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An Ordinance Relative To Street Railways

An Ordinance Relative To Street Railways image
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Bt il orJainrd by tht Mayor, Recorder, ana Aldtrmm of the City of Ann Arbor: Sfctiok l. Tliat the consent, permlsston and authority of ttie City oí Aun Arlmr Im hereby glven to the Am Arbor Street Kuilway Corapany, a Corporation legally orviintzed under and by authorlty of the laws oftbe State of Michigan, to construct, own, and malntaln street passenger rallways wltn single track, wlth 11 necessary tracks for turnouts, slde tracks, switches and turntables, and to run cars thereou lor the trans portatlou of passengers and thelr baggage and puckages, through. alonu, and upon the streets, aveuues and highways of the sald City of Aun Arbor hereluaftr menttoned. and the same to keep, maintain and use. and to opérate theron streel rallway cara and carrlagea durlng all the time herelnafter spi-elnetland liinltedln the marmer and upon the conditlonsset (brth In thls ordlnance. Sec. 2. The streets, avenues ftnd Qlgliwari upon wblob sald rallways are to be constructed and operated are as follows : Commenclng at the south end of tho Michigan Central Rallrod bridge ou Detroit strest; ihonce south on Detroit street to Cathorine street; thence weat on Oatherlne street to Main street; thence south on Main street to Wil hum street; thence east on Wllliain street to División streef, thence south ou División street to Madisun street; thence east on Madlson street to State streel; thence south on on State slreet lp Monroe street ; thenceeaston Monroe street to East Unlverslty avenue; thence soulh ou Kast Unlverxlty aveuue to 11111 slreet; theuce uaat ou Kill street to Washtennw arenue. Alo coinm i im on Main street; thonce west on Wllllam slreet to the Toledo, Aun Arbor, and Northern Michigan Ballway Depot. Also coraraencinK at the lnterscctlon of Washtenaw avonue and HUI street; thence northwest on Washtenaw aveuue to Norih Unlverslty avenue; theuce west ou North Unlverslty avenue to State street. And from MadlHon street nortb on State Street to the Michigan Central Depot. Also commencing at the intersectlon of Huron and State Htreet; tbence west on Huron street to the west boiiadury of the city. All o! sald rallroad shall be completed In ÏSHI', excepllng that part on Huron street west of Main street, whlch shall be completed In 1890. 8kc. S. The sald company is by the provtslons of this ordlDance ezcluslvely nuthorlzed to construct, own, keep, use and opérate slreet raliways upon 1U tracks In the streets and avenues as hereln provlded; in, througb, upon, over and aloug the streets, avenues, and places In the precedlng seclion nained and uesignated, and In, through, upou, over aud along such other streets, avenues and places In sald city of Ann Arbor, as muy trom time to time be tlzed and determlned by the Comiuon Counoll of the city of Ann Arbor and assented to in wrlting by gatd corporatlon, the Ann Arbor Streel Hallway Company: Providtd, liowever, That lf snch assem be notgiven in wrlting wlthiu thlrty days after the passage of the ordluance or resolution orderlng the construction aud operatlon of a new route or routes, or lf the sald Corporation, tbe Ann Arbor Street Kuil way Company, shall not construct aud opérate such new route or routes wlthin suoh raisimabletlme as the city councll shall require after sucn assent in wrlting, then the said cltycouucll muy gtve the privilege to au y other person, persous, company or corporatlon to coDStrucl and opérate such new route or routes, and In whlch evenl the rlght Is herebv reserved to such persan or persons, company or Corporation to cross the street and tracks of the sald Aan Arbor Street Ratlway at the Intersectlon of streets, and to run paianei unes uu same streeis nol iu exceeu tbree blocks on auy oue street whenever necessary In the congtruotlon of such new route or routes. Such orossings and parallel line to be constructed wltli as Hule injury, damage and aunoyance to natd Aun Arbor Street Rallway Corapauy as posslble. The said Ann Arbor Btreet Rallway Corapany's cars to have the Ilrst rlght of passage ut such crosslngs, but to Dot uureaaonably delay or lncommode such other persou, persons, oompauy or Corporation lu the reasouable exrrolse of their rlghtg of passage or eroaslng thereon. Sec. 4. The tracks of all ralhvnys con. structed under thisordluanceshall be lald on sald streets In conformlty wlth the directlon of the ni y oouncll, and I te civil englnee]', and on such locitlon along said streel u the sald city councll shall by lts own aci, or throiifirh thelr sald engiueer. prescribe. Hefore coinrnunclng to Jay ald track, sald Kuilway Company sball notify sald city councll thereof. ltut lf said cninmon counoll stnill f:ill or refuse to lóente said rnllway Ui any of the streets, avenue and hlKhwtiys berelobe fore described, for JO days alter the wrltlen request bysald compauy rïled wlth Hecorder of said city, then sald locutlou of sald rallway shall be lald lu the oenter thereof. Sic. s. The guage of tha traek símil he 4 lew '-„incln's. uuii I lie sal .1 oity council shull have the general supervisión and control of the constructlon oí th tracks of said rallroad. sld Itallroad C'ornpwiy símil place no impedimenta to the orüluary use of the streel and avenues traversed by suld tracks and place no obstructtons to thefreettow of water ai-rom or aloiiK the guttei Ín sald utreets und avenues, and for such purposes sald company shall construct l)iiilK,-s, culverts aiii DHMRgeways for water Ín such inanuer iu to besl accompllsh the purposes nforesald. BBC. The tracks of sald rallway nnd the ralis lald thereou shall be constructed ui the best material Ín use, and sucli ralU shall be approved ef hy thecommon council before the same shall be lald In suld streets and the saine shall be lald tn uch manner ai shall least obstruct the free passap of vehlclen or carrlages over the same, and shall be lald to conform as near as posslble to the uslabllshcd grades of sald slreets, or as they shall rrorn time to time be establlshed or alterad, and Ín case ofgruding or pavlng lf It be necessarv to relay sald ralis to conform to the uew grade or pavlng, tho samo shall bo done at tue i'xpense of sald company. 8ec. 7. The cars to be used on sald rallway shall be drawn by animáis or eleetiiclty only, and at s speed not exceedlng tüe rate oflx miles an hour, and shall be ruu as often the olty council shall prescribe: Provided That cars shall not be requlred to run oftener than every flfteen minutes between the houra of 6 a. ín. and 8. p. m. dally, or oftener than every thlrty mlaotes between the hours of 8 p. mi. and 12 p. ni. dally. The cars Ín use u pon sald rallway shall be ruu for no other purpose than to transport passenger and thelr baggage, and the cars and carrlages for that purpose shall be of the beststyle In use on such rallways and be properly warmed In cold weather by a modem heatlng apparatus: Provided, That other cars may be used for cleanlng and repalrlne Bld railway. After unset, all oars wlille running, shall be provided wltu snltable slünal Ughts in both front and rear of cars. Skc. 8. The rato of fare for each passenf [erahall not exceel flve cents for tliu entile ength of wliole line of road or any part tbereof. l'rovlded no one passenger Bhall rlde over tlie same track twice without payingan addltlonal fare; and for the carriiuro of pack ages and baggage of passengere such addltioual sum may be charged a mav be Juslly proportlonate to sald prlce hereln allowed for carriage of passeugers themselves except that ordlnary hand satcheU and hand paokage uot exceeding twenty-flve pounds In welgnt sliull be carrleil lor nasemitírs free of charge. Sec. 9. No car shall be allowed to stop upon acrosswalk nor In front of any lnlersectlng street, unlessfrom unavoldablenecesslly and no car stiall be allowed to remaln standing upon the line of sald route for passengers or for any parpose so ai tounreasonably linpeiíe the pasHlng of other vehlcles, and when the driveror conductor of auy car Is requlred to stopat the lnteraectlon of mreeu lo receive or leave passenger, the car shall be stopped so as to leave tlie rear platform sllghtly over the crosslng beyond the street orossed. Carsdriven In the same dlrectlon shall not approach nearer each other than flfty feet milBss from unavoldable neoesslty . 8bc. JO. Sald grantees, or thelr successors or aaslgns, are authorlzed to use on thelr cars the patent cash box (so called) for tbe reception of fares, and in case of tlie ualng of said patent cash boxegasaforesald, on any of thelr cara, to dtspeuse wlth the employment of a conductor other than the drlver on tlie cars upon which sald patent cash boxea are u.seil: Provided, That upon public occasions wheii the cara are crowded with passengere a conductor ahall be provided for each car. Sec. 11. Thegrantees, or thelr successors orasiigns, sliall eraploy careful, sober and prudent agenta, conductora and drlvers to take charge of tlielr oars whlle on the road and lt shall be the duty of all such agents' conductora and drlvers to keep vlilant watch for all teams, carrlages, vehlclesor persons on foot.andespeclally chlldren, el tlior upon the track or inovlng towards it. At the flrst appearance of danger to such team carrlage, vehlcle, footman or chlldren or other obstructlon, the car shall be stoppet'l in the ihortest tlrae and space possible, and the sald conipany shall be Hable for, and hold sald city of Ann Arbor forever harmless rrora anyandall damages wblch ray occur to peraons or properly by reasou of oonstructlon, uk. or management of sald street ruilway. Drlvers or conductora shall not ullow ladles or chlldren to enter or leave the curs whlle In luotloo. Sec. 12. Any wllful vlolatlon of, or fallure tocomply wlth the provisión of thls ordlnance, Dy sald Kallway Company, or by auy agent, oonductor, drlver, or any person In the employ of said company, shall be punluhed by a flne not to exceed llfty dollars and costa; and In the imposltlon of any such fine and costs, the court may raake a turlher sentence tbat the oflender be commltted to the Couuty Jall or to the Detroit House of Correctlon, untll the payment thereof for any perlod of time not exceedlug three montbs. 8kc. 13. The sald company shall be rabie t) sald city of Ann Arbor for all costs and üamages surTered by or recovered agalust 11 In consequenceofany act, neglect or default or sald company, lts offlcers, agent or ervan u, or from a breach of suld company lia ofllcers, agents or servan ts, of any of the ro vlslonsofthlsordlnanoe; and the sald corn pny agrees to pay the sume and to secure the payment thereof; the city of Ann Arbor shall have a lieu upon the franculses and property of sald company, and such Hen is hereby created and glven thereon to sald city of Ann Arbor for the purpoieaforesald. SKC. 14. The cara upon sald rallway shall alwayi be entltled to the track and the drlver Dfany vehlcle obstrucllng the sme shall turn and leave the track tree upon the approachofany carassoou as practicable and loaanotto lmpede tue car, and any peraon who shall refuse so to do after havlug been tiotlfled by the drlver or conductor uy the rlnglngof the car bel 1, or otherwUe, or who! In nny wfiy unncenHuarlly nlwtrKnt, rtc lay or interiore wil i. or Injuru or destroj Ibe track of Mld road, or lb cars or other property of sald oompany, símil, apon oonvloHon thereof lefoivany justlceoítlie peace orother court uavlng jurls.llctlon, be flned In any mm nol exceedlng twenty-llve dollarR. Sec 15. Wherevcr gasplpes. waterplpes. sewers, dralns, tutters or oiRterns are now lakl In Ihe Street hereln speclllod an.l along wlilcli rallways are to paus, tlio said railway must l:iiluiwn and mnlntalned lObJect to tlie rtiiln.s mow in ttlald city of Ann Arbor tori'palr tuke up or remove any uch aspipes, waterpipes, sewers, drulns .(,'utters or clMterns wllboiit claim agalnst Raid city. Ihe same to le done In such manner as nol uunecessarily todaraage orinjurc sald railwayM or ttieir use, and tlie sald cltv of Ann Arbor expreesly reserrei t iuiolf the rlubt to remo v o or obstruct. orauthorlzetlie samo to be done, any portion oi tho said rallway track wherever It kIihII be necessary for publlcoonvenlenceln laylnu down or repalrlng water - pipos, gHsplpeH, sewers, drallis, KUttursor elHterns.or for any other work necesBary to be done by sald city for public or private convenlcnce.'and for such lenKth of time as may be n.cessary therefur, without lncurlng nny llablllty for damaKO I sald company, not, however, disturblng the running of cars where it can bc rensonably uvolded. Ihesala city, as aud water compaules or private Individuáis whoHhall takeuppavementfortnc purpose aforesnid,.leingalwBysrequlred to restore the railway, pavement and street to lts formercondilion as near as may be; and the sald city of Ann Arbor furtlier reserves toany pci'oh, persons, compauy or corporatlon auy and uil rlKhts, privileges or franchlses heretofore, by sald olty glven or granted to any such persuu, persons, company or Corporation, or by ihem or elther or any of them, from any otln'r source lawfully oblalned; none of whicli rlghts are to be impaired or aliected by anythiug hereln contalned, and Ihe rights and privileges hereby cranted are subject thereto, 8kc. 18. The city of Aun Arbor shnll not be Hablo In any way t sald company fornny damageK IL may sustaln froni the breaklng or overflow of water from auy sewer or draln, or the cavlilg In of any clstern, or breaklng .hwn of any bridge, or from breaUlng of any watorplpe or gasplpe, or by reason of aDy chanxe In the grade of any of tbo streel of saiil vlllage or city, or by reason ofany other work or lmprovemeut necesaary to be done by said city: Provlded, Thai such city hall not be negügent In performlng such work. Sec. 17. The rlgtat Is also hereby reserved to theclty councll of theclty of Ann Arbor, to make such further rules, orders or regulatlons conoernlng the con8tructlon and operatlngsaid rallwaysas roay from timo totime be deemed neoessary to protect the Interest, safetv, welfaro or accomodatlou of the public In relatlou to sald rallways. Skc. 18. The sald rallway corapany, and their successors and asslgns in ponttnjotlng thelr trucks shall pave the surface of the street lnslde the rallH in agood and. substantlal inaniici' when so dlrectedby theCominon Council upon any part or the wholü of siild rallway, conformlng the grade Ihereof to the adjacent street. The sald rallway company sball not lnterfere with or dlstarb the surface of thestreel outslds of the limit above prescrlbed, unless absolutely neceHuary, in which event ltghull at once restore the pavement and surface thus disturbed to us good condltlon as before. Sec. 1. The sald railway company shall at all 1 1 nu- keep the surface of the streels lnslde the rails, and In case of doublé tracks, side tracks, turnonts and switches, as well belween the tracks, and between the lurnouts, swltche and tracks, in good order and repair, pavlng the same where the a'ljacetit street Is paved, and shall keep the same citar of al I snow. Ice and dirt, whlcli may bespread evenly over the street through whlch sald railwuy shall pass. Skc. 20. If the sald company. lts successors or iisxlgns, shall ut any time hereafter reluse, fall or neglect to comply wltü the provlslons ofthls ordlnance or any part thereof, all rlghts, privileges, Interests, permlssion and authority hereby granted shall tlietieeforth cease and be forfelted, and the. said city of Ann Arbor, be entltled to take possession of the eutire routes and streets over whlch the &ald rallway may have been constructed. Seo. 21. THe powers and privileges conferred by the piovlslons of llils ordlnance shall he llmlted to thlrty years from and after the date of lts passage. Bad. 22. Said itrantees Rhall wlthln ten days after the pnssage ol this nrdluauce slgnlfy thelr aceeptnoce In wrltlng of the rights and privileges hereby granted, and file the sanie wlth the city recorder. Skc. ;. If the Kald grim toes sliatl fatl to complete the ftforesalu rallway withln the Umo preiorlbed by thts ordlnanoe, iben all the rights and privileges hereln granted shall beforleüi'd, and Ihe city of Ann Arborshiill hu ciuitleil to take pnsse.saion theruol : ProvUlrd. The connuon couneil of the city of Ann rbor dnea not exteud the time; Anl proviilid furtur, That if the said granteea shall be delaytd by ilie order or n :in of any conrl, or aay offleer tbereof naktiorlsed to make or vaoe snoli order or injunciion, then the lime ofrahh clely Hhnll boexcïiidèd fnmi tlie time 01 oorupleilon preacrlbëü In tbis onllnance. Sac, Jl. Thosai.l Ann A.rbor nily oompunv shall be exempted from lloense ix foir tin' berm of ton yeur trom siid ,-r Ihe pas sage of tb is 01 dl nance. Ádontcil. AllL'iil ].;ih ISs


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