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Senator Kdmunus lntroduced a resolutlon In the Senate on the Cth In recaní to the deatli of General Sheridan, and aftcr be had spoken brieflylt was adopted. Senator Farwell Introduced a blll, whlch was referred, to gfve Mrs. Shendan a pension of 16,000. Out of respect to the mnmnry of Uenaral Short dan the senut then sdjourned ... In the iioute a few new blll were introducid, the PresWent's annonncement of General Sher.dan's death was reeelved, and ufter pasalng resoluttons of condoleuce the Houso adjourncd. On the 7th . Senator Sherman addressed tho Seaate in oppositlon to tho flshetles tremty. Ha advocated unlon wlth Canada ...The House spent the day ín dlscusslons of the Columbus Kxposition bilt, but when a vote was reached lt was dlscorcrcd that no Quorum na present. 1$ the Senate on the 8th the bill maklas prohlbltlon ot rmlRr.ition from Chlni and the esluslon of the Chinese from the United States Iron ciad In all respecta was passcd. Senator Evarts spoUe agalnst the flsherles treaty... In the House the session wai devoted to diacussIng trusts and thi means to abolish them, the majorlty of the speakers favoring the Springer blll to taz the producís of trusts. The discussion of the flshcrles treaty oecupied the Senate on the 9th In the House a oommunlcation was recelved asklng ald for the development of the culture of raw slik In California. Five private pension vetoes were recelved from the President. The blll to open th" Red Pipostone reservatlon, in Minnesota, by appraiiement and sale of lands whencver a majorlty of the Indiana consent, was favorably reponed. The conference report on the blll for the erectlon of a public building at S!ouz City, Ia., to cost 1150,000, was agreed to. lm. i.s were passed In the Senate on tae lOth approprlatlng 1100,000 for a marine hospital at Evansvlllc, Iml. ; to lmprove and encourage the cultlvatlon and manufacture of fiar and bemp, and to regúlate tornmerce earried on by telegrapb. A blll was lntroduced approprlatlng $200,000 to prevent a spread of yellow fever by interstate commerce, and one making the poslage on flrat-clafta mail matter one cent an ounce from January 1, 1889. The conference report on the bill granting ald to State homes for dlsabled volunteers wat agrsed to In the House the lime was mostly oocupied In the conslderatlon of a war-clalm blll At the evenlng session forty-one pension bilis were passod. DOMESTIC. Samuel Kohinhon and six other cltizens of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kan., were arrested on tho Tth by United States authoriües as implicateri in the murjer of Sheriff Cross and three deputies, and taken to Topeka for trial. The flfty-seventh annual camp meeting at Sing Sing, N. Y., hegan on the 7th. Plelko-pneimonia was on the 7th discovered amon cattle in the vicinity of New York, and two hundred cattle had been ordered killed. A 3KVKHK wind and rain-storm on the 7th at Springfleld, O., did damage amounting to thousandx of dollars. TnE United States Cavalry troops were on the Tth ejecting from the Indian Territory non-citizens who refused to pay the cattle tax levied by the Chickasaw nation. At Hampton, Va., an ineendlary fire on the Tth destro.yed several flne buildings. A comet was discovered on the 7tti by Prof. W. K. Brooks, of Smith Observatory, Geneva, N. Y. Mrs. Oeoroe Ai.i.ex, of Cleveland, O., was burned to death on the Tth by the explosión of a gasoline stove, and the shock made her husband a maniac. The North Atlantic squadron, under command of Rear Admiral Luce, was on the 7th ordered to the fishinu tfrounds in the Gulf of St. Lawreuee to watch American interests and afford American fishermen protection. Attouney-Gknekal Hooo, of Texas, on thi' Tth pronounced Sunday baseball playing, wliere an admission fee is charged, a violation uf the Revised Statuti ,s. The council of tho Sioux Uommissioners with the Iudians at Standing Rock Agency, D. T., was ended on the Tth and the Indians dismissed after their tlnal refusal to stgn the offered treaty. A FirtE on tho Tth destroyed property worth flOU,ÜOU in the business portion of Macon, Mo. Haisuim and (ieorge Hayes were fatally burnel on tho Ttti in a fire at the Argand oil works near Parkeisburg, W. Va. Bi the faü of a trestlo on tho Tth over a river near Mapleton, Pa., two men wero killed and thiee others were crippled for Ufe. E. M. Stbele, a Minneapolis clothing dealer, failed on the 8th for 15O,Ü00. A passexqek train ou the Indianapolis, 3L Louis & Chicago railroad was thrown down an vmbanknient near Morgantown, [nd., on the 8th, and twenty persons were Dadly injurcd. An express train on the Texas Central road vu thrown from the track noar Waco on tho 8th by train wreolcers, and the engineer and fireman wero killed and six passeneers were budly injured. The citizen9 of Conneaut l.uke. Pa., having stopped the running of raüway trains on Sunday, the company was on the 8th building another track to run at a distance from the town, and it would be entirely abandoned bv all thcir trains. It was reported on the 8tb. that gold had been dlscovered at Sprus9ville, Ind., and there was a rush of poople there. The residence of William Graves, at Gossara Hill, near Pittsburgh, Pa, was struck by Hghtning on the 8th, and Graves and hls wife wore {atally injured. Whils drunk on the 8th Shepherd Parks, B Hvery-stable keeper, shot and killed Dr. Payton, a prominent merchant and physlclan at Perryville, Ind. A txnement house was burned in New York on the 8th and Gustave Berg, his wife, mother-in-law and child perished in the ruins. John Tatlor & Co., of Trenton, the leading pork packers in New Jersey, failed on the 8th for $250,000. A wiNii-sTOKK in Washington on the 8th unroofed several buildings, blew down trees, and telegraph wlres out of the city in everv dlrection were rendered useless. William Acklan-d, in aquarrel on the8th In Cincinnati, shot and killed James Freyer and Joseph Bailey and then shot himself dead. TnK Gray National Telautograph Company was chartcred at Richmond, Va., on the Sth, with a capital stock not to exceed 115,000, 000. Advices of the 8th say that a mail car on the Missouri Pacific road was robbed oí 17,000 between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo. C. Hakri.ess, of Knox, Ind., who was extensively engaged in the manufacture of bogus nickel, was rrested on the 8th by TTnlted States officials. Kocr new cases of yellow fever at Manatee and two new cases at Jacksonville, Fla., were reported on the 9th. Thb main building of Wells College, at Aurora, N. Y., was burned ou the Sth at a loss of about L200,000. A littls four-year-old negro boy, whose parents live on Yank Carroll'B place in I0oly County, Ga., killed his little brotner on the 9th by knocking him on the head With a pfece of wood. This Is the youngest murderer In the history of the country. Aa unUp')l)inOH blooK atChattanoog, Tonn., was dostroyod by flre on 1)0 9th, (ausiug a )oss of over íl.UOO.OOO. Vive uieu jvore killed by a falling wall. Elictuic wires crossed the telephona wlres at Dayton, O., oa the 9th and dostroyed the telephono service lUroughout the city. llaitit Mu. i tr.stitied beioro the iminigratlon investigating commiitee n New York on the ytli. He suid there were two niillion Anarchist ëvmpathi.i-rs in the United States, most of whom were Uermans. Thk sloop Flora B., of Pennsville, Del., capsized in a heavy blow on the nth aoar New Castle, and five wonen from PennsviUo, who wore in ttre cabln, were drowned. Tbb pólice of Wilkesbarre, Pa., on the 9th discovered a regularly organized band of dynamiters in that city. Tmti'.K men committed sulolde in Chicago on the Oth, owing to exuessive llquor drinking. Fok tho second time in threa years Litchfield, Conn., suffcred the loss of a largo portion of hor business blocks on the öth. At the concludlng sesslon of the National Bar Associatiun at Cleveland, O., on tho 'Jth James U. Broac'b.cad, of Kt. Louis, was elected preuidcnt. T. C. Fkeeman, a young man nineteen ycars of age, made insano by smoking cigarettes, was placed in the asylum at SU Josoph, Mo., on tho 9th. A wind and hall-storm swopt across the country north of Auderson, Ind., on the 9th, lsyinj waste a strip a mil wide. A large amount of young stock wat killod. Mattiiew Bïkïiem, who rccently jurnped frora the Brooklyn bridge, was on the Oth senteneed to tour months' imprlsonment for vielating a bridge ordinance. Thb stearaer City of New York, with James O. Blalno on board, arrivod in New York at six o'clock on the morning of the lOth. Dcrino the geven days endod on the lOth there were 186 business f allures in the United States, ugatnst 180 the previous seven days. The annual rc)ort on the lOth of tbs Postmaster-Gneral showed a delclency for rallway transportation of 1602, 42. Is accordance with a peititlon from citizens the name of tho town of. High wood, 111., was on the lüth chunged to Fort Sheridan. James U. Kliink arrived in New York on the morning of the lüth. His steam,er, the City of New York, was met at quarantlne by a thousand friendt on board the Btarin, which steamer he lmmediately boarded. PresiJent Bartlett, of the New York City Republlcan Club, in behalf of the ïnan.v clubs repreiented, delivered an address of welcome, to wbich Mr. Blalno responded, and other welcomlng addresses followed. Mr. Blaine- who is described as a picture of ruddy health - was driven to his hotel, where other addresses awaitcd him. In the evening he addressed an immense mass-meeting of non gathered to give him greeting. The grand parade took place on the previous evening, forty thousand men boing in line. As epidemie of an unknown nature was prevalling on the lOth in the home and neighborhood of Philip Keltner, of Bucyrus. O. Five of his family were very low, and tb ree neighbors who went in to nurse them had died and others were very Hl. A nvn'Ks of the lOth say that ten persons lost their livea in the recent lire at Chattanooga, Tenn. 1 1 1 t ; ii M. Bkooks, also known as Maxwell, who murdered his friend Charles Arthur Preller in St. Louis on April 6, 1885, and placed his body in a trunk, was hanged on the lüth. Hcury Laandgruf, who murdered his sweothe irt, Annie Fisch, in 1885, was also hanged on the 9ame scaiTold. Tuk reduced itnnÚKraut rutes ordered by the trunk lines executive committee on the basis of five dollars from New York to Chicago went into effect on the lüth. Tuk Department of Auriculture at Washington on the lOth rjMortedngcueral slight improvement and high cnmlition of coru in all !Stat, heavy erops being assureJ. Reside.nts of Jacksonville, Fla., were on tn' lUth evacuating the city in largo numbers becauseof theyellow-fever scare. Other clties in the South were taking quaranti ne measures. Cha bles Hknh y Ki i.uki. was hanged on the lOth at Nowcastlc, DeL , for the murder of his wlfe and child in September last. Amos Mh.ler (colornd), who assaulted Mrs. Scott two months ago, was taken front the court-room ut Frunkliu, Tono., on tho lOth by nfty armed men and hanged. A Pekssti.vania syndicato on the lOth closed a deal for 110,000 acres of coal lands in Las Animas and Huérfano countiea, Col., for $1,500,000. The land was owned by nine hundred claimants. President Cleveland on the lOth vetoed nlne private pension bilis, all of which origlnated in the House. Tns cotton erop of the Southern States was in good condition on the lOth, but the di'rclopmont was later than usual. A jibe on the lOth at Memphis, Tenn., caused a loss to business houses of 1100,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Huoh Gastov, aged one hundred and flve years and one monto, died at hls home ia Lewis County, W. Va., on thc 7th. Biith Iowa district Ropubllcans in convention on the 7th al Ottnmwa nomlnated Mayor John F. Lally. oí that place, íor Congres. Mus. Haklet, of Washington, dled íq a dentlst's chair from nervous shock on the 7th after having seven teeth extracted. Mus. Jobkph B. Swirr, the renowned hospital nurse and soldiers' írlend, died on the 7th at Chelsea, Mass., aged about ttftyfive years. G. W. 1U riNc;s was nomUated íor Concrross on the 7th by the Democrats of the Second district of Nebraska. Conqkkssionai. nominatlons wore made as followB on the 8th: lawa, Second dlstriot, P. W. MoManus (Rep); Arkansas, Second district, C. R Brecklnridge (Dem.) renominated; Kentucky, Eighth district. James B. McCreary (Dem.) renominated; Michigan, Sixth district, W. W. Root (Pro.). Wisconsix Democrats will hold thelr State convention at Milwaukee September 5. Mits. Fiunces Badetu dled at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. Cohn, in Auatin, Tex., on the sth, aged one hundred and twelve years. Thi Georgia Democrats held their State convention at Atlanta on the Sth, and Goyernor Gordon, Secretary of State N. C. Barnet, Treasurer R U. Hardeman, ComptrollerW. A. Wrlgnt and Attorney-General Clifford Anderson were remoninated. Resolutions wero adopted indorsing the Democratie adminiatration and the Democratie National platform. The Indiana Republicana met In Htate convention at Indianapolis on the 8th and nominated Alvin P. Hovey for Governor; Rev. Ira J. Chase for Lioutenaut-Uovemor; Charles B. Orlffln f or 8ecreUry of SUte ; J. A. Lemke for Treasurer; Lewis T. Mlchener for Attorney -General ; H. M. La Follette for Superintendent of l'ublic Instructio; Bruce Carr for Auditor, and ö. T. Coffey, J. G. Berkshire and Waltr Olds for Judges of the Supreme Court. The platform indorses the National platform adopted at Chicago; favor the ing of a bureau of labor statlitlc; favor plaoing all public iiistituMons under a wisely-coucelved and honestly adimnis tered civil-service law. and favor local optlon. Mk'üK'As Kepublioan in convention at Detroit on the 9th selected the followlng Sute ticket, all renominatlona except Attorney-General : For Governor, Cyrus ü. Luce; Lieutenant -tíoveruor, James B. McDonald; Neeretary of State, Gil R. Oaniuu; Auditor-General, H. H. Aplin; hand Commissioner, Roseoe H. Dix ; Attorney-General, Stephen V. R. Trowbridge; Superintendent of Public Iiistrui-tiou, Josoph Eatabrook ; Meniber of State Board of Education, Percy F. Power. The platform demands protectlon to home industrie ; pensiona to soldiers; indorses the nominations of Harrison and Morton; demands impar tial nforcement of the State temperanco laws, and censures the President for vetolng worthy pension bilis. Tuk funeral train bearing the remains of General Sheridan arrived at Washington at 8:30 o'clock on the afternoon of the '.il li NomxiTioxs for Congres weremadoby the Demócrata on the llth as follows: Kentucky, Eighth district, James B. MoCreary (renominated) ; ludiann, Twolfth district, G A. O. McClellan; Tennessee, Sevonth district, W. C. Witthorne (renominated); Virginia, First district, O. S. Kendall. The Connecticut Democratie State convention ill be held in New Haven on Tuesday, September 4. Woi.FoKn, Past Grand Mastep of the Sovoroign Lodge of tho World, I. O. O. F., died at nis home in Louisville, K.v., on the lííth, agod soventy-eight yoar. Ho bad been an Odd-Fellow fifty-fivo yoars. FOREIGN. A ditachment of the Salvation Army arrived at Quebec on tho 6th frora the Kast Indios to raise assistance and rocruit offleer for work in India. Ir won said on the 6th that crops in s large section of Eastern Ontario would bfl failure, and farmers would have to buy fodder or sacrifico thelr stock. Six pcraons were killed in a railway colusión on the Ttb at Teddington, Eng. Tuk house of Mr. Gorge Caouette, at Cape St. Igiuue, Can., was burned on the 7th, her flve chlldren porishing in tho fiamos. The High Court of Foresters sitting on tho7th at Reading, Eng., suspended Americio courts until they comply with the rules regardlng the admission of colorad persons. Kimirr tiiol'san'i English weavers threatened on the Tth to strike unios wages were increased. Advices of the Tth say that two mer chants travellng on horseback were robbed by bandits at Bauraca del Muerto, Mex., of $3,000. During the struggla three of the robbers were killed. Durino n storm on the 7th in the harbor at Valparaíso tiro barks were sunk and twenty-four persons were drowned, and flve vesseiM were blowu ashore and dashed to pieces. I.AiiiiY Don-ovan, the famous bridge jumper, who ürst jumped from ths Brooklyn bridge, jumped frotn a bridge over the Thames, in Londoo, on the 7th and was drowned. Canaihan authorities decided on the 8th to take steps to prevent the further importation of Italian paupers. Fifty Tiiui s.ixi persons gathored in tho Btreets of Paris on the sth at the funeral of General Endes, the ex communist. Red flags were unfurlej, when the polico charged on the mob with drawn swords and inany persons wero iujurod. Tuk steami'i' ('tv of Hamburg went ashore in the BngUsh cliannel durin? a fog on the 8th, and sevon iasst'nt'rs werO drowned. Tuk Huwaiian Lctrislaturo on the 9th ro duced the stanaing army to sixty-fivu mon and abolished the nav.v. Fiftekx Communists in Paris were on the 9th genteneed to terins of imprisonment varying from liftoen days to two months. Jambs O'Kei.i.t, of Boyle. the Irish journalist aml iucinbur OÍ Parliament, was on the lüth sentencod to four months' lm prlsonment for violating tlie Coerción act LATER NEWS. AiTHJiNTic reporta received on the 1 Ith of tho erapttOB of the Bundai-Zan, in Japan, on July 15. say it was one of the grratost calaniitils of modern timos, as four villajes were beried by the a-ihes, five hindred persons were killed, scveu hundred wounded and nineteen QUndred rendorod hoiiieless and destitule. Imaac Stiiai ss, the great French inusiclan, died in Paris on the llth, aed eightytwo .vears. Tuk remains of the lato General Sheridan were entumbed at Arlington Heights Cemetery, WashinKton, on the morning of the llth. Cardinal Gibbons preached the funeral sermón Mits. Pmscii.i.i HAitnr, of I,ittle Rock, Ark., celebrated her one hundred and third birthday on the llth. Mus. Sahah Robinsoji died on the llth at Forest Hill, Md., agod one hundred years. Mrs. Robinson never saw a stoamboat nor arailroad, and dioi in tho house she entered as a bride in 1807. At twenty-six leading clearinghouse in the United States the exchanges during tho week ended on the llth aggregáted t802,826,S14, against 'J12, 837,265 the previou week. As eomparnd with tho correspondlngwoekof 18S7 the increase amounted to &6 per cent. Three young men, Charles Behan, Kred L. Kine and Wilüe Lawrence, were drowned in New York harbor on the 12th by the upsetting of a boat. As attemiit on the llth to arrest Frank Gallup, of Shenandoah. Ia., for killing F. L Pine, remulted in Gallup'sshooting David Campbell and Bert Riee dead boforo he wu himself killed by a shot Fire in Fresno, Cal., on the 12th damaged business houses to the extent of 200,000. By the burstingof a reservoir on tho llth at Valparaíso, Peru, neavly two hundred persons were drowned. A 8KVENTY five Hoi k go-as-youplease waiking-muU-h eloed in Troy, N. Y., on tho llth with the score: Hart, 293 miles; C.iriwright 289; Elson, 284; Campana. 2S1 ; Burns, 203. Six new c.isci of vellow fever were reported on the llth at Jacksonville, Fla. A house occupied by a Fronch family named Toussing, in tirafton, Ont., was burned on the llth, and three children perished in the flauie. Tu River and Harbor b 11 became a law on the llth without Pienident Clevoland's signatura. Below will be found the percentage of the baseball clubs in the National League for the week ended on the llth : New York, .66; Chicago, MS; Detroit, .5X9; Philadei' phia, .512; Boston, .477; Pituburgh, .436; Washington, .888; lndianapolis, .304. American Associatiim ; St Louis, 67'; Brooklyn, .629; Fhiladulnhia, 007; Cincinnati, .005; Baltimore, .44.1: Cleveland. .:WS; l,ouisville, .375; Kansas Cit.v, .30ÍI. Western Association: 8t. Paul, .lif7; Des Moinea, .005; Omaha, .605; Kansas City, .543; Milwaukee, 4(JS; Chicago. .43J;Sioux City, .414; Minne'inolls. X.7


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