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The September number of "Tlic Popular Science Montbly" fully maintalni tlit' well-earned reputation of tliis standard majrazine. The opening article is by Trof. V. K. l'.rooka, of Johns llopkins Uniyeraity, on ¦The Growth of JellyFislics: a ( 'li.ipter in the Xew Zoftlojfy," nd describes witli the aid of strikirjr"ilhistrations, the curious transformations wbicb the yoiiDjj jelly-lL-li pats through. The most notable f enture ot' tliis issue is the hlghly entertainiug cliaracter of much of its coDtents. Miss Adele M. Kielde contributes "Some Ctiinese Moitimry Custdmi," dericribing burial and niuurninjr riles amone this curious people: Mr. Benjamin Karr gives some of lii obtervatiooa of "Mental Traits in the Poultry-Yard," shoning f rom many amusini; aneedotes that domestlc fowM can fiel pride and mortlflcation, tlmt tlicy exliiliit cunnlng and can acqnire Bklll, and, In short, have intelllgence very like Uiat of 111:111. In "Animal and Plant Lore" Mis. l'uiny I). Bergen records many curious belieft in the liealing virtnes of various repulsive substance?, añil and in the power lor liarm of snaken and other reptiles. "How the Oplnm-Habit Uacqnlred," byVlrgl] G. Eaton, ahowe that physieians often preacribs opium for trifling ailment?, and the prescriptions are taken to drnggbita to be refllled aaln and agaln, till the patiënt btcomes a slave to the drug. OTO YOtTHO FOLKB AT HOME. Hl. Boston : D. Lotlirop Co. Price l.00. In turniiifr over tlie pages of tliia handsome Illuttrated quarto the reader instinctively wonücrs liow so much valuable matter can be affcrüod for so little money. It is not a book simply to amuse or entertain the reader uatil it is linis-hed, liten to be OMt Mide and fornotteii. It is full of purpose, and tlie boy or girls who give it a thoajrhtfu] reading wlll be much the wiser for it, and nol only bebetterable to undeistand the world about them, but wlll be aidrd thereby to niakc their way succefsfully through t, Tlje illustrations weie prepared cxprcssly for it. Our Yuung Folk ut Home in its hijrh literary character, purity of tune, and earneUneM of purpose is admirably re presentative of the booka Iwaed by thia house. Out of the tbonaandi "f volumes in their catalogue tbere is not one but lias in it the seeds of helpfullnesa and of incentive to bctter tilines. In eyery department of literatura which t'ucy rtpresent, tlie saine de+u is ipparent- to interest, lo instruct and to :!-sist. And in aeheiving thisend the publisberf have not clnng to old metbod. The best literary talent of the country has been drawn upon, the finest artlstlc abillty brought into service, and the iuventive genius and the skill of the binder taxed to bring the outside of tlitir publiciitions into harmony with their ciitciiK In the line of Illustrated books for younjr readers the hou-e is in advance of al! others in the country, not only in the number of thoir issues but in tlieirquality.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News