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1 PAINT 'J- I ¦¦. , 1 rMay. run it to Ch.irch Sumlay E.ïht SC FatUomblC ífehadM: l.lack. M.iroou, Ver :.i.Uon Blue Yclinw, Olive Lakc Brewstcr and Waguii .- f s Ci nfthing neMMary. Drlrs l.m u., Vl Hlllt aMaUMM Une Coat and job is done. .: ' l L5 YOURBUCCY Tlp tnp for Chaira, Lam Seaii. SaOl. Flnwer % jp; . Poe, Ii..!-y Carrlagn. Curtaln Polc, li.rmt.irc. s_o UU Front Doom, Store-front, Screen Door, Boyt M? V Man te, lron Fencet, in fact vcrythlng. Jum Lo the tlulitf íor the Udivs to uac about llic huuic ; . FOR ONE DOLLARK! 2C0ÍTSH0NEST ¦ forthe s.u.ic nvmeylornearly so) youta.i pro ure - (UIT MI'S l'tlik l'IS r th it 1 wnrranlrrt to L a ¦¦¦ .,n IIOMSI. löIUt llSHl)CIIL IMIM 8 f ¦ and free iroi.i ater and benzine. Dcmin.l tl. . ., - _ n.l na Ilic-r. Merchinta Ii.huIIiiik = 5 t3 itreoiiraBcntsantauthorized I1y11s.11. MT1..V. =5 = tn.rr.nt1t lo -.-iir 5 ik'All .II. ïiOUSnr S i# S 1KK9 wllh Í (OATS. Our Sh.des are tht = E 5 " l.a:est Styles nstd in the Ent n.. beconung =a LJ so popular in the West, ;;nd up w.m il. ¦ tim ! IJÏ Iry 3ih bnwd of 1I0XKHT 1'AINT and ymi rlll ¦%;.= , W nevor rera it. Tlus to tl.c wise is suli.t.c.l jtj „ , = HOUSE PAINT 1 COIT'S FLOQR PIIHTi Paint that ncver dried bevond tlie st.iky p.-.i.t. %ü- Zw.iste a wetk. -P'j.t the j'jl. and then s.arT fl Next tht.e Cli ir H.1T i. I O' KUK PAW1 .__ ' arf popular mnd suitableshad. wanBl4 10 dn f_ ! ZZ h.rrl . a ruck u.-r nl(tlil. N. troul.le No - í "i r„ ndiüpuT ncv ctipííy KX beVonviWüH I Unl 0 l IÜMC3 ¦! II Ketvarded me lbOM wlio reail R TP KI Vtliis and tlien aol ; lliey wlll Hnd ñlÜnlj i hunarable employment that will ¦"""¦"" not take them from their bornee and fiimiUi's. The protlts are large ud tuie for everv Industrious person, ranny have made and are now mak inn si'veral hundrrd di)11nra month. It 1h easy for auy one to make 85 and upwurds per day, wlio Is wlilhiK towork. Klther sex, young or oíd ; capital ni.tnrrdi'd; start you. Everythlng ncw No special ubllity required, you, reader. 0n do It a weil as aiiy one. Wrlte to uk at ouce for full particular, whlch we nutll fn-e. Address Sllnson & Co.. Portland, Malne. KMHH Sea Wonder exlst In thonsandsor Tl rrUforms. but are surpassed by the mar UÜÜ1 veis of luventlon. Tlioe wlio are in " neeil of profltable Work 'hat can be donewhile living at home should at once send Ihelr address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Malne, and receive free, full lnlormatlon how eltlier sex, of all ages, can earn from 85 to $25 per day and upwards, wlierever they live. Von are started free. Capital not required. Sonie have made over f50 lu a single day it thlswork. All succeed. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Pour Trip por Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ifrnace. Cheboyffan, Alpena, Harrlsvtlle, Osooda, Smid lieaeh, Foit Hurou, Bt. Clair, Oakland Home, Manna City, Svery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpocial Sunday Trips durlnc July and Auk'uit. OUR ILLUSTRATEO PAMPHLETS ilum and Exouraion Ticket will b f uruished by your Ticket Afent. or addraaa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'IPa. Ag-nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. ccarlty held for the protectlon of the pollcy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK KenreseDtfi thi followlni; trtMIan cmpnnlep, of wbi.-h one. .Etna, turn alune f sc.inMi.imii Ure lO!e.-8 in Hlxty-five yere : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelphiii 3,118,713 Germmiia, N. Y 2,700,729 Gemían American, N. Y 4,066,968 Loiulnn Assurance, Loniton.. . 1.410,788 Mlchljran F. & 84., Detroit. . . 287.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 3,696,67e National, Hartford 1,774,606 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 I.nssi-si liberally adjusled and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. iititr Estáte of Jumes ('lancv. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Ata fesdlon ol the Probate C'onrt for the County o! Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, tn the city of Ann Arlior, in Tuecday, the twentydghth day of Aiif;iit in tle vi-ar one thiiiimtnd eiht linndri'd and (Igblyigkt. Present. Wil Ham I). Ilarriman, Jndite of Probate. In the matter of the estatu ol Jame Clancy, deceaeed. On readlnp and tllin itic pciltinn, (iiilv verifted, of'js 11. Clincy, praylnií Ihat a certuin lmtrnniui.t now on Ule in Uiin court pnrpnrtlne to be the lat will and teeTaruent ol taid deceard, nuty b6 udmlttrd to prubals, and that lie and lieore K. Urick may be appointcd ex.c tors Lhanof. Thereupon It ie ordered.umt Mooday. the twentyfourth day of Septt mber next, at teu o'clock in ihe a&gipncd for the hearing nf t:iid peti tion, and that the devieeex, K-gate"s, and bain at law of Htiid deceacfd and alt other peinon lnterMted in eaid estáte, aie rciiuirod to nppear at a Maplon ol said court, thon to Ik1 holden at the Probate Oftice, in the city of Ann Arhor. and show caine, It any tïiere he, why the f.rayer ol the peilt lonerphou ld not be grai.ted. And t 1b lurther ordered, that eaid petilcm r Klve notlce to the ptroD interexted m aid eKtate, Of thependenrv ..I raid petltlon. and ihe hearing thereot', by cautlng a copy of thtB orJer to be publinhed in the Ann Arbor 6'ounVr, a newpaper prlnted and clrculated In said county, three nucceeslve weeks prevlon to said day 01 hearini;. WILUAM U. HAKRIMAN. í A trne CODyO Jndire of Probate. W.M. (}. DOFT, Probate Rek'later.


Ann Arbor Courier
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