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p?pRicrs CREAM AKlNg ÍOWDÉ," OST PERFECT MAjg not contaln Ammonla, Limeor Alam. Sold ODly 'PWM BAKINÜ POWDEB CO. „KW YO1.K. cniCAOO, . 8T. I.OUIB. The followinjf conumdnim is frning the rnunds jut now : ' 'What is the difference betwcen P. T. Barnum'i show nnd CleveUnd's?" (üveitup? Well 1' T .has a tip top Rood show, and Cleveland luis no show ut all. A L. Noble will acll another case of Derby Hats at $1.29. This is a Ilyer. An Eptgramniatic Statement. Ia there anythtng in this world so ylle Aa tlie pestlient presence of potent Olie T We have it, we líate lt, we all revlle The noxlous nausea, as dld Carlyle. Hut wliy bcwail what noon tmnendeü? Take P. P. P. and have lt ended. All pralse the power of ' Plerc 8 I ellet. W'isa people buy and drugijlsts sell lt. Do not fail to cali "pon and have your eyes tested free, by Prof. Phillips, scientilic opticinn, at Wm. Arnold's jewclry store th Is week. Pkars' Soap is the most elegant toilet ad Junot. Sometliinjf That Interest all Housekeepers. What is it? It is Ilpyley's Electro Eiiamel Furni'.ure Polish. It makes al old, scratched, marred, worn and disfig ured Furnlture equal to new. If you have not tried it get a bottle at once and beconvinced. Every bottle thoroughly warraiited to give perfect satisfaction o the money returned. Price, 2 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. Ágents wanted every where. eot30 The People's Journal, Dundee ayi "The abolition of the duty on wool whlch the President inentions, WOuli also probably lead to a ereat export o wonl to America and a considerable rise in the price of that commodity. The (irs effect of the adoption of tlie President' poltoy would be a great tncreaae in our trade with the United States." Startling Discorerj. Tlie dlscovery by tlie lnhabltanta of a local Ity hltherlo unvislted by the pentiltn soourge of lever and ague, that it exlsts ii thelr very midst, lsdeeideclly 8lartlln(5. Buol diacoverles are raade al every srasmi, In every part of the Union, subseoaently when lt 1 nscertalned, as it Invariable Is a sucli times, through the valuable experienc of Home one who has beeu benefilled am ciired, that Hostetter'8 Stomacb Bitters Is a thorouKhly efficaclous eradlcator of the ma larial polson, and a meaos of tortltylng th system KHlnst lt, a feellng of more ncarity and trantiüity relgna throughout the wliole nilKhborhood. Beslde the febrlle forms o malarlal diseane, dumb ague and ague cak aro romovwl hy the potent actlon of the ïilt ters, to whlch sclence alao glves lts nn.tioi as a remedy for rheumatidin, dyspepsla, con stlpation, llver complaint. debility, kldne; Irimiilcw, nii'l all dlseaAes linpalring the organa of digestión and asslmllallon. The healinx and soothing propeities of Pond's Extract have met with universal and unqualitied commendation trom all U9ing it. Ladies who have never used it will find t to their advantage to try it. If they once do so thcy will never be without it again. Send to Pond's Extract Co., 76 Fifth Avenue, Nkw York, for a copy of their pamphlet. y 3&vit$tnt (gedberT We"cry you mercy! Ere you fare forth to smile at others' favours, prithee, stay your eyes. By your leave we would prate of Organs, and e'en to be more beholden to you, of the Organs of Estey, from Brattleboro, Vt. In that if fate occasion you to the purchase of an organ, 'twere well you go no farther, but tarry at the shop of Estey. You else can no-' where buy that fair purity of tone which Estey doth com-' mand from lifeless blocks.' Revolve this with some care - and so, being again o'ertakenf we shall have further words with youlA Anon !" ËEMOVED! 6E0.LIH HAS REMOVED IIIS STOCK OF TO No. 46 S. STATE St. (Two Doors North of Formcr Location.) Where he will be pleased to meet all of his old friends and customers and as many new ones as will favor liim with a cali. In his new quarters he has increased facilities for doing susiness. GEO. L. MOORE, 46 S. State St., - Ann Arbor. "CHICAGO TRUSS." A'tw Snlral BhKXBW elieap. Ap"!nríny TVkíí 31 P r u V P (1 by Haid Rubber íS Ule bigbaat id; Light ?-- Medical Au;iean, Cool áKBifA thorltyWorn Durable BHbV d a y H n ,, nlght by an Infanta week oíd oran years. EaMy adjutted. It meeta all forms of1 Scrotal, Kerinoral. Itmuliial. mul [Jinbllii-al íernla. Ín both lnfHíHs imd Adulta. Batíafactlon guaranteeil In In all nanrn. Anv deslrable prensureobtalned. Lady's Umbilical Trusses a uniíHl inooexa. If your driiuiíist doen not keep thls Triiss, enotoee slumps and addresB, IIK .o TBCS8 o ltt Fut Raii'loph st.. Office same place. Iií.lko. IU. T. Y. KAYNE, Makaoek. 8OLI) by ANN ARKiilt DBVSOISTfi. inyCSTICCp orothr,whowsh toeimln ¦ ¦ ¦' I IWtllM this paper, or obtain ettimatei on advflrtiting space when in Chicago, will íind it on filo at tti.AdvtigAg.ncyeÍ LORD ttTHOMASl


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News