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The Ypsi fair is In progresa tliis week. A bout (0 Milan '-boys in blue" went to Columbus. Charles O. Cmtiss of Mil m, died Sept 7tb, aged 81. Now is the time to punt tfrawbeTrles - plant democrats in hoy. The Kickapoos kieked .ome ::i00 odl of the pockets of Milanites. The Fowlorville Ag Fair furnished a free circus for their patrons. The Christian Seienee Soctety is the latest of Saline'á ncw things. Considerable datnage has been done in the swamps near Gregor by it re. H. L. Hogan is to teach the school in district No. 6, Sylvan, this winter. W. II. Glenn, of North Lake sports a 50 ft. H. & M. pole with a 12tt streamer. Editor Smith of the Mliao Leadar, and wlfe ride uround now on a tandem tricycle. Airs. Mary Farrell, who died Sept. !)th, aged 81, had lived in l'inckney 50 years. Leonard Bros. dry honae and Whaley's eider mili are taking off the apples at Milan. The Pinckney nnd Chelees baso ball players didn't have a friendly game the othet day. Bert Wheeler, of Siline ent his knec wlth a hatcliet, wliile at work in an oolon marsh last week. The ladies of the Chelsea M. E. chuicli serve a lunch on the fair groundl du ring tlieir fair next wot'k. M. H. Ford, Grand Eapld'i democratie congressman, was bom In Saline, In the place known as tlie churuh house. A camp meeting for the benefit of tue colored Baptist church of A nu Arbor, was held at the CheWea fair grounds, commeucing last Thursday eremng. The new i ron bridge to be placed over the Saline river, was shipped from the factory of Groton, N. Y.. on the 5tü, and is expected here soon. - Salino Observer. Rev. Fr. Considine Is here this week Infttructlng the children of St. Bfary's church for tbeir flrst Holy Commission, wliicli they wlll receive Sept. 30th. - Pinckney Dispatch. Jas. Reiley, ot Oextcr township, had hls barn destroyed by fiie last Saturdiy. It contained over 500 bushels of jrrain, imp)ement9, etc. Loss, $1,000. Inmranee f 500 - Clielsea Herald. In the postoffiee robbery at Milan recently the editor of the" Leader had a raoney letter containing $1 stolen. Bro. Sinith thinks if all of the delinquents come to time he will not have to suspend. A petition is being circulated asking the township of Milan to appropriatr funds at its meeting next April for the purpose of building an ron bridge across the Saline river on J.iver street. - Milan Leader. On Wcdnesdny evcning of last week, the 5th inst, Mr. Charles W. McCorkle and Miss Mary E. Barnes were united In marriage at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Cyrus Barnes, Ü68 Lafayette Ave., Detroit.- Ypsilaiitian. The republicans are confident they will out-number the demócrata at the big ] raeetlnjr on the fair irrounds. Governor ! Luce, Capt. Allen and others. Gov. Foraker of Ohio, if he is in the state will be therc on Friday, the republican day. - Chelsea Herald. The sad news basjust been received by relatives here, of the death of Sylvia. wife of A. Isuell, which oceurred at Redlands, Cal., Sept. 3. Mr. It-bell ani] iyife were formerly resldents of Ann Arbor, I and her fathe'r was one of the first fettlers there. - Saline Observer. Last Monday morning II. S. Holmes put on sale two boxes, twelvc each, of campaigí! caps for boys, and by cvening all the Harrlson and Morton caps were sold, and not one of the Cleveland and Thurman ones had been cal led for. It looks as though all the boys are going to be ropublieaus. - Chelsea Herald. There will be a Teacher's Examination held hy the Board of Kxaiiiincrs in Union School Hall, Friday, Sept. 28, 1888. This examination is a special one for thinl grade certificates and will continue one day. Tliose with pedagog:cal upiraUous will jilease take nolice and put in a prompt appcarance. - Ypsilantian. The nnnual fair of Washtenaw Ayricultural Society well he held at Ann Arbor. Sept. 25 - 29. Efforts are being made to make this year's exhibition oue of the best In the history of the society. It will be a very convenient fair for the people of this section to attend. Go and see the exhibition of our neighbors. - Dandee Reporter. The Manchester EntrpriM is now 21 years old. Wcll does the wrirer of this remember whon that pftper was started, and how the wise old besds ahont Ihe county shook their quills anl niiulc dlre predictions over the rashness. Uut Mme way the Enter])rise has gone foi -wurd and prospiTud and made a bMdsoiue competency for its present owiui-, An exchange has discovered that an ordluary peraon is flve feet and six Inchs high, wclghs 136 iiounde, has 4,000 acquaintances, walks seven miles In II day, eurns $12 a week, has eighty ounces of bruin matter, breathes eijiht times a minute, taking in one pint of air eacli breath, is good looking, can lift 150 pounds, live lifty years, lay by a sinall fortune, can live about live minutes without air, ten days without sleep and geven days without water, and is itibject to 2,000 difTerent dlseases. Isn't that a mighty small qumitlty of air thougli for a campaljfn year ? Very many bii}-crs predict that beat In tliis m.irket will reach $1 before it will go lower, and ir may do so. Ttie frost in Korthwft wliich iet In abont the mklille ot' last, inonth was elalmed to have done Httle or jio darnage to the growing wlieat erop of that región. A different story s now bcin told. It estlmated not far from a doarter of tlie spring wheat erop is ruinetl, belag nipped tiy trost before mafurity. Above tlie line of the Northern Pacific railroad the mischtef is general, tliough not total. Some of the besl farms are yleldlng scarwly any grain, wiuie others give a moderate return in tlie threshing ma(¦liine; but, even in these case?, tlie gnality Is poon


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News