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1HM(I1' I1 KI TOItl . ARBOR OOHMANDKRY, No. IS Tlll't'tK flrst Tue'1ay of each month. C'. E. Hlscock, K. C; John K. Mliier, Recorder. ,Vt-iurgAW Ohaitkr, No. 6, R A. M.- Mefts tlrst Momlay each nionth. J. L. Sirme H P.: Z. Koath. Seoretary. BUSINESS CAROS. W. W. NICHOL, DEIÑTTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlnics Bank, Cimrt House Squtr. VITALIZED AZB. Aininlsti'rert. I' 's agreahle "d iay to takp, nd n priMirnltn); elle" 'ollow Wille teeth are extrncioii wilhout pini. CHAS. L. ALLEÑT Bontractor and Buildöi Plans aiul SpeclfiCAtlon - aivfully dniwu. Ueslüeneft, 46 E. Catherine StM Ann Arbor, Mich DR. C. H3WELL, PHTSICIAN Omes. Room 4, Masonic Bixck. Office hoiirs : to 12; 2 to 6 p . m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PaYÖICIAN Okkick ÜVBB First National Bank. Hoorh at Okkick: 1040 to a. m ; 2:3' to S'W o. in Cati le reichi'il ut redde nae (W)t Hur.iii aireet, the "Prof. Nlcliol plA'e") iy ielpli'nr-, No 'H, lul wili reply to otl In Die .¦vi'iiiní II.I.IM IHItZ, Houw, 3' ga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperlDu, GlïzlnK, (illdicig, nd Caliirnlnluií, and work of every aOTerlmton done In bwt style. and warranted to givc xiitisfactinn. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. CLOTH CAÍÜÍ METALIG And Uqrnnon CXvlUus. CiiH Kttented to Uay or Nli{ht. RinbnlmliiK specialty. Sto'erooui on K. WusImiLii nu slreet. Residence Cor. Liberty ud Ktftn. V. II. J4CKSO, IDIIESIIlNrilTIIIIISIITIL OFFICK : Orer Hach & VbeIN Orr Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. C. H. MlLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. Tbe oldest aqency In tbe city. Establlnhed over a quarler of a ceutury ago, [tepreHenttng tbe followlng tirHt-clas eorapanlaa wlth over , O00,000 4'npiiiii himI eti. HOMK INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. rt., of New York. NIAOAKA INS. CD., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Pblladelpbla. ÜRIENT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON ané OLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MARINE, of Boston Katfs ,ot as t lic I-owcsi, Logses Llberallj Viljiistcil and pruraptlj I'ald. C. H. MILI.EN. Jerome Freeman ! Move frotn h8 present st:inl over Watta' to tlie POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP 3 BATH H'inms, Monday, Match lü. BI mm ai E BATHS ! ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$6O,ooo. Orrtnlzed ander the General Banking Law of thls state, the atockholaore are indlvlduallv liahlc ftr au addltloual amonnt equal to theatock held t them, lliorehy creatina a Gu.trantue Fund lor (he henelli of Depositare of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interegt Ie allowed on all SuvlngtDepuelU ui oue dollar and upwaron, uccurdiiiii t the rule. i the Bank and (ntereot couipunded eml-antiuüllv . Money to Loan on Qnincumhercd ral estáte and other itood necurity. DIHECTüKS : CHKWTIAN MACK. Wm. D. HARKIMAN, .W WINKH, DANIEL HISCüi'K, WILI.IAM DKÜHBL, WILLAK1) B. SMITH DAVID KIN8EY. ÜFKICKRS: C. MACK, r"re. W. W. WIN ES, Vlce-Pre C. 1L. HI8COCK.:,lBhler. tïWUHBH ñH '"IS revolutlonlzed the worM NUriHTIflN 'liirlnu lat half cenlury. I" I Mil i iUM s"1 'eHït amoiiK t !e wonde of lnventivu prort'Hu la a rneth(n! md HVHtotn of work that oaD b pt-rjormei all over the country wil hou! nepar.itlug the wortcers from thelr Immes l'ny liberal; Buy ,,„,. ,.aM(io the work ; elther mx, 7Oung or iild; 00 special ahlllty reqnlraa. l-spltal; you areKlarle.l fr Cal tal out mid return" (n lis hi (I we Wlll m-ild oina, Koim-iiiiiii! r kti'.ii vHlue and ImJ O Um-K to you. II, at wlll start oll In busl". wblch wlll iirini.' you In more raoney rightaway than Hiiythlug elue In lln; world. (rand outfit ree. Adüres True A Co., AuÏUU, Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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