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Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Michigan image
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[The following article is teken from The Monument, a paper publlihed in Chicago, 111., devoted to and kindred arts, and s quite a handaoiiie deaorlptlon of our cemetery.] Korest Hill Cemetery is situated at tlie nortlit'ast curner of the city of Anii Arbor, Michigan, on high, rolling aroam] severul hundred feet above the Huron' river. The view from the eastern ilde of the c.nictery is clinrming wliure the winding river passes between the richly cultivated field of the beautifïil valley the land on eitlier side rising gradually to the hetjrtat of sevetHl hundred feet. In fact, the locatlon is admirable, and one of the finest in the country. The entmnce of the cemetery Is on a line, iiraded street, well built up, wlth gradual rie to the entrance, which i built of boulder stones; a handfome cottage on one side and an office on the other, with a fine areli over the entrance, al] of handsonie boulder-stone, on whicü hangs the sexton's bell. The grounds comprise sixty-five (65) acres and are tastefully laid out and platted by an experienced architect The grounds are mortly covered with nativc forest trees, although there are many elms nnd silbar maples that have been planted, ulso a fine spiïnkling of vergrewii over most ol' the grounds. The latter are mostly Norway. The forest trees comprise several varietles of oaks, soine of whicu are white oaks- lords of the forest. Ahor.t onelialf of the trees are hickory, producing an abundiince of nuts, which feed a goodly iiuinher of fquiirels. The cemetery is, in deed, a forest of well trained trees that have been trimmed by cuttin}? off the ileiul and unsightlv branches. The aveuues, cuivin-r and winding aiiiong the trees, are Dear i-acli uther, so that most of the lots are f routing ou soine avenue. They are well giaded, and ereu wmi giavel or coa! ashes and ciuders tnaklng line, smoolli ro;itl3 and drives. TIn; bordeis are hII nleely slopcd and 8odded. Kdcli block is different iu form and size; som e gently slopinr, otbera qnita rolling, conforming to the lay ol land. Kach bloek lias been worked over and stuoothed off, so tbat eaeh is u lawn tbat Citn be moued over by a lawnmower. Many of tlie graves have been made level, and otuers ao low that a lawn mower can pass over tlieui with ease. ' ïhere are but few lots enclosed witU evergreen hedge?, and tliese are nicly 8lieared and abont two feet high. They were planted about twenty yeurs ago. Since that time none liave been allowed tO te set, B simple ;riss lawn betajf preferred. Tliere are somefour or live stone and marblu copinas arouud lots that were made soine twenty years agó, but the Board of Trustees have forbidden tiny more to be placed arouud the lots. There bus beeu built a line rocelving vault of boulder stoncs, the Hoor on a levtl with a broad avenue, and the back bellljf in the sid(! of a rise of ground, wilh fine stone fl.ifjging for floor and iu front of vault. Tlie entrance buildings and vault are very lutMtanrin] and approprlate, and in (food taste. It is doiilitlul il there can be found iu any rural eemetery in this country tlieir equal or nperior. It does nut pretend to compele with Ureenwood, Mouut Auburn or Laurel Mili, but as a rural country eemetery it cannot fi cl ashanied to compare with any in this blond land. The Tri-Stiite Fair Associntion will hold its lStb Hiinual meeting August 27th to Hst inclusive. The meeting this year irminsi ¦. to be unu9uxlly line and large. N'o beer or gambling devioes will be allowed on the grounds, and more than usini' interest is being manifrstrd in in ik í n r the fulr 11 great suceess. The pr'cial Rttracttoni will till each dtiy, so that visirora will be fully occupied the entire time eaeh day. The bi'iich show of doi;s is filled with a hiyh class of entiics. The valué of the dogs on exhlbi(lon will nt be less than $-25,000. Thcic will be two Roman Clmriot ltaces eaoh diiy - four lioises breast. Those races will be rn n at the liighest speed pafesl(le, and will be veiy excitinji. The ninniiiK, trotting and paclDK races will give exiellent satisfaction to all wlio are fond of sucli sport. The entrles for exhibitiim are alreiidy so ]ir;:e in all departments tli it Ihe fair txa an exhibitiou is assured. Toledo, during the veek of the fair, will live her visilors a line natural gas display, and all will be welcotned. The ruilroads have mude a rate of one fa re for the rouuü trip. _____