the President of the Agriculüinil Oolteaa, Hou. Kdwin Willltls. Address by Kuv. B. H. Adama, D. D., Aun Arbor. Paper by Mrs. W. K. Saxton. IniiriMi]iiu Rpeaking. liuslness meeting electlon of offleers, etc, on the grounds at 10:3J. lilnner in thegrove at 1 o'clock. Ouefareforrouud trip from all poinUon the T., A. A. 4 N. M. K., & M. A. L. K , and one and oue tuird fare on D. L. & N. K.