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Plcaaant rooms to rent, botli fiirnished and uiifurnisheü, at No. 18 Geddes Ave. Somethinjf That Interests all Hoiisckeepers. Wliat is it? It Is Hayley's ElectroEnamel Furni'.ure Polish. It ruakes all old, scratched, murred, worn and disfipured Furniture equal to new. If yon have not tried it get a bottle at once and beconvinced. Every bottle thoroughly warranted to give perfect satisfactiou or the money returned. Pricc, 85 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. Agents wanted everywhere. eot30 Heinzmann & Iiiiubengayer bavlng completed their elavator are now repared tu handle all kinds of grain and seeds. They niiike a specialty of Barley and Rye. Office No. i W. Washington streef. 20 Children's knee pants - all wool - only 75c. at A. L Noble's. These were a job and we have them only in limited quuntities. THE UNITAHIAN (Rev. J. T. 8undeiland, A. M., Editor) will be sent to new readers for examination, ttree months for 10 cents. Address, The Unitarian, Ann Arbor, Mich. "Most excelleftt."-7?!f. Dr. Thomae. (Chicago.) "By all odds the best rellglous monthly In the Ünlled States."- Unlvtrtaliit Record. 81 The Oft Told Story Of the peculiar medicinal merlts of IIooU's Sarsaparllla is fully conflrmed by the voluntary testlmony of thousands who have tried It. Fecullar in the combination, proportlon, and preparatlon of lts ingredlcnts, peculiar In the extremo care witli wluch it Is put up, Hood's Sarsaparilla accompllsbes cures where other preparations entlrely fail. Peculiar in the unequalled good name it lias made at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenomenal salea It has attalued, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most popular and sucecssfu! medicine before the public today for purlfylng the blood, giving strengtb, creatlng au appetite. "I Buftered trom wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my head and neck, which was very annoylng. I took one bottlo of Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and I have recelvcd so much benefit tliat I ara very grateful, and I am always glad to speak a good word for thls medicine." Mrs. J. 8. Snydbk, rottsvllle, Penn. Purifies the Blooo Henry Blggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, bad scrofulous sores all over hls body for flfteen ycars. Hood's Sarsaparilla complctcly cured hini. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfleld, N. Y, suflered eleven yoars with .1 terrible varicosa ulcer on hls leg, so bad that he had to give up business. He was eured of tlie ulcer. and also of catarrb, by Hood's Sarsaparilla SoIdbxalldrugKliti. fl;lxforJ3. Prcparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecarles, Lowoll, Haai. IOO Doses One Dollar


Ann Arbor Courier
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