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Art Exhiüition in September. The nnv building of the Detroit Mueum ot' Art will be opened to tlie public on the firt of September, wliitli :i Ion tl exhibition of art works of superior merit, consistiiif; of the fainoiisSency collectioii rom New York city and otlier painUnm of the highest grade. The gallery will be open from 9 a. m. to O p. m., daily, intil November löth. The pricc of adniltatice will be a fifty cent silver piece n Mondays and a twenty-five cent piece )¦! :ill otherdays. A coin will be nccepted he saine as in the old Art Loan, in place of the orthodox ticket, in order to save be making of chance and nvoid delay at lic door. Kxciirsions will be run over all roads centoring at Detroit at jfreatly reluceJ rateo, the tickets to indude a coujoii of adniission to the Art (lallcry. l'boBe who wiili to go to Detroit on these excursión sliould indícate it at once to lic ticket apeut at the depot. J. T. Jacobs & Co. annotinco tliis week a great cut in pant8, and give bargains hat wcre nevcr lieard of bef ore. The Millinery Hoorns in the Kantle block, occupied by Mrs. Smith, will be for rent next week. Mrs. Smitli is to remove to Marshall. Apply to A. DeForest. Home Evidence No other preparation lias won euccess at home equal to Hood's SarsapariUa. In Lowell, Mass., whero lt Is made, it is now, as it has been ior years, the leadlng medicino for purilying tho blood, and toning and Btrcngthening the Bystem. Tliis " good namo at home" is "a towcr of strength abroad." It would requiro a volume People to print all Lowcll people have said in favor of Hood's Of Sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert I .„.il Estes, living at 28 East Tine l_ O W O I 1 t.treetj Lowell, for 15 years employed as boss carpenter Ty J. "W. Bennett, president of the Erio ïolephono Company, had a large running soio come on hls leg, whlch troubledhim a year, when lic began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The soro soon grew less in slze, and in a short timo disappeared. Jos.Dunphy.L'HCentr;ü Street, Lowell, had PraiSO swellings and lmnps H o O d ' 8 on hls face and neck, n v v whicn Hood's sarsaparilla rllla completely cured. Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of tho First Assistant Firo Engineer of Lowell, says that Xor 10 years sho was troubled wlth stomach disorder and slck headache, whlch nothlng relloved. Tho attacks carne on every fortnlght, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to enduro any noisc. She took Hood's Barsaparilla, and after a time the attacks ceased cntirely. Many moro mlght be given had we room. On tho rocommendation of people of Lowell, who know us, we ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldrugglsts. Jl;liíorí6. Preparedonly byC. I. HOOD 4 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, MIOO Doses One Dollar


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