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IN the Senate on Hm 17UI the niotlon to reconsider tue voto paulng the i'lmirse Exolu¦Ion bill was rejected- ycos. SO: uays, 21; and { tho bill now gocs to the Prstldent for his ¦ prOTOL A bill was introihicej to reduce lel trr postage to one cent an ounce. Tho House bill to créate an cxecutive dopnrtmeat to beknown ¦ a tb l--i:ir: iik-iii oi Arloultut was ned . Ii tlie House rrsolutlon was offercd calling on the President for Information as to whether the of American tishermen had been vlolated by Canadian authorittes wlthln the pastyear, and If so, whothcr he had retaliatedas he bad authorlty to do. The Senate was iddresMd it longth on the IRth by Senator Sherman upon hls resolut'.oa rolatingto the rolat.ons of the United States wlthOreat Hnta.ti and Canada. He fuvored ( making Canada a part of tuis country, nnd dcnounced the Betallattoñ bill. The Deflcicncy Approprlation bill was reponed. The President submittod the corrcspontlenco ín relalion to the Chinese treaty In the House the conference rorort on the Sundry Civil Approprialion bill was dlscusscd, but no action was taken. A rksoi.ution offered by Senator Edmunds was passed In the Senate on the lflth appropriatlng 1100,000 for the relief of the suftering j caused by yellow fever in the South. Bills wero passed appropriatlng tM,0 O for a postoffleo building tn St. Paul, lilnn.: to forlelt lanels granted to the State of M cliican to ald in tho construction of a ratlroad from Marquelte to Ontonagon, and the Senate bill approiriating l5,(XM for a public bu lding at Kalamazoo, Mich The House spent the entire scss.on in discusslnst the llbrary bu-.lding appropriatlon in the Sundry Civil bill. A vote, which was tlnally taken, showed the laok oí a quorum. In the Seuato on the 20th the Africultural Departmont bill was discussed and the resolution to retain for a time the Chínese Exclusión bill was tabled ... In the House the delay ín sending to the President the Chinese bill caused a long discussion. A bill was report' ed to suspend the operation of the t.mber land Laws. ON the 21 st the bill to créate a Department of Agriculture was passed in tho Benat. . Tiie conferonce report on the Sundry Civil Approprlallon bill was presented and ; agreed to. Adjourned to the 'Jlth - In tho House the principal proceedlng was the passage of the measure to suspend the operation of tho Pre-emption, Titnber Culture and ¦ ert Land laws. At the evcning sesslon thlrtytwo private pension bllls were passed, and the II. uso adjourned to the 24th. DOMESTIC. Geohgk Q. Cansos, thcMormon apostle, surrendered in court at Salt Lakc City on the lTth, and on two indictments for unlawful cohabitution lio was sentcneed to six months in the penitentiary and to pay a fine of iXQ. Heavy rain-storms resulted on tho lRth in disastrous floods at Port Jervis, N. Y., and other points on the Delaware river. Floods iu the streanis near Scranton, Pa., on the 18th washed out the tracks of the Lackawanna road so that all trafile was suspended. Wii.liam Bonx, who gouged out his wife's eyes, was genteneed on the lSth at Long Island City, N. Y., to twenty-six ycars and eleven months imprisonment at hard labor. Jacob I. Seixas, the oldest wholesale dry-goods merchant in New York City, j having started in business in 1837, was foroed to compromise with his creditors on the 18th, who expresse! sympathy and ¦ gave him a time sottlement at fifty cents on the dollar. His liabüitics were $400,000. ' Joun SIurpht, deputy postmaster at Artesian City, Kan., was arrestod on the ! 18th for robbing the United States i press Company of $10,000. Ho confessed I the ori me and restored t8,000 of the stolen money. The New York State Labor conference, in session on tho 18th at Troy, resolved to support no candidato who did not favor ! the repeal of the industrial conspiracy i laws. I x tho Cherokee Nation on the ISth a fight took place between two Iudians, Blue Hog and Pigeon, in which both reoeived mortal I wounds and a mulatto girl was shot dead. 1 The affair grew out of a contest for tho girl. In St Louis on tho 18th Judge Barclay decidcd that under the constitution and ] acts of Congress none but negroes and Caucasians were eligiblo to citizenship in the United States. H. Hakkis, agent of tho Santa Fo road in Coloman, Tex.. ordurOd William Attley, a drunken cowboy, out of the station on the 18th, and Attley shot him dead. Neau Lancaster, Tenn., on the lSth John Smith, Jr., a railroad contractor, was seri ously shot by two men and robbed of l,000. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fel , lows in session on the 18th at Los Angeles, Cal., elected Genoral Under wood, of KenI tucky, Urand Sire. Durixo the twenty-four bours ended on the l'Jth there were 130 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and 14 doaths. Total cases to date, 1,333; total doaths, 170. A safe belonging to A. H. Mont, of North Baltimore, O., was robbed of $3,000 on tho lSth. Two freight trains collided on the 19th on the Burlington road, near Galesburg, 111., during a tog and three persons were killed. The nineteenth annual reunión of the National Association of ex-Prisoners of War was held at Indianapolis on the 19th. Thomas N. McKee, of Washington, D. C, was elected president for the ensuing year. MR3. Maütix, of Huntingburg, lnd., ¦ victed of infanticide, was on the 19th sentenced to imprisonment for lite. Tiie nineteenth annual re-union of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland began in Chicago on the 19th. The triennial congress of American physicians convened in Washington on the 19th with somo of the most prominent members of the profession in this and foreign countries in attendance. Will A. Stroxo, ex-Secretary of the State of Louisiana, charged with embezzling t3,500, escaped from the courtroom while waiting for the verdict of the jury on the 19th and had not been recaptured. At Atlanta, Madison and other towns In Georgia several earthquake shocks oocured on the 19th. An hour before the flrst shock there was a brilliant meteoric display, the stars in the western sky loaping like balls of lire from place to plaoo. An unknown man recently left a box in a railroad station at Paola, Kan. The box was accidentally smashed on the 19th and a skeleton was disclosed. No clew. Two mes were killed by the explosión of a boiler in a saw-mill at Point Mountain, W. Va., on tho 19th. Report prevailed at New Orleans on the 19th that the late United States Marshal, R. B. Pleasantt, was a defaulter to the amount of 153,000. Masked robber on the 19th entered the house of Isaac Hariger and wifo, an aged couple living near Ligonier, Pa., and robbed them of onc thousand dollars in gold which was in the house. Thb boiler of McHamilton's saw-mill ner Blair, Nob.. explodod on the 19th, killing Fireman Henry Alexamier and Knginoer Henry Morrell and injuring others. The First Presbytorian Church at Netf Brunswick, N. J., was burned on the l'Jth. J.iss. 185,000; Insurance, 3 1,000. The So.lcty of the Army of tlio Cumberland in Matton on the auth in Chicago electeil General W. B. Boeoranipreideiit and adjourned to BtM n ('hattanooga, Tenn., next irear. Adviies of the 20th say that the total salmón pack In Alaska was seven thouoand cases. The winter was setting in at Hilver Bow bailn, and inining oporations bad been suspended A f top gold doposit, flfteen feetin width, had been devoloped at Berner bay. Estimau: oo aOtb from thirteen Western Btetes, icprcsenting seventy sevcn per cent. of the erop, indicated the total production of 2,015,000.000 bushels of corn this seasnn, or 569,900,000 bushels moro than tho 187 erop. Mits. Jniis Click, aged eichty ycars, v!;o llved at Peru, Ind., was burned to death on tho 20th, her cloching catching lire froffl a pipe Bhe was smoking. A si mui: i: ol cases nf yollow fevor developcd on tho ÜOth at Peo.ilur, Ala., causing tho wildost oxcitement. Stores woro boing closed. and the pcople were fleeing from tin' town. Three cases wero ofncially reported at Jackson, Miss. Dvbiko the twenty-four hours ended on the 20tb there were 131 new ensos of yellow fever nt Jacksonville, Fla., and 15 doaths. Total cases to date, 1,404; total deaths, 185, Ir was rcporled from Trinidad, Col., on tho 20th that an organizod band of ttiieves had stolen several hundred cattle from the Tiui-Handlo ranges and sh ppod them to tit. Joo, Mo., where thev werc sold 1t was statoii on the 20th that tho circular dffering fSJD.OpO roward for the arrest of Taseott, the murderer of Amos J. Bnell, in Chicago, would be priuted in all languages and sent to all parts of the world. The Uoite i Typotheta) in session on the 20th in New York elected Andrew McNally, of Chicago, president. TnE rolling-milis at South Chicago started up on tho 20th, aftcr being shut down a. moiith, and eichtecn hundred men were at work again. A riiiniini.rniA firm on the 20th contracted to liuild flfty locomotive engines for the rallroads of the Argentino Republic. Henry F. Hardixo stole f11,000 from two banks in New York on the 20th, in broad daylight, but he was finally captured and the money recovered. In a quarrel on the 20th over the rent of a house between two farmers living near Muncie, Ind. , Jackson Hunter shot at Mr. Fleming, m ssing him, but killing his son. James Be dell, real-estate clerk for tha law ürm of Shipman, Barlow, Larocque & Choato, of Xcw York, was on the 20tt discovered to have been carrying on a system of swindling for five years, during which time he had raised Í204000on forged bonds, mortgages, etc. Owixo to the yellow fever scare La Grange, Tenn., quarantined against the world on the 20th. The American Surgical Association in session at Washington on the 20th elected Dr. D. W. Cheever, of Boston, as president. Mus. William B. Mürpht waB found dead on her tiusband's grave at Kansas City, Mo., on tho 2lst, having committed suicide. At Hawthorne, Wis., on tho night of the 21st a gang of Italian railroad laborera murdered thcir foreman, C. F. Hubbard. The cause of the trouble was not known. Chakles Stkeooe, a mili employé in Wausau, Wis., feil upon a rotary saw on the aist and was cut in two. At Crystal Falls, Mieh., Frank Morenco was fatally stabbcd in the back on the 21st, , and the murderer, a stranger, escaped. During the twenty-four hourj ended on the ilst there were 118 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and 14 deaths. Total cases to date, 1,528; total deaths, 196. Unknown men entcred a pay-car of the Lake Shore road at Buffalo on tho night of the 20th, administered ether to tho occupants, and de; amped with 840,000. Os tho F.eetwood Park track, at Philadelphia, ontheïlst, tho famouspacer Johni ston went a half m Ie in one minute and half a second, b;ating all previous records for that distance. Dobisg the sovcn days endnd on the 21st t'nere wera 236 business tailures in the United States, against 217 the previous seven days. Hf.xhy Baler, of Center, Wis., while cutting corn with a mower on the 21st feil in front of the knife, was cut on the leg, I and blod to dealh. James E. Bedkll, clerk of a New York law ürm, was arrested in that city on the 21st oharge 1 with swindling clients of the linn out of about f a00,000. TnE Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, tn annua session at Los Angolés, Cal., voted on the Jlst to hold ïts next, year's sossion at Co lumbus, O. A passed over Mammoth. Kprings, Fulton County, Ark., onthe21st doing considerable damage to crops. Sev eral people were injured. TnROUGH an operator's carelessness two Baltimoro & ühio freight trains collidei near Belleville, O., on the 21st, doing dam ago to the amount of f20,000. PERSONAL, AND POLITICAL. J. L Ct rtis, of New York City, candi dato of tho National American party for the Presideney, issued his letter of acceptance on tho lSth. He said the party wes forced into being by tho ovils of unlimitec ! ftoods of bad inmigran ts. a foreigner should not vote until twenty one years a J citizen: that none but the American flag should be knowa to our people, and tha none but Americans should fill the publio offices of the country. Rev. Dr. Travelu, founder of the kindergarten system of education in Amer ica, died at Pittsburgh, Pa., ou the lSth aged eightv years. Candidates for Congress were nom inated on the lSth as follows : Minnesota, Fourth district, S. P. Snyder (Rep.) ; Iowa, Seeond district, P. W. McManus (Rep.) indorsed by the Union Labor party Fourth, H. D. Rigne (Dem.); Missouri Tenth district, Martin L. Clardy (Dem. renominated; Fourteenth, J. P. Walker (Dem.); Wisconsin, Eighth district, E. A Alexander (Pro.) ; Kentucky, Sixth dia trict, John G. Carlisle (Dem.) renominated I Massachusetts, Fifth district, N. P. Bank (Rep.) renominated; Illinois, Fourth dis trict, J. B. Taylor (Dem.) ; South Carelina First district, Samuel Dibble (Dem.) renominated. The State convention of the United Labor party at New York City on the 19th i determined to put an electoral ticket in the field. Nominatioxs for Congress were made on tho 19th as tollows: South Carolina, Second district, Geerge D. Tillman (Dem. ! renominated. Michigan, Tenth distriot I F. W. Wheeler (Rep.) ; Eleventh, Joha Power (Dem.). Ohio, Tenth dstrict, W i E. Hay nes (Dem. ). Virginia, Fourth dis trict, J. M. Langstone (Rep.) anti-Mahone R. W. Ainold, Mahone candidatc. Arizona, j T. F. Wilson (Rep.). Iowa, First dittrioi John H. Gear (Rep.) renominated. Illinois, Fifth district, Rev. J. M. Stroop (Pro). Massachusetts, Twelfth distriet F. W. Rockwell (Rep.) renomiuated. Penu sylvania, First district. H. I. Bingham ccond. Chi '¦ n'Nc'1; Fourth, W. D ( üelley; Kilt n. .v e Homar (all KepubIcans) ; Sixtceuth, C T. Btéck (DetL). Tuk State Kx'vu'wi' (V.mraittoe oí the ünion L,ib,,i . r.i v rnet al ttle Koek, Lrk., on t 'ie V.'ih and nominatod a full lectoral ticket David ÍSm i rit. u woalthy resident and iisi ]xt:i si "f .cis y City, N. J-, diod ;i the I'.üli ..l . 1 - 1 .¦ ¦L¦. He was appointed by Preïldodt Harr Bpn, and his oommislon bore t be signatura of Daniel Webster. Mies Rachel Sni.i.wA(iioN, of Flushing, y ntr lslaiul. cqlebnated lier oue hundrod and thir.l 1. rt h. l.i v mi tho litth. Sho was n good health an l rxpects to live many ¦ears vet Tuf. Dqlawaro Republicaji State convenion niet at De .ver mul nominated Charles ï. Trcat fi r Conícre and (ioneral Henry )upont, James H. Hittaker and Joshua darvel for elector. Tuk United Labor State convention in gession in NW Vork on the 20th indorsed the noiii natlon of Warner liiller, the Rerablican candidato for (iovernor, andthen nominatcd J. II. Blakcny for Lieutenantüovernor. The following vvere named for Congressmen on tho 20th : Michigan, Fourth district, O. L. Yaplos (Dein). Wlsconïln, Sixth district. C. B Clark (Rep.). IUinoU, Ttiird district, U. ü. Davi (Pro.). Missouri, Kighth district, F. O. Medringhau Rep.); Fuuitci'iith. Moscs Whybark Rep.). Nebraska, First district, W. J. onnell (Ie .). De. tuwAKii G. Dyeb, of Burlington, Wis., fatlier üt' ex-United States District Judge Ciiarles E. Dyer, died on the 21t at ,ho ago of eigïity-two year9. He was prominent in tho earlv poUtical history of tha Territory and State of Wisconsin, and was a member of the State Legi9lature in 18575S. Pakkhürst, of Hichisran, wa nominated by tho President on the 21st to te Minister to Belgium to succeed Lambert Tree, who had been transferred to St. Petersburg. Conoessioxai. nominations were mada on the 21st as follows : Richard Crowley by Thtrty-third New York district Republicana ; F. S. Connell by First Nebraska district Republioans. The President on the 21st reeeived official information of tbe refusal of the Chinese Government to ratify the amended treaty. Wiu.iam Warren-, the veteran American actor, died at his home in Boston on the 21st, aged seventy-six years. The President on the 21st appointed Walter C. Newberry postmaster of Chicago, viceí?. Corning Judd, removed. FOREIGN. The Manitoba wlieat erop was on tho 18th est.matod at from eight millioii to ton million bushels. Advices of the lSth say that the number of deaths in Havana from yellow fever during Jul.v was 88. Durins August 111 persons died of thedisease. Fivi: CinadianJ were drowned on tho 19th by the upaettiBg of a boat near St. Aune, Can. DuuiXíi the projress of a flre on the 19th in tho store of W. H. Desporos, at Montreal, his mother and brother were burned to death. A fire on the lflth at Brisbane, Eng., destoved t.vo warehouses, causing a loss of $2,000,000. Bt a train collision on the 19th at Meppen, in Haiiover, twrive MOT uai-ryln? troops were deraile 1 and smased, and four recruits were killed and many wounded. A dispatch of the 20th from Cairo says a forcé of four thousand robels was in the vicinity of Suakim. Tho Governor had applied for additional troops. Smith, Fischel & Co , Égar-dealers in Montreal, failed on the 20th for 1100 000. Auvices state that a burricane passed over the Bahama Island Heptembor 2 and 3 destroying a score of houses at Ragged Island and wrecking all the shipping. Advices of the 21st from Malrtd, Spain, state that terrible floods were prevailing in the province of Almería. Hundreds of lives had been lost and a great number of persons financially ruined. John Jamiesox & Co. and Broodio Jamieson, oil merchante, of Montreal, Can., suspended pay ment on the "il st. Liabilities, t40,000. LATER NEWS. The total number of deaths irom yellow fover at Jacksonvüle up to noon on tha 2.'S1 was 212, and the total number of cases 1,878. The city of Memphis, Tenu., and tbe ad joininR country was panic stricken, and all who could get away wore leaving ior the North. Coxükfss was not in session on the 22d. Tiie stables of the Consolidated Street Car Company at Columbus, O., wera burned on the 23d, and thirty-flve horse perished in the dames. At twenty-slx leading clearing-houses In the Un ted States the exehange during the week ended on the 22d aggregated $l,n.r'.i7.;.". ñganpt tSfeS ;50,59:ï. the previousweek. As compared with the corre¦Donding week of 1SST the increasa amouuteil to 12 4 per cent. FotTB sailors were drowned on the 23d at Gibson's landing, Miss., by tho upsetting of a boat H. A. Fiei.d, a hardware merchant; H. B. Wi iirlit, a fruit merchanl; Honry Bagg, a book-liCi'pcr, and erbert end Fred Shepherd, sons of Herman Shepherd, a mer chant, wore drowned by the sinking of a Ruiling yaclit on the 2M near Brockville, pat E. M.ut-ii ai ,i. Bazain'e died in Madrid, Spain, on the 2!d of heart disease. He was seventy seven ycars of ave. The National Democratie Committee on the 22d issued an addreRs to the voters of the United States, in which they ask tha Demócrata to labor for the success of tha National ticket, and appeal to one and all to contribute toward the expenses of tha campa ga. Floous in the j-rovinee of Almeria, Spain, had on the 22d destroyed many villajes and hundreds of lives. DlSPATCHESOf the 2:id say that almost every v.llRge in Míssnsip had estab lished a ahot-gun quurantine against yellow fever reiagees. The National convention of the National Labor party luis been postponed until October S, at Chicago. Meyi:h G(ii.iTiiiN, a confidential clerk employed by a New York fiim, was on the 22d arrested for obtaining $30,000 from his emplo.yers by forgery and embezzlement. The brewery of Henry Elias in New York. contain ing thirty thousand barrels of beer, was destroyed by fire on the 22d. Loss, t;SO0,OO3. The house of Calvin Du Binson, at Catamount, N. B., was burned on the 22d, and his three children perished in the flamea. Tnn peroestaga of the base-ball clubs In the National League for the week ended on the KM was as follows: New York, .629; Chicago, .570; Detroit, .545; Boston, .525; Fhiladclphia. .521; Pittsburgh, .482; lndianapolis, .3üü; Washington, .3M. American Association: St Louis, .686; Brooklyn, .Kil; Philadolnhia, .612; Cincinnati, .591; Cleveland, .415; Baltimore, .401; Louisville, .Xü; Kansas City, .330. Western Association: Des Moines, .663; SU Paul, .7; Kansas City, .891; Omaha, .571; Mihvaukoe, .463; Sioux City, .300; Chicago, .873; Djvenport. .2SÍÍ.


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