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Short advortlsemenls nol to ezoeed tbree une, of Lost ana Found, Hoases for Sale or ent, Wants, etc., lnaerted three weeks for SoenU. Sltuatlon wanted, free. HOUSE TO RENT. ON' E-HALF of a large doublé house No. 7 Maynard 8t. at low reutal. Knqulre at l'nrlüKH OÍÜC6. TTVANTED- Uirls for general housework at TT the W'oman'8 Employment Bureau No. 88 East Washington st. 22 X OST.- Small blue and black checked j pocket book contalnliiK about 830. IMI. Piease return same to E. It. HALL'8 conl office and gel reward. 21 WANTED. - A worklng housekeeper, and a glrl, or womau to do general house work. Apply at S) South Kifthsl.before Bept. th. 21 FOUND.- On S. Unlverslty Ave.a babycab parasol. Ownercan ha ve same by pay - hik - i' for Ihls nollce and calllng upon SIIMSUN A SUN, Annst. FOR SALE. f00 bushels of flrstquality of seed rje. EnO qulre of Mills Brothers. 21 WANTED.- Nlee boys or girls froni 12 to 20 years oíd, to mak ¦ from 50 cents to íóijo a day at home. No capital; can go to school. Aildress. 11 8UCCEED CO., Elkhnrt Ind. FOR SALE. áH 4 f For Sale at thls veky i.ow ruien, lf Ep-JLU sold befoieSept8th,aflne Holstelu Helfer, coming three-year old, good mllker Keason for sclltng : no one to m i Ik when 1 ain away from home. J. B. HAUNUKliS, Cor. Mili niid WashtcnawSts..orat tlils office. N. ü. Wlll take about one-ualf In liy and straw. FOR SALE- Ladies' drlvlng horse, buggy and harness. PrlceJl.iO. Apply at 19 No. 44 WASHINGTON 8T. SOI.UIEIUS! And otbers, having Pensión Papen and Vouchers toexecute wlll flnd It tothfir advanlage tocall onComrade WM. K.CHIIJW, In the Insurance Office In the lüiM'ini'iit of theCourt House. Any Information r lo Pensions lrce of charge, il FOR REÑtT" HOUSE No. 35 S. División Kt. Enqulre of E. E. Heal. al Courikr office. LOANING- Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Morlgage at Current rates of .nlerest. Satlsfactory arrangements made witli capltallsts deslrlng such lnvestments. ¦ ry conveyance and transactlon in abBlracts of tltle carefully examlned as to lega) effect. Z. 1. KINU. Ann Arbor. E KAL ESTÁTE KOR SAI, E OR BSNT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,000 lo $6,000 and contalnlng from one-flfth of an bcre to twenly acres- all In the city llmlts. Housese rented on reasonable terms In central locallties. Farms excbanged for city property. Enquireof J. Q. A. Sesslons, Attorney and Heal Estáte Agent, Office No. 5 North Main St., Ann Arbor. 61tf


Ann Arbor Courier
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