A Cyclone's Work
Ex-Gov. (ülman of Minneaofa thuarelatesan incidcol of a cyclone tliat passed over st. Cloud, Minn., a year ago: "Some tbings occurred during thal cyckme thal swcpl acroaa my farm a year a-o last Bpring iliat have never been 'told. 1 waa In Si. Paul al Uie time and wenl up to 81 Cloud expectiug to ihi.i my bouw blo wa inio the rivcr. In ihis 1 was happily disippointed, hut Uiere were evidencee ilmi Lhe had iwept througn mv back yard, am! the nexl norning when J wenl om to look around 1 Ueard a bleat coming out of the air, and, looking up, I mw ¦ likely-looking Jomcy oalf Uanging In tbe branches of ;i large pear tree. I suinuoned ¦ hired man. and together we managed to gel the cal f down and found ili:it be was all right, wiih the excep tiou of liis forehead. Thia part ol ii" calfü licail was bloeding, and pon examiiMlfoa we found that a porloa ol ii glasa disii tbat looked Uie jottouiof bulter-dlsb had been blown iuio lir foreliead and was Bxed there o tigbtly t waa Imponible to remove a. The aal aal didn i vciii ui Buffer from the wound, ind, wahing the blood om of il" eyea, we {ave ii somc cul hay and oats, whlcli it aie avenously. üp to lhe present time tha ¦all bat cominued to grow stroug and fal ind i bas uceóme a curiosity lu the neighKjrhood, lor tbrough the bottom of thè pau di-.ii the workiuga of the calf's braio au be pluinly be Ken. The wound around heedgeaof tbe glaas has licaletl, and the ininial walk.s around like a Imll's-eye lan crn. ( inc cuiious facl n the case s that I lava never been ble to discover bcre tbe nlf caine from, bul II wns probably picked ip by tbc wind in its rush aud brougbt lowu, and hung up in the Iroe. i'es, cyIones are riy luiiny thinga, bul I il,,ni ranl any of them : monkcy around my remiscs, if you picase."
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News