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Short advertlgemenls not to ezceed three une, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc.. luserted tliree weoks for siS cents. Sltuatlons wanted, free. HOUSE TO RENT. O NE-HALF of a large doublé house No. 7 Maynard st. nt low rental. F.nquire at CoiitiER office. I' OST.- Small blue and blaak checked J pocket book contalnlng about 830.00. l'ieaso return same to E. B. HALL'S coal office and get reward. 21 WANTED. - A worklng housekeeper, and a glrl, or woman to do geneial house work. Apply at 21 Soutn Fifth st.before Sept. 4th. '2i' FOUND.- OnS. UnlversltyAve.a bnbycab parasol. Owner can have same by pay ¦ lng'.!;c for thls notlce and calllng upon S1IMS0N & BON, Annst. FOR SALE. TOO bushels of flrat quallty of seed rye. EnO qulro of Mills Brothers. 21 WANTED.- Nlce boys or glrls from 13 to irs old, to maku from .r0 cents to i 00 a day at home. No capital ; can go to srliool. AUUress. Il BÜCCBED CO., Elkhart Ind. FOR SALE. dk A f For Sale at thls very i.ow pricb. lf KP'-tU sokl before Sopt. 8th,afine Holatelu Jfcifer, comlnt; three-yrar U1, good mllker. lteanon lor selltng: noonetomllft when I am nway from bome. .1. Ii. SAUNDKKs, Coi .Mili and Waslitinaw 8ts.,or at thls office. FOR SALK- Ladles' drlvlng horse, buggy and haruess. l'rlce150. Apply at 19 No. 44 WASIIINUTON HT. SOLDIBBSI And others. havlng Pension Papers aud Vouchers to execute will find t totlu'lr advantage tocal! onComrade WM. K. CHILDS, In the Insurance Office In the boKeraent of the Court House. Any Information relatlveto Pensions free of charge. FOR RENT. HCÍUSK No. 8SB. División st. Enqnlre of E. K. Ik'al. ut Couhikk office. FOR RENT. HOUSE on WashtenawJAve., now occupled bv l'rof. Catly, l'ossesalon given September lst. EVABT H. SCOTT. Lockbox ÜS. FOR SALE- 28 acres of the " Elm Fruit Karm," Including buildings, 20 acres of the above In lVar and Apple Orchards. W1H net 10 per cent. on purchase price. If deslred wlll tiike part payment In good rentable properly In Aun Arbor. Evakt H. Scott, ¦II Lock liox 2). FOR SAIjE- HOUSE. 45 Tompsou st., In good condltlon, 10 rooms wefl arjaneed for rentlng; water. Lot plentlfully supplled wlth fruit. EnnulreofC Spoor, or aadres4 4w O. F. WF.ÜSTER, Owobso. LOANINQ- Money to loan on flrat-class Real Estáte Mortgageat Current rates of nltret. Satlsfactory arrangements made wilh capltallsts deslrlng snch investmenU r'.very conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to lega effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,000 to $0.000 and contalning from one-flfth of an kort to twenty acres- all In the city Umlts Housese rented on rensonable terms In een tral localltles. Farms exebanged for city property. Enqnlre of J. Q. A. Sesslons, Atlorney nnd Ktal Estáte Agent, Offlce over Express Offlce, Main St., Ann Arbor. 51t


Ann Arbor Courier
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