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Long-Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tliis medicine is an Alterative, and causes a radical climige in the system. The proccss, in somo casea, may not be iuite so rapid as in others ; bnt, with 1'iTsistence, the result is certaln. Read these testimoniáis : - " For two years X sitlTereil from a sovero pain In my rijjht side, and had otlier ttoubles causea by a torpld livrr and dvspepsia. After tiivin;; several medicines a fair trial without ¦ oure, I bagan to take Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I was L'ie;itly Ix-ik' t hm l hv the Krat bottle, and after taklng fiva bottlea I was, ipletely cured. - John W. Ueuson, 70 Lawrence st., Lowell, Mass. Last May a large carbunclo broke out on my arm. Thu usual remedies had no effect and I was contined ti mj bed for eight wi'eUs. Afriend iiuluced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Lela tlian thrse bottles healed Ote ore. In all myeiperienee witii medicine, I nerer saw more Wonderful Results. Another inarked offert of the use o! lliis medicine was the strcngOu-nint; "f my ilght."- Mr. Carrie Adauis, llolly Spring, Tazas. " I had a dry sraly humor for vearn, and suffered terribly; and, as my brot lier and gistel were similarly atlüeted. I presume the malady is hereaitary. winter, Dr. Tyron, (f ffemaidlda, Fla.,) recommended me to take Ayer's BanapariUa, and continue it for a v For live inonths I took it daily. I have not bad a blemish npon my body for tln last tbree inonths." - T. E. Wiley, 14i C'hamliers st., New Vork City. ' I.ast f all and winter I was troubled with a dull. heavy pain in my slde. I did not notice it much at ttrst, but it (jradually erew worae nntll it became almost unöeataWe. During the latter jiart of tliis time, disorders ol the stomach and liver Increased my tronblee. I ran tatdng Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and. afier faitlifully contínning the nse oí this medicine for some inonths, the pain disappeared and I was completely cnred."- Mra. Augusta A. Furbush, llaverhill, Mass. ¦_ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FKF.PARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer íc Co., Lowell, Mass. Trice $1 ; ii bottle, $5. 'Worth 5 a bottle. This is the Top of the Gf.min) PearlTop Lamp Chimney Allothers, similar ere imita: ion TSyThis exact Labe PtfV is-on ench Pcari ?"-'' mjHtj TopChimney ¦JH A dealer ma y sa; HUSUR9ür and think he haSSPpf olhers as good, Insist u;-on the Exact Label end Top Fas Lai i Eyr.fYWHEEE. MUI c; v BY SEO,; íH&Gü.,Piti3!;i'r:1!;Pí 1 Tour Own Ityring, at Home. They irill ilyc everythiug. They areoldeYeiytrhere. Prioe lOc.a pnekagt. Theyhavcnoequal for Strength, Ilri(?htnes, Amoimt in Pacltaei or for Fastnpss of Color, or nou-fadinp Quatitii s. They donot crockorsmut; 40colors. Foranleby J. J. GOODYEAR. Piso"s Cure for Consuiuptiou a alao tho best tdt Cough Medicine, g If you have ív Congh Without disenso of the Efl Lungs, a few doses are all M you need. But if you nefSi giert this easy means of WJl B safety, the slight Cough KJ tJ may become a serious KI 3 matter, :inil soveral botm tl es wiil bo required. CARTERS] VPlTTLE g5l HpYlls S CURE 8ick üeadarhoand roliovoaU thotronblea incident to a bilioua state of tho syfltom, such aa Dizziness Nausea, Drowsiuoss. Distrcs aftor catino, l'aii. in tho Bide, kc. WTiilo thcir most remarkable bucccss has boen Bhown in, curiug SICK neaSacho. yot Cartor's Littlo Livcr Pilla oro cqually thisannoyiiiKComplaint.whilo tbeyalso correct all dliorden j tho tho ]iv, r and rcgulato tlio buwels. Even if thcy only HEAD Achotlioywnnldboalmpstrncolcsstothoaowho Buffer fróm tliis distrcisiisg complaint; brfl f ortunatcly t lieir goodnoaa does notend hero.and thoso whooncotry tliom will find thoso llttlo pillsvaluablo ín BOmany ways that they will not bo williog todo without them. But aftor allsick hoad ACHE Is the bane of ao rnnny livos tbat hors ia whcro we ranke our great boast. Our pilla curo it whilo othersdonot. Cartrr'a Littlo LWer Pilla aro very nmall and vory cany to take. Ouo or two pilla ínko a dose. Ib. y are strictly vc;:i-Ublo and do nnt gripo or purpfi, bntby thcir gontlonction picase all whra UBothoru. Iuvial3at25couts; üvofor$l. Sola by drugists everywhrc, or Fontby mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO.S New York. SMALLPiLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE O The BUYEHS' GUIDE ia issued Maroh and Sept., each year. It is an ency. clopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or tho neces8ities of lite. Wj can olotho you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecesaary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, flsh, hunt, work, go to ehurch, or stay at home, and in various sizer styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required t do all these things COMFORTABLY. and you can raake afair estímate of the value of the BUYEHS1 GUIDE, vrhich will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERYWARD & CO. 1)1-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. III.


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