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Grover's Lament

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Air - Joe Bmoer. My name Is Grover Cleveland, I'm feellng awful sad- My prospecta for electlon, Are looking very bad ; Mj ilfty Itiiiusaud yearly Is (lrawiiiK Lu an end, And by Mie f urtl, of March next, I'll carcely have a frlend. One day I gota letter, It was frora Jobnnr Buil ; And 1 his free trade doctrine Hls letter lt ras full. Sald he to rae.'Trlend Cleveland, 1 long to be your -pnrd' In spreadlng free trade doctrine, 'Twill be a winning card. I thought the matter over. And heeded Johnny's talk : Turned out my free trade message. Hut there I made a blk, l-'or demftcratH are urowllng. And every now and theo I hear of huudreds saylng : "W'e're golng to vote for Ben." Returnlng rebel Uitga, too, Wananolher sad inlstake; And think of all my vetoes ; It raakes my old heart ache, My troubles are heart rendlng, Oh I wlsh lt could be so That I only govprnor. And llved in BĂșllalo. I glorlpd In the Mills hill. And thoaght that lt would win ; But lt would not bear lnnpeotton - It p'oved to be "too thln." And now tue only hope I have Of gettlng In againt Is that LJ L. raen and Prohiba Are both for me 'galnst Hen.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News