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Personal. A young lady of seventeen summers, highly educated, refined, and of preposgessing appearance, desires to forra tlie acquaintance of sorae nice young man, whoin she would advise, if troubled witti dyspepsla, to use that great blood purifier, Sulpliur Bitter?. Wlien you need a good. gftfe ]:lxative, ask your druggist for a box of Ayer's Pilla, and you will flnd tbat tliey give perfect satisfaction. For indigestión, torpid Hver, and slck headache tbere is nothing superior. Leading physicians recommcud lliem. a FiTe Harvest Excurslons. Tbe Burlington Route, C, B. & Q. R. R., wlll sell on Tuesdays, Au;. 2Ist, Bept. IHh and 25th, and Oct. !)th and ÏM, IInrvest Excursión Tickets at Tlalf llates to the Farmlne Regions of tM West, Southwest and Northwest. Liinit thirty days. For circulnr givinj; detall concerní ng tickets, rates, time of train, etc., and for descriptive land folder, cali on Your Ticket Agent, or addiess P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Agent C, B. & Q. E. R., Chicago. Brace I p. You are feellng depressed, your ppetite is poor, you are bothered witli Headache, you are fidgetv, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up; Brace up, but not with simulants, sprinjí medicinen, or bitter?, which have for Iheir basls very cheup, bad whisky, and which stiinulate you for an liour, und thin leavo you Ín worsecondition than betore. What yon want is an alteíative that will putify yonr blood, start healthy action of Llver and Kidni'y, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strengtb.. Such a medicine you will find n Electric Bitters, at only 50 cents a bottle, at Eberbach A Son's ij rug store. THE UNITAKIAN (Rev. J. T. Sutldeiland, A. M., Eüitor) will be sent to new readers for examination, three montis for 10 cents. Address, The Unitariun, Aun Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent."- Rev. Br. Thomas. (Chicago.) ¦By all odds the best religlous monthly In tlie United States."- Univertalist Record. 31 La'dies I n delicate health, and all wlio sufl'er from habitual constipution, will Mnd the pleasaut Catiforala liiiuid fruit lemedy, Syriip of Fíjís, more easlly taketi añil more beneftclal in effect th;in any other remedy. It acts promptly yet jjently on the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver and Stomaob, and does not sicken or debilitate. 8ol In 50c and 11.00 bottles by Eberbach & Son. Qtt4j#dJ thou hast ta'en note how crafty is the maker of weak Organs. In that while he hath a mighty Blowing Mechanism in himself he putteth no part of it into the Organ. He rather preferreth to expend it upon thee before thou buyest. If put to his mettle to close the sale, the metal to which he turneth is brass. When thou comest to the man of Estey, thou findest the blowing power properly located in the Organ the while it tarried at Brattleboro, Vt. It is the Organ that bloweth softly in thine ear the praises of his maker, not the maker that bloweth in both ears at once, the praises of his Organ. SEALED PROPOSALS By resolutlon of the Board of Supervisors wlll recelve sealed proposals, on or befor Tueslay, Oct. 16lh, for medical attendane upon the oounty Jall, for the coming year. FRED. A. HÜWLETT, County Clerk. Ann Arbor, Oct. lOth, 1888. LADIES Ps Io Tour Own JyelnL, at Home. They wijl dye everything. They aresold everyVhere. Price pnckage. Theyhtive nocqtial for Strength, Itrigritnesa, Amount in Pack ages r for Fastnetsof Color, or non-fadinfr Qualities. They donotcrockorsmut; 40oolors. Foraaleby J. J. GOODYEAR. 5 Thisis the Top of the Gf.xuink PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. -QjJThis exact Labe! jTJÊ 8 s on Cilcn Pcarl CM mri Top Chimney. r WSE 9f A dealer may say ViSSaBWff Ijf and think he has XGy SmPu others as pood, & BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. For Sale Everywhere. Mace only by SEO. A. MACBETH &C0., Pittsburgh, Pa. O The BUYKHS' OUIDE U iasued March and Bept., each year. It ia an encyclopedia of useful informatlop for all who purchaae the luzuriea or tb necssaitiea of lila. VV j can olothe you and furnish you with all the neceaaary and unnecessary applianoea to ride, walk, dance, sloep, eat, flah, hunt, wqrk, go to church, or atay at home, and in varioua aizec. tylea and quantítiea. Juat figure oui what ia required tf do all theae thjngs COMFORTABLT. and you oan make a fair eatimate of the valua of the BUYE8B' OUIDE, which wU be aent upon receipt of 10 cent to pay poatage MONTGOMERY WARD & CÓ, 111-U4 Kionigan Avenue, Chioago. II}.


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