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short advortlseinenl not to exceed three une, of Lost and Fouud, Houses for Sale or Ui'iit, Wants, etc., lnserted three weeks for L5 cents. Situaüons wanted. free. HOUSE TO RENTTE é vNK-UAliP of a lnrge doublé house No. 7 JJ-ÜIaynard 8t. at low NnUl. Knquire at ""Courier oülce. __ FOR SALE. MY undlvided onc-half of a farm, three nul. s HMt of Ann Arbor, and known a the Howe and Nortli fmin. Addivss me ut 1223 üraud Ave, Kansas City, Mo. 4t MUS. ELIZA NORTIJ. XT) ANTED- Ulrls for general housework at W the Woman's Employment Bureau No. 88 East Washington st. '" T O8T.- Small blue and black checked _Ll pocket book containing bot s30-IK1I'lease return same to E. B. HALLS coal office and gel reward. il WANTED. - A worklne housekeeper, and a glrl, or womati to do gen. -t al housework. Apply at ÜSouth Kifthst.before Sept. 4th. 21 XiOUND -On S. Uulverslty Av..a baby cab JJ parasol. Owneroan huve same by payIu2 2'c for Ihls DOtloe and ciilllnK pn 8 S1IMSDN A 8ON. Annst. FOR SALE. 500 bushels of flrst (juality of seed rye. Knqulre of Mills Brothers. 21 WANTED.- Nlce boys or girls frnin 12 to 20 years old, to inakc from .VI ceots to 5 00 a day at home. No capital ; can go lo school. Address.ccEED c0 E,khart Ind SOLDIEIIS! And others, haviiit; Tensión Papen and Vouchen toexeoote wlll lind it tollieir ailvantaKe tocall onCoinrade WM. K CHILDS, in the Insurance Office in the basementoftheCourt House. Any Information rtlatlve lo rensions fn-e of chnrue. 29 FOR RENT. HOUSE No. 5 8. División st. Enqnlre of E. E. Beal. at COVBIXB onice. f OANINQ-Money to loan on Hret-class XJ Heal Estáte Mortganc at Current rates of nterest. Hatisfactory arrangements made wlth capltalists desirlng such lnvestments. very conveyanco and transaction In abstracU of titles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OU BENT.- Houses and Iota valued from $1,01)0 to tÜOUOand contalning from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres- all In the oily limit. Housese rented on roasonable terms In central loeaUUes. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqnlreof J. C. A. Sesslons, Attorney and Kval Estáte Agent, Offlce No. 5 Nortl! Main St., Ann Arbor. 51tf


Ann Arbor Courier
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