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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thip powder never v:irl9. A mirvel of pnrlly, tength and wholemraeneM, More economical ban llic ordiuary kind, and ran-iot he sold in ompetlti 'i with ttu' multitud!' of ]ow test. short fi-igbtnlnm or ph pphate puwders. Sold only in lllln. liOYAI. B KINIl PoWUKK Cü , 1UB Wall St., . y. WTAPIMPLEONHIMNOW. II:mI witli Kicma. Halr all gonr -:il ovrrcrt wltll -rii:(i iih. Thoilglit h 'w liaï r ivoull nevel fTi nuil lv I iltirura Ki'lilrdieti. Halr Nplmdld and uoi a pimple un liiui. I cnnnnt say enongh in pr.ii-r "f Uu ('ltktka 't.MKniKs. M v bv, when one year ol ijwu 0 li.ul wnti ecx m-i that he lost all of bis hair. Hls oalp wu r-ipi'i-i wlth eruptior.p, which the docnrs suid was i-cald head, and thut his bair would lever grow nsuin. Despnirln of cnre from phy 1 iun, I began the ue of the Cuticvka kkhkmk. and, I am happy to say , with the most pereet shco-ps. Hls halr is now sptondld, and tbere snotHpinple on him. I reet mmnd the Cüti uuA Kkmkdies tnmotbeiR as lue mout Hn;eJy. :nn ( mica!, fii't snre tuie for all skin diaeam- of iifaniH :.nd children, nnü feel that every molher vho hae an aftlicttd child will thank me lor so Mr. M. K. WOODSUM, Norway, Me. A l'cver Sore KlKit Voar i'ured. I BMnt extend to you the thanks of one of my Mi-tomers, whn ha been cured, by ueinf? tbe cticura Rkmf.dik-, ol an oíd eore, caustd bv a ony ppell ot e.ckuefp or lever eiru ycarp p:o. [Ie wat so bad he wn.- feaiful he wonlil ba lo lave his les; amputatod, hut is huppy to i-ay e i? low eotirely well, - sound a a dollar. lleTt'qiieptis la hi mini ¦, whloh U U. H. Cason, ïner;haut of thie piar.. JOHN V. MINOR, Drogïtet, QaíaaborOtToxiri. Sevre Soalp Dlsease Curfd. A few wpcUb ngn rnywlfe toffond Tfy mach [ri nl b cutaneonP aipeape of iho oln and re :eived no relief fnm thr rartoai n mea I eio ased untü ehe tled CfTiri'RA. The disease promp'lv yielded to thi treaimeut, and in a enort ivhile fha wis eutirely well. i'here bau been no return of tb disease and Ctrnoim mnkNo.l iu our estimatioo for di1 awa ofth iktn BtV J.MtESSLEY BABRBTf, D.D., Kaleigh.N. o. From Pimplen to Scrofula i'ured. ('ctici'ka. the graat skin cure, and CUTIOUK prapwad from ir, exturually, and Cdiicik Resoltknt. the new bluod pnrifler. Internally re a poeitive cure lor tvury lorm of Bkin and blond diseapes from pimple to Scrofula. Sold every where. Prlce: Cüticuba,50c. ; BOAP, 25 c: Rksoi.vknt, il. Preparad by the 1'ottkk Dbi'ii iiiKïiCAL Co., lloeton, M.i. eBSend for "How to Cure Skin UNeanes, hl pagee, 50 lllustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. r n!O Skin and Scalp preperved a"d beautiD Aö Y O fled by CcticL''ated Soap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the daDK'-T' 01 suffocation whlle lylni; down ; to breatbe freely, sleep soundly and uudiPturbed ; to riso refresbed, head ciear, braln active and free from pain or ache ; to know that nopolsonons, pntrid matter defllea the breath and rots away the delicate roachinery of smell, taste and hearing ; to feel th t the syetem does not throngh lts veins and nrteriefl, pnek up the polpon that is su re to undennine and destrov, is indeed a bleming beyond all other hnman enjoyments. To purchae immanity from such a fate should be the object of al afflicted. lint .hope do have trled many remedies and physlciana deBpair of rellei or cure. Santord's Radical Cure meets evory phase of Catarr Irom a pimple head cold to tbe rnosi loatUeome and destructive stages. It is loi-ai and coimiliutlonal. Instant In re.ievint, permanent In cnrint?, pafe. economlcal and never failing. SAsnroiin's RiDIOll OrKi consistí ot one bottle of the Radical Ouke, one box of Catabbhal Solvent, and one Impkoved Inh alkb, all wrappec in one pacRage, with treatise and directlons, and sold by all drugïiBts forïl. Pottír Dbco and Chkmicai. Co.. Boston. NoRheumatizAboutMe I OXE IWIMTE . V 3 tutlcnra Antl-I'aln SÉX Plarr, u-lieven Kheumatlc.s la T ,„-, sudden.SliarpandNervousi'alus #f . -traiiiP and Weaknepxes. The dr TX.nd only pain-UUIng pluster Niw 1 f ?s orleinal, lnwamaneoui, inhlllblc ,l. m'irv.llniis Antidote to Pain, Inflamraa Jion and WeakneM. Utterly unllke and vast y nI"r", to all o.her piasters. At all iruüBiPtdu; flvefor1.00;or, postale free. ¦}' PoT" ,ki: 1 BC ani C..EB1CAL Co., Boaton, Mass. 1 THE OREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TBUTHS FOR THE SICK.g 1 y„r th..:..' cl.-ulhl.vl !,"" UI '"M1;11,"! HTönmïÏÏërwltli - SfithiittlrwlandallgoiH' Cleauethe vitiateilIT llfe.-iinj;; lf bo, uso (lood when you aecM I Ist'i rune BlTTBBSj ta Inipnrltios lxirst I I lit will '"re sou. ngtbrougb the sklnll II „ pimples, Blotcbes.H ¦ OperaÜTes wno are florea. Kcly onl ¦jjclosi-ly ''"i11' V'stiriirK Birrï:nf.P Qtho milis mul ; ,' llt..llti, wm fol-g Msbopa;olerk,wtiodo I II mt procure ufllcieni ______- ¦ leei[le,Mnlilllwll" gULPHUR linTKItSll Ilute. Bnedlndoors, „nicure I.lverComll I Ishoiild nse Sii.rm il .,ia,it. Dont be 'lis I HIlJirrriM. Therwlll .'.„„nigcajltwlllcuri-jl rStu.t tlieubcweakuiiil vnll_ R Ml 1 ' SILI'lll It III I I Klisll "i"",d""m"„' wH!bulldyounpnd I ItomiirerfioiiiKbcüin k(, utroufe-auül I latism, use a bottle ot , th' III It never f;iil toinrc. gotpuUB Hittkun ö" i -t iii.oni 1 "Hl makeyourbloodK KJeton, Mas-, 'eUe ft


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