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Tlio editor of the Argus hasnpver mnd rl...

Tlio editor of the Argus hasnpver mnd rl... image
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Tlio editor of the Argus hasnpver mnd rlgbt hls statement tli:it "the Micbignn Central is cnabled to get lutnber withou paying any tax on the luniber," wliil farmi rs and others are obljged to pay the tax. It is not truth. Tho followinft table of statistics teil the siiry better than all the Cleveland Mills free trade orators: DemtiTatlc free trade Repobllcan protection low (arlff, 10 years, tarlff, 13 years. No. ofsbeep, No. of sheep, 1850 21,700.000 1870 21,500,000 No. oí sheep, No. of sbeep, 1860 22, 105,000 1883 ..49,S37,29 Inc som ... 400,000 Increase... 17,787,29 Wniil. puunds Wool.pounUs IMS 52,510,959 1870 160,000,000 Wmii. pouuds Wool, pounds 1859 60,264,913 1883 300,000,000 lncre: -e 7,737,954 Increase 140,000,000 Tbc Chambersburg Woolen Mills, at Chambereburg, Pa., shut down July 30, becai ë: " Ou r suspension Is due dlrectly to the pas sage oi the Mills blll and the present ascend eoey of free trade Ideas. The tarlfl agltatlon has diiuoralized and depressed the markets for months. Manufucturers and Jobbers i n woolcu goods regard the Mills blll as the entering wedge of free trade and the breaklng up ni Hir Industries. We manufacture overcuatlnH and Une cloaklngs. Our customers In Nt-w York and Boston have lately beu tlmld nbout placing orders with us. Now ríii'y wijl iiotonly not give us any new orders bul are selzlng uuon any they can fi nd to cancel orders already placed. We canijitt keep our machinery and hands einployi .1 without any prospectivo market." Hi w the democratie leaders love the work'mgman, and how ranch they do desire liis prosperity! Tbere is Win. L. Scot:, the greatPennsylvania mineowner, :iik1 liairman of their national committee. " pe of the richeat cosí mine owners in tl: world. So rich that He pays lus cooK :i salary of L10,000 h year, and hls fríen 's say he "could give a $1,000,000 to the r impnign fund and never teel it." Al] made out of his anthracite coal mines (on v. hich there is no tariff) and his coal mini i i (ligging out wealth for liim at 80c and .1 per ilav ! Thcn there is Mr. Secretaiy SVhitney who travels around with a co:,i of armsfon which there is no tand) etnbl: zoned on his MMcb and a footman anddiiver In livery U wait on him, in regul .r lordly style. Then there is (Joal Oil 8 nator Payne whose oil monopolj' lias llfl llntrers in your pocket and iny pocket, and every man's pocket in this nuti'ii, haulinp out money to enrich its owner, (and there is no tariff on coal oU, Mm know.) All free traders, frentlenien, and very solicitous for the laboring mm, aras't they JUr. Argus? There is a farmer up In Livingston county who luis kept a lecord of the dates upon which he has sold his wool, and tlie prices received therefor, commencing with 1871, which lie semls to the Livingston Republiran. li telU a story lliul cverv farmer should lisien to: Cents. 18T1-June 1 53 1872-Nov. 22. 0 1K73-June 27 40 1X7-1 - ¦ 2 '4014 " 2 '"41 1870- " 2S '28 1877- " 211 30 " 27 „ 3U 187!- ' 20 RU " VS _ . 35 '¦ 21 34 hily 1 '35 The nhove were all high tariff years, and the average is 33.97, withln the least trillo of 38 centa per 1b. Now we drop on to the low tariff times, forced on by democratie free traders: lHSi-July 11 _.. .2 1SM4- ' 2 24J I8S6- Jan- 23 :: íL= E3?1 KüW- July 7 !!.".'.'.21 An average of 26.08, which makes a direct loss to him of about 13 cents per 1b. on an average. Now make wool free and what would the consequences be? It It doesn't take niuch of a matheniatician to liüuro it out.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News