High School
Prof. Pattengill is back again after a week's absence. If no more than usual are plucked thls year trom ttie senior class the number of jjraduiiti'8 will be far ahead of any preceediii}: year. The Delta Epsilon literary societv held one of the largest meeting ever beid laat Friday evenliig. The program was an interestlng one and every oue enjoyed themselve?. Meetings are held every week to wbich all are are cordialiy invited. The annual meeting for the election of rffiVers of the Cliautaiiqiu clrcle will be held 'l'hursdny evening of thl week, at the house of Mieg Carrie Waits, No. 33 LibtTty st. All the old members are uijied to be present. And any one wlslmig to joiu ihe circle cnn send In their namcs or present themselves at the tnteting. The aiinuKi senior claw eli-ction was hc-M in Room No. 2 yestprday noon. The number f votes cn8t was 80, ehowing an unusunlly larire attendance, The folIowIiir are the olliwrs elected: President- Geo. B. Dygert. Vlce President- Allee W. Iteckwlth. Secrt-tary- Jenslca V. Penny. Elmer B. Beal. liase Ball Capt.- Arthur H. Seymour. Foot Buil Cttpt - Alexander Huil. Arthur P. Beardsdell.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News