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Scpt. 25-28- Cou n ty f'nir. Fruit evnporators do now evapórate. S illne republicana will hold a caucus to-nlglit. The Ypsilinti fiir coinmencea next Tuesday. The Brlghton market fair will be held Oct. 2, li, 4 aud 5. Albert M. Sloau of MIltB, has been granted a pension. Frank His teaches the scliool in district Xn. (, Sylvan. The Mllan Drtving Park's fall races were vcry succcssful. Dextcr'g public librar? is now locateO in Uit; uevv school building. M inclicster has a special tr.tin this week for the state fair. The cooning days have come, but, bnys, watch out for the bull-dog. Ueo. Rawnon, of Brklgewater, Imd "37J bushels of wheat to the acre. Scliool district Xo. 3 of Bridsewater has put in i new set of books. Tho school in Bilver J.ake district, Freedom, commenced Monday. Tbe Chelsea fair folka ara just boomIng tlieir exhlbttlon for thli year. Many weids of HO bushels of wheat to tlie acre are reported by tliresliers. L'inckney will teach her TOUBR dea n lier fme new school house this fall. The Chelsea fair and the county fair collide one week from next Tuesday. Thos. Lanei of Salem, aud D. Cranier of tbis city are political bedfellows now. The S.iline republlcaoi bas orjranized a wide awake Harrlaon und Morton Club. D. W. Hitchcock is bulldinji a warehouse in connection witb liia elevator at Mllan. 1 Will Valentine and wife hare returnec to PittsfielJ frora a flve year's absence i California. The Sylvan boys knoeked out the Lyi don boys 14 to 42 ut base bill rwentl 'Twan't fair. Prof. W. II. Miller liis changod h minci, and will remain at the Norma another year. J. T. Honey und John Costello hav been reelected trustees of the Dexte School dhtriet. The Mating papacity of the Norma chapel at Ypsihuiti ha been ncreasei fron 050 to 840. Miss Xina E. Wil kor of S dem is to b man led on Hept. Kilh, to Thomas E OH ver, of Ohlo. lt Is estimatcd Ihat the Pittsfield manbei will produce 50,000 busheU of onions this year. Memorial services were held in honor of Bishop Harria at St. Jamrs' chnrch, DZter, yesterday. The Hay & Todd Manufaetuiinir Co., is consideriiiK a proposition to locale its factory at some other point, and the Ypsilantians are fcarful. The corner stone of the new M E. churcli at Milan was laid Saturday, because it rained Friilay last. S. H. Moore is to build for Isaac Shaw a Imudsome residence upon bis farm 3 miles south of Saline, this fall. Wm. Smith, of North Lake, recently sold to un Ohio man 15 Shropslilre ram lanibs for $14 per head.- Dexter Leader. The stablos of Amos Miller 3} miles south of Saline burned last week by a cow kicking over a lantern. Loss $100. Insured. J. H. Pratt, of Knowlesvllle, N. Y., was in town last wek and purébased a car-load of lambs in this vicinity. - Djxter Leajler. R. W. Mills got a 8weepstakes and other premiums on his merino sheep at the recent Toledo fair. Brinj; thcm up here Bro. Mills. The M. E. church at Dexter was the happy recipiënt of 30 cundidates taken Into lult iiiembership: and 23 were baptized last Sunday. One farmer near Saline sold $1,400 worth of old wheat last week, and expect9 to have 1,000 bushels of new wheat when he tlireshes. About 30 of Benj. C. Boyce's cliildren and friends assembled t his home in Stockbridge to celébrate li is 63J birthday one day lust weck. Read the county fair posters and hangers, and then make up your mind to come to the fair aud biing something and somebody along with you. There is a rumor at South Lyon that the Grand Tra fik R. R. is negotiating tor the purch&8e of the T & A. A. from that place to Toledo. Don't believe it. C. C. Warner, who is running on the prohib. ticket for representative In the soutli district, is treating newspaper men on watermelon. l'retty wet, isn't it? Joe Goodyear say3 it was the ax and a clothesline which cut a gash in his head over an inch in lengtli, yesterday, whlle splittiujr wood. - Jlanchester Enterprise. Many Manchester-ites are attending the state fair tliis week, and many more will attend the county fair week after next if' the railroads will fuinisli an excursión train. Walter Fosdick threhed 1132 bushels of (train for C. B. Isbell, in one day of 12 tiouis. Mr. Isbell had 10tL acres of oats that ylelded 00 bushels per acre. - Saline Observer. The Kuntinel thinks that the Washtenaw Post is sticking its tingers Into tlie democratie pie too much, and reads Louis a lecture thcreon. liut Louis smiles just as sweetly as before. The Miliin Presbyterians have chosen J. L. Marble trustee for 3 years, E. A. Keynokls for 2 years, aud E. O. Leonard for 1 year. They contémplate moving tlie r c uirch to Main st. The ribbons in the department of cattle at tlie county fair will be tietl ou by Prof. Samuel Johnson, of the State Agrioultural College, f rom whom a blue ribbon will mean somethinir. E. S. Clark hal litted up liis mili at Stockbridge with roller process machinery capable of grlndillg 40 bushels an Iiour of flour or feed. It is a three-brakc mili with one of Smith's puritiers. We believe Ypsilanti should have wattu-works. We do not sec liow any one can l hink otherwise in face of the recent occurrenees. The only quesüon is hou, or by what systeni. - Commercial. Look out for a man who is advertisiiifr an infallible cure for a corn, price $1, and money refunded if the corn does not disappear. If you send him a dollar you will reoeiro by return mail the following recipe: "Cut off vour toe '" Saline's schools co.-t $3,821.14 lust year $2,SöO beinst teachers' salaries and $381.00 was pil ld for nesv seals. An indebtedik'-ís of $95 was iiH'iini'd. Korelgn pupila pald In 964 B7. Jacob Stunn and (. IS. Mason were re-elected trustees. Manchester school district commenced the school year with $829 88 on hand and closed it with $1,400.74 on hand. The tam of $334 13 taitlon wu received from forelgn papila, with total receipts of $5,754.70, and total disbur9eincnts $4,317.90. They have a fine khiss plat In front of the Saline schoolhouse, and the citizens are so cholee of ir, that they ref used to have the grass cut once a year even, at the last school meeting, U mates such a lovely landscape, and the Observer irowd facelious over It. Our sympathy and that of all ttuir many friends is extended to Mr. and Clark, of Lyndon, on account of the be reavement they have sustained in the loss of their youngest child and only girl, Mary, who died Ia9t Saturday, aged 16 months.- Chelsea Herald. Fryburg Republicans raised a pole yesterday that tops all other eflbrts in vicinity. Breezy speeches were made by Gen. Geo. Spaulding, Hon. Burton ParkT and Han y Lockwood. 'Tis said that Fryburg lias inore young reps. than any place of its size In the state.- Milun Leader. A fiie. supposed to have been set from a D. L. & N. pngiue has been burning in Jas. Duncan's woods for some days Mond.iy It run down into the Evans garden and the muck burned so fast that about $100 damage was done before it eonld be stopped. Tuesday, a number of ourcitizens went down and dug potatoes for Mr. Evans, saving about 50 bushei for hiin.- So. Lyon Picket. L. C. Drake saya he can show a sunflower stuik in his garden, with over CO blossoms. Can anyone beat it. - Saline Observer. Don't know, but we heard a gentleman telling about one in his yard with 100 blossoms on. We have got one with five ourself.- Courier. That's all right, but Edwin Gortou of this villuge has a stalk with 150 blossoms on. Next. -Chelsea Herald. Xext year, of course. A good story comes from Ann Arbor. It seems that some little boys had accidentally met and after playing a while began to inquire each others names, their father's name and what he did, etc. Finally one little boy upon receWine the usual question, said: "My name is Willie Norris; my pa don't do anytiilng - he's prosecuting attorney." He struck it pietty near right, too. - Saline Observer. The two vacant pulpits n tliis city, it is said, are soon to be íilled. That of the Conaregational church, by the Rev. W. T. Beale, of Whitehall, MÍch., who is expected to enter upon his duties the flrst of October. The pulpit of St. Luke's will be occupled by the Iiev. M. S. Woodrufl, of Big Rapids, who will open flre lunni,' the present tnonth. Both gentlemen come with good records, nnd are expected to keep up their ends with the old stand-bys of the place. - Sentinel.


Ann Arbor Courier
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